Just give the alliance high elves already

Yeah, 7.3, that or 7.3.5. Everyone gets what you mean by 7.3 though.

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Honestly tho, I don’t see why the faction swapping is a bad thing on itself as it is a gameplay concern, not a lore one. I do believe Nightborne make more sense as allies of the Blood Elves than of the Night Elves, and pretty much that’s it when it came to what faction join.

I don’t think VE’s would make that much more sense if they stayed horde, their major issue is not what they faction they belong lol.

But at least LFD actually had lore during the patch they were introduced and made sense. Hasty yes, but consistent and foreshadowed, so not as much as shoehorned but “sudden.”

Agree mostly; most AR should have just be customization options TBH. The only ones that should be AR are the ones that have a unique or very altered model (Zandalari, KulTiran and Vulpera) and… the ones that offer the opposite faction a model they didn’t have (Void Elf, Nightborne)

Like even if you personally agree or not, it does at least offer something new to the faction.

Sadly is not a lore reason, but a gameplay design one.

What claim of mine have you dismissed tho?

Do you want me to go over every lore based anti playable High Elf argument that doesn’t hold weight? We have been gone over it forever. So at least point to an specific lore based argument that say High Elves can’t be playable.

And that’s a perfectly reasonable opinion as it regards to the subjectivity of it all.

Both opinions that HE’s would be good or bad for the lore of the game are worthless, they are just opinions.

But arguments about why High Elves make sense to be playable given the lore, and the context other playable races afford, is something that we can actually use facts, and there has yet to be an argument about lore infeasibility that hasn’t been debunked thoroughly.


That you are able to dismiss my concerns in any way shape or form.

Are you seriously trying to pass off the argument that your side is the only one that is able to be correct? Because that’s a load.

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Because your “concerns” are only fears, not arguments.

It’s like me saying “High Elves would be good for the game!” it’s nonsense.

So I don’t know if you are purposely misrepresenting me or you really don’t get what I am saying at this point.

-No, I don’t believe there are any valid LORE reasons why High Elves shouldn’t be playable.

-That’s not the same as saying there aren’t HOLISTIC reasons why HE’s aren’t playable, regardless if I agree with them or not.

I am making a clear distinction about it, yet you are unable, or unwilling, to acknowledge it.

Reasons like model exclusivity and faction identity are NOT lore based reasons, those are DESIGN arguments that cannot be “proven” either way because it’s a matter of design choice, not fact.

But again, there are no valid LORE reasons why High Elves can’t be playable, contextual to what other races that have become playable.


That is pure opinion and one that I and many other people disagree with.

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No, it isn’t. As I stated, multiple threads have debunked any lore reasons “against” HE feasibility. It’s not a matter of “disagreement.”

Such as, You can’t say that High Elves don’t have “enough population” when Void Elves, an obviously smaller group, is playable. That’s context.

Again, feel free to point out ANT lore based reasons why HE’s can’t be playable.


As I have stated just as many multiple times debunked means something along the lines of: proven by evidence to not be factual. It does not mean “I don’t agree with you, I don’t accept the points you make, and even though this is a subjective issue, my opinion is the only right one.”

You have proven NOTHING. You just keep repeating that I’m wrong because you have decided I’m wrong. And it’s not even about a topic that it is possible to be objectively right or wrong about. I mean hell, not even history is as cut and dried as you try to pretend the story behind a video game is.

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Third time I have asked you to present an anti HE lore based argument that hasn’t been debunked. Again, these are not matters of opinion. These are indeed arguments about facts that have an objective answer based on the context of the game and other races.

So again, lore based reason why High Elves can’t be playable?


You will get them soon what do you think the KT new rig was made to beta test for lol. Gotta make sure everything is perfect before giving it to the favored child after all.

That’s just too much paranoia lol.

Define what you mean by lore based argument?

As in information based on in-universe events, or lore based as in reasons that involve the creation of said lore by the writers?

Things here would be a lot more constructive if half the posts weren’t bias this bias that.


The first one, of course; "reasons that involve the creation of said lore by the writers" are by definition, meta, not in universe facts.

But aren’t we all gluttons for punishment? Don’t we all fall trap to responding to something incredibly silly from time to time?


Then maybe blizzard should make an actual tangible effort to give the alliance something they want for once.

Raises hand… i wanted LFD… and i was willing to switch faction for it…

It’s really not look at the rigs. KT Males are already basically ogres. The only KT we can be are the hulking brutish ogres that are maybe 5% of the KT if that. Most KT we interact with are just normal humans.

Yes that 109 main

Nah, not jumping through your hoops. In game events are extremely mutable and change as they need to. Like how non-blood high elves were invented during the run of WoW when there wasn’t a separate group from the WC3 events.

Im sorry that i am more interested in persona 5 royal right now. Should i be apologising for playing other games too? In case u didnt notice, im wearing lfd heritage armor right now on the toon.