Just give the alliance high elves already

But that’s exactly the issue, Void Elves were not good despite being “new”, because they were poorly implemented. All the innovation didn’t save them from a bad introduction; being “new and different” does not a good addition to the lore make by itself. That’s the point.

Yet the Pandaren have done almost nothing with their political clashing, unlike BE’s and HE’s who have actually met on the battlefield. It’s a great shame that Pandaren just don’t make use of the narrative possibilities.

Oh come on, everyone knew that Zandalari and Kultiran were going to be AR of the expansion, but that’s not the point.

I’m not saying that races get development when they are chosen to be AR, but that we just don’t delve into race’s specifics -unplayable or otherwise- until their are relevant to the specifics of a narrative. Zandalari and KulTirans were painted with very broad strokes before BfA, which made a deep dive into them and then made them playable.

Exactly, because I am not saying that only AR get development, I am saying that races as a whole don’t get developed until they are specifically relevant to the narrative, and as pointed out with Zandalari and KulTirans, it can take 15 years for that to happen.

They weren’t critically relevant to the story, no, specially their background. Yet we did get development about them. Dalaran is said to be their home, they become the enforcers of the Kirin Tor in MoP. It isn’t a deep dive, it doesn’t need to be, but as with any race that shows up at some point, we do get to know stuff from them.

But again, asking to be shown High Elven assimilation is like asking why we didn’t see all the KulTiran drust narrative explained before… it’s just not what the story was about. Not because something isn’t addressed doesn’t it mean it won’t be later, and as you know, sometimes we end with a lot of rectcons.

Again, not because hasn’t been delved into doesn’t meant it hasn’t happened. It’s not hard to understand as already pointed out.

Why would Blizzard bother to expand upon an NPC group that is not critically relevant to an expansion’s narrative? That they have lore relevance doesn’t mean any narrative has been “about” them. We really don’t need more to understand them so far beyond just seeing them as citizens of the cosmopolitan city of Dalaran.

Like, the fact they live on such a city already makes evident their context is different from the BE’s.

Seriously I don’t get your issue here, do you really think we should have spent more time on High Elves so far?

And? I am literally pointing out how different groups of High Elves hold different beliefs.

And how is not a different cultural context dear lord?

Okay just miss the point. Whatever. Look, Elisande, evil and all, is an ostensible neutral party, yet common knowledge that reaches her clearly makes her value Blood Elves and High Elves very differently. It’s evident they are seen as different groups to garner such disparate responses.

As if BE and HE have such different cultural contexts than even an elf that was 10k years under a dome and just got out can clearly realize it…

I mean even when you bullet point it derisevely it’s still fairly obvious that IDK living in human cities and breeding with humans is a fairly different cultural context than blood elves have. Or that another group of High elves literally doesn’t do magic anymore.

But sure, keep trying to make the point BE and HE’s cultural context are “basically the same” because you refuse to look at, you know, the actual context.

Like for real, I just can’t take your opinion as a serious or informed one if you continue to stick to the idea that the cultural context of Dalarani High Elves and Silvermoon Blood Elves is the same. That’s laughable.

I mean it’s pretty clear that the Highvale have a pretty unique culture by not practicing magic and devoting themselves to the light. Not because we don’t delve into it those facts don’t exist.

So yeah, when they decide to make HE playable, it’s the perfect opportunity to fill in that lore, obviously.

Because really, saying that because we haven’t delved on the specifics of a group so far it means there are no differences, is just ridonkulous.


They were advertised on the BfA website, you’re right, everyone knew we’d be getting them.

It is like you are actively trying to pick a fight here.

How about instead of accusing me of bull, provide me evidence that both night elf and nightborne share the same skin tone.

Night elf is light purple while nightborne is dark purple, almost blue-ish.

This I completely agree with and was going to edit in my response to tarrok. Their existence coming from AU draenor is meh.

Fair enough, I just feel like ogres are… shudders a little offputting to many. I fully support them though!

Oh really? I just figure the skintones with the teeth piercings all over the body were shattered hand. Gotcha.
Still many skintones though! But like I said I just wish they weren’t from AU draenor >.>

The cinder-ee hair? I think that the 4-5 different clans put into maghar (which was originally supposed to be just the brown orcs) trumps this imo, but ok that’s my opinion.

I do feel like we won, we didn’t get any rando races (or ***pull races as some put it), alliance literally got three. I don’t think any amount of DI dwarf fire hair can cover that.

they will share 1 skin tone in shadowlands.


Because my argument is that lore should be more relevant to what becomes a playable race than an arbitrary gameplay aesthetic distinction. Feel free to disagree with that, you are within your right. And lorewise, High Elves are already an allied race of the Alliance.

To a degree, yes. Other people have given me good arguments for it even if I don’t agree with them. As I said, I don’t agree with the notion faction’s need complete aesthetic exclusivity, but I see the argument for it.

You, on the other hand, have just not given me a good, concise reason. That you think playable high elves would negatively impact blood elven storylines has less weight than sunlight as an argument. “The sky might fall tomorrow” has as much accuracy as that statement. It’s based on an unfounded fear without any merit, it just doesn’t reflect any of the facts of blood elves story so far. “Wild Guessing” is not a valid argument.

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Everyone knows Nightborne and Night Elves have different shades of purple.

Big Difference.

See this is how discussion should be like.

I do agree with the night elves gaining more skin tones, that would mean that both races will have 1 common or extremely similar skin tone.

However, that does not change the fact that void elves and night borne mirror each other.

Iirc, blood elves are gaining a dark skin tone, which in my opinion, seems close enough to dark coloured void elf skin tone as well. Not 1 to 1 same, but quite close too.

