Just give the alliance high elves already

Oh dear.

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I mean then if we had gotten “Blonde Night Elf” by that logic, on the alliance… we would have had high elves and everyone would have been much happier.

Looks like that is happening though.

And I really wasn’t trying to argue there. I just legitimately think of NB as blue blood elves at least in a lore perspective. That was one of the things that bugged me with the AR spread, at a time where it looked like the whole Light and Void thing was going to be a big thing, both of the ARs that embodied those aspects went to the Alliance. We just got more of the same while all the stuff that seemed to have serious potential (as yet not really tapped) went to the Alliance.

Yeah. I was assumed void elves on horde and nightborne on alliance at first.

Void elf would mirror LFD while nightborne mirrors HMT.

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you mean the new “blonde” haircolor for night elves?

Well, he did say blonde night elves

that’s def not blonde. hehe

I don’t think I’d be too wrong if I’d say that many people on the alliance would have happily given the horde one or both “cosmically relevant” AR if they had gotten races they wanted.

Cause I don’t think I’m too wrong on saying that indeed, any cool potential on LFD and VE has been unused. So please, take that potential away if all it is is potential instead of something tangible.

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Well, if you think that is equivalent than thinking nightborbe are “blue blood elves” suuuuuuure?

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I will be having nightmares tonight now.


Now clear it up, did you want blonde night elves, or BloodHigh Elves with night elf bodies?

lol you’re welcome, i thought it was relevant.

edit: staying on topic now.

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But that’s the thing, I like -even when the messed up model- the NB more than the VE in terms of overall package, you know? I’m not saying that either option is superior, but they did achieve “enough difference” through different means (color versus silhouette)

And the thing is, NB, as flawed as they are, are just more “believable” than blue elves out of nowhere, with no aesthetic beyond an armor set.

But I think you can make the argument if a new model needs to be entirely diegetic, or it’s more important purpose is just to get a difference across.

Because it makes as much sense to say “they can’t have different models because they are the same race” when model is just a representation of an heroic average, not a representation of the whole spectrum of a race. See: skinny kul tirans.

And even so, you can add differentiation for a model based on contextual differences -stance, animations, customization options and proportions- the difference does not need to be biological to be represented by different models as pointed out with the skinny kultiran.

As I said, I do agree that Half Elves are just a… better resolution. Like that’s where the logical argument takes me. Doesn’t mean I don’t prefer High Elves to be playable tho!

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The equivalent of you seeing Nightborne as “Blue Blood Elves,” what would that be?

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For something without any major physical differences (Like, hooved feet, horns, tails, massively different build) the face is the greatest point of difference. So if you say looked at B&W images of each, it’d be much easier to distinguish blood elves from night elves if you looked at the head and face alone versus seeing their bodies with the heads covered up.

Yes. I do agree it was shoehorn our of no where. Which is why staying horde while nightborne staying in alliance would be better imo.

LFD was shoehorned in at 8.3 as well with little to no lore.

I do see your stance on the matter. However, it is my preference for each race to have wholely unique models.

LFD should be draenei customization damn it!

I agree. Lorewise, makes sense for high elf to be playable.


Haha. My mistake.

Was it 7.3? Lazy google.