**Just get rid of ALL borrowed power systems!**

Never said it was.

an opinion
Honestly, I loved Legendaries in Legion. they should have made it easier to get more faster and way sooner. like the legendary vendor woulda have been realeased on 7.0. there wouldnt have been a problem. The weapon in legion? Everyone LOVED IT. we didnt like the relics though, but only cause it was consumed and destroyed

And if you didnt like Legion weapon then you were prolly the 1% of people who farmed the crap out of the dungeon in stromheim to level up said wpn into paragon which did nearly nothing to overall DPS. Game Dev shouldnt have to keep in mind the people who will spam one dungeon for 14 hours a day for 5 days so that their Raiding Numbers are on top… just an opinion ofc


He did slam the restriction on using covenant abilities outside Shadowlands. The funniest part was when he read some of the comments on the Wowhead article.

Sometimes I think the devs introduce these ridiculous ‘features’ in the game to see how many sycophants they still have onboard. Seriously.

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+1 /agree
There’s a reason why people ditched Retail for Classic.

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I agree 100%

character progression comes with raid gear and mythic + seasons
that’s all we need, it was fine for many expansions

this will free up resources for:
balancing the classes
new raids
new battlegrounds
new zones

stop focusing on fixing ingenious solutions to problems that shouldn’t exist in the first place, its a waste of time and resources.

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i disagree hard. a borrowed power system is fine when done right. also you mean artifact weapons?

I want the items to be meaningful.

im all for removing borrowed power but i cant imagine a wow without it. WoW always had borrowed power via world buffs, enchants, trinkets, tier sets, legendaries, azerite, so on. I don’t remember a time we had no borrowed power.

The problem with borrowed power seems more nuanced than just “remove everything that isn’t raw ilvl”. I guess hand-designed by humans items could restore some interest in items(instead of all stats being purely based on ilvl).

Imagine logging in and saying to yourself, ‘hmmm, no chores? Okay - in that case, what content do I feel like playing today??’

I liked having daily quest hubs, personally.

Got decent money from them, it gave me content to run, it was fun. Go to a place, pick up 5-6 easy quests, get a chunk o’ gold, and it was reasonably fun. Didn’t have to do it every day, and it was there.

Then WoD comes out and bam, no more dailies. Legion comes and “here’s dailies but it’s 1 quest here, 1 quest there and you have to go all over the map to find them.” blaaah. Questing is fun. twiddling thumbs waiting on flight paths/setting your character on autoforward, not so much fun.

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I do that now.


Good for you, really. I’m glad some players enjoy things as they currently are.

As for me, I feel obligated to do a lot of crap I don’t want to do, because it’s mandatory if I want to keep up with other players, and be effective in the content I actually lile, when/if I get around to doing it. No, that’s not the same thing as what we used to have a few expansions ago. It’s not. And from the amount of feedback I’ve read, and people I’ve spoken with, I am starting to heavily assume that more people feel the way that I do, or close to it.

What I don’t like with these systems is the fact that you can see how underpowered your character is, like the whole expansion.

You can see that you don’t have all your conduits unlocked. And you can see that you don’t have them leveled to max. And you can see that you don’t have all your soulbinds. And you can see that you can’t easily switch between any of them.

When it’s just gear (without traits), like back in cata/wotlk, it doesn’t feel bad. But now it’s like you hit max lvl but still have to grind the whole expansion to get all your talents unlocked… It just doesn’t feel good.


I want legendarys to continue to be in the game, just actually make them legendary again

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It pretty much is. The content is the same. Raids, dungeons, pvp, professions and world content. You aren’t forced to do any of it. But if you want to compete with players that do more content, you either need to outplay them or put in the same time and effort.

outplay Rextroy without 100+ corruption then I’ll agree

He shows in his own videos the games he gets outplayed and loses…

Not going to lie. Every time they come out with new information on SL. It makes me want to play it less… At this point I think I’m just going to stop looking until launch which is sad…

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Semantics. Whatever dude. I guess this is where we disagree then :stuck_out_tongue: