Just give the alliance high elves already

It matters because i was called out on it.

I had said that void elves and night borne were mirrored and was told that it was bull as nightborne is a non recoloured night elf.

I agree with this, even if i do not like the idea. Sharing models between factions irks me as a whole.

Just give us half elves instead. We could have unique models!

i’d kinda like half elves baked in as a option for high elves or humans.


And I’ve dismissed your claims for lack of any compelling argument or evidence that I am completely out of left field on this. I know that it is not an inevitable conclusion that would HAVE to happen, but I do not have trust in the people responsible to change their actions as I have experienced them.

Statement made without evidence.

And as those are a matter of taste, I do not dismiss your preference as wrong. I just do not agree that it’s the best move for this game or its lore.


I’ve looked at both and if anything the Nightborne seem much skinnier then the kaldorei.

But even if they were identical in terms of models, they’d still be wildly different; the shaldorei incorporate arcane magic into their day to day lives on a level that only the sindorei can match, their is no sign of reverence for elune or the natural world which characterizes the kaldorei, their day to day lives seem wildly disconnected… they’re a completely different people then the night elves.

What if Alliance got Half Elf Half Human and Horde got half elf half orc?


When me find pretty elf lady…


Not again fezzy! Your half tauren half blood elf still giving me nightmares.


any pics? lol

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Unfortunately, it was a mental image. I would delete my memories of that day if i could.

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I mean I agree that the intention was they were mirrored, but it’s clear one is a lot more “different” than the other. Might be annecdotical, but in my head NB and VE are “Fancy Night Elf” and “Blue Blood Elf”, there’s just a difference of magnitude.

Honestly just a matter of personal preference. As such, I just simply believe it opens a lot of narrative opportunities. Not to mention what it does for player choice.

I mean I could say how High Elves could have different models if we lean on behavior and lifestyle and culture as the reasons for it, buuuut… Even if I want High Elves, I can’t logic myself out from believing Half Elves are overall a better choice.


Funnily enough, that’s what I feel the Nightborne are, since thematically they are so similar to the blood elves. It doesn’t really add anything to the horde story that wasn’t already there.

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To be fair about recolours, void elves had a more degree of a change in skin tone.

On the other hand, nightborne got a higher degree of changes in the model itself. Have you seen how messed up (imo) the nightborne model is?

Agreed! We all have different stance on the matter.

Your opinion is no less valid than mine.

Ah. But i disagree.

High elves are essentially the same as blood elves. Does not make sense, imo, to have a new model.

High elves, is now culturely different from blood elves as they had integrates into human society. What would make a better race to reflect this in the form of half elves?

not just your opinion on that, lots of people think blizz messed up big time on the faces; especially the males.

i really hope they fix night elves and nightborne at some point, they can do better.

edit: fix my slouch please!

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No no, if we are gonna get hybrid races, we gotta do this RIGHT.

Half Elf/Human for Alliance and Half Orc/Draenei for Horde. This would be “Hybrids between one race of the faction and one of the other”

Now, we also have the “hybrid from a race of the faction and one from an NPC one” which would me Mag’har for Horde, and… Kul’tiran for the Alliance (I know, I know, but come on, they are evidently part Drust)

So that leaves us with an alliance slot to contrast to the Zandalari, so, a race already playable on the alliance, but who has a very different offshot. What could that be?

Tall Dwarves? Small Night Elves? Who knows! Any ideas?

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How about 1/4 tauren, 1/4 vulpera, 1/4 pandaren and 1/4 worgen?

may as well throw centaur in there too just for fun.


We could aadd shetrek, hozen and quillboars in too!

While we’re on the subject.

Sethrak centaur. :horse::snake:


Only for alliance tyvm.

Ohhh, kinky…