Still doesn’t change the fact that they ARE different.

It is still a logical assumption thay both void elves and nightborne mirror each other when implementing allied race.

And you can mix and match dwarf skin tones and tattoos, mag’har they’re combined, giving the dwarves an additional category of customization allowing more combinations, oh wait, miscounted TWO additional categories of customizations as they have a piercings option too.

Outland mag’har are only shown to be one skin, which is probably just an in-game thing, since Dranosh Saurfang was orange skin despite being a Blackrock orc.

It’s possible if we got Outland mag’har we would’ve only gotten orange skins and that would’ve been dumb. However, had we gotten Outland mag’har and all the skins AU mag’har have and the Shattered Hand skin, that would’ve been much preferable. Though all the Shattered Hand we saw on Outland were fel orcs and lost to madness. Possible some could’ve still remained white though. Some clans were destroyed on Outland as well and if we’re being lore accurate it wouldn’t have made much sense to get some of their skins as well. But, with AU mag’har we get all 16 and it makes sense.

In early BfA I was arguing with my friend Gab the mag’har we’d get would be Outland mag’har, and he said it’d be AU mag’har since the allied race banner description is ambiguous. A shame he was right lol.

I’m okay with AU mag’har instead of none at all, and I can easily RP as an Outland one, even if it feels a bit strange.

I get that, but they’ve been shown in the Horde in the games since WC2, as have high elves in Alliance, and I believe the lore states they were present in the first war as well, though they weren’t in WC1.

We’d want a female version of the model as well. Ogres certainly aren’t my most wanted race but I do want them and would be very happy if we got them, and I’d certainly play a few.

Yeah, Kaz the Shriker (Laughing Skull) and Lantresor AU version (Burning Blade) have mutilations as well. Shattered Hand orcs have this milky white or light grey skin color like Kargath:

I’ve wanted Revantusk forest trolls for a while now too, there’s no reason we shouldn’t get them if we’re getting sand trolls (confirmed at BlizzCon), since they’re already in the Horde and the Farraki are not, and have a lot of reason to hate the Horde (the Farraki that is), since it was the Horde who crushed them.

I made a huge post about this earlier so I won’t bother again.

There’s 16 orc clans native to Draenor, the only skin color we didn’t get to represent one was the Shattered Hand. So I agree, but I’m an orc freak and biased.

Those fire beards are cool though, I am a bit jelly. But that signifies a cool race for Alliance to me if I’m jealous. Jinyu would be another one of those.

As for Legion allied races, everyone suffered in that regard in terms of limited customization. I feel nightborne got the worst end though, and void elves got the best (still want curly hair on Horde, we get none so far and Alliance is getting some for Humans and void elves have it :confused: )

And yet, for some people it’s lore that leads them to oppose them, and plenty of people who want them have no idea what the current lore even is and keep asking for some strange idealized version of elves that doesn’t match up with what the few high elves in the game actually are.

No. I have given you reasons just as valid as the reasons you have for wanting them. You just summarily dismiss my concerns and points out of hand and pretend you’ve made a logical statement.

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You can mix and match many mechagnome traits too, that doesn’t make them superior… The maghar are essentially 4-5 races folded into one. The horde hit the jackpot with that one in my book.
Could more options have been added? Sure, but like I said Blizzard exceeded expectations by giving 4-5 orc subraces when everyone thought it would originally be just the brown orcs.

The DI are nice, but if it were to be on par with the maghar, the alliance equivalent should have been all the dwarf clans including DI folded into one race as well, not that I have any complaints about DI dwarves since they’re also very nice.
I’ve heard many complain about the fire hair too since it clashes with many class fantasies, the maghar don’t have to deal with this since they have the choice to be whichever orc they want. I wish there was a way to toggle it off that doesn’t require being bald LOL.

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well it wouldn’t kill blizzard to add 1 normalish looking skin color to the void elves, i don’t mind if it’s a bit off.

others have made art of how this would look.

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If you didn’t look at them, play through the suramar campaign, understand any of their lore… sure I can see how you’d think they were the same.

The nightborne were never part of the alliance.

i don’t think that’d would work.
nightborne npc and player models look too different.

I do agree. However, i am against this, but not for lore reason.

Lorewise, high elf would definitely makes sense to be playable for the alliance. Gameplay wise, in my opinion, giving both factions similar models ruins faction identity.

This is the same reason i felt that nightborne should be alliance while void elves horde.

But it is what it is.

Yeah, but it’s still fairly evident that the difference between NB skin tones to NE is just wildly different than the difference between BE and VE, no?

I don’t think that saying one is pretty clearly more different than its counterpart should be a controversial statement.

How does tho matters tho? It really doesn’t, at most to point out an AR doesn’t have to be THAT different to be playable, and that with some TLC, High Elves could have ended as different from BE as NE are from BE (proportion, stance, customization)

All that would be missing is… ear shape.

Does that make it or break it as an AR?

Well those people would be wrong.

And these people would also be wrong?

So there’s people wrong about the lore? Hardly groundbreaking.

I have only dismissed your concerns on the basis of their lack of evidence.

Or are you just unable to accept when someone addresses your argument? As I said, I just don’t think you have given me a good one.

Also there is a huge difference between you and I

You are exactly correct on this, both our reasons for “wanting” or not high elves are exactly as valid. Which is zero.

That I “want” high elves has no merit as an argument, because it isn’t one. Entirely subjective. What my arguments are about is WHY High Elves make sense in lore and WHY I disagree with some of the game’s design maxims.


glad you get it, it seems so obvious to me i don’t know how some people don’t.