**Just get rid of ALL borrowed power systems!**

I wish we lived in a universe where players didn’t go absolutely insane as soon as they finished speedrunning the content. GIVE US MOAR TINGS TA DO.

It’s not gonna happen. Borrowed power systems are for their benefit, not ours. We’re stuck with them until Actiblizz finds another more efficient way to milk our time.

If they didn’t have borrowed power, everyone would complain about their hotbars getting too cluttered. If they didn’t have systems to emphasize borrowed powers, people would complain about not having anything to do.

Classic isn’t nearly the hit people expected it to be, and I imagine the biggest reason why is because it doesn’t have those systems that keep people logging in every day. Does that mean retail is fundamentally better? Absolutely not. Both have strengths and weaknesses, but the only reason why we have these things in was because players complained about having nothing to do at the endgame.

I’m starting to believe J. Allen Brack was right when he said players think they want to do things, but they really don’t.

More to the point, I don’t why you think they aren’t focusing on dungeons, lore, and raids. We’re arguably getting more raids and dungeon-focused content in recent expansions than previous ones, and with every patch, we get a whole slew of story quests to accompany it.

They can’t remove borrowed power because they haven’t spent a lot of time on content.

Fake news, we all were milked for time and played the game back in the day before these systems too. This isn’t a money thing. Stop making excuses for them by saying oh it’s just trying to get us to grind and spend money.

It is because these guys in development have no clue what they’re doing and just don’t play the game by and large. These systems all suck. The vast majority of the player base does not like these systems. The old system was fine and everyone played the game back in the day, grinded, etc. they think these systems are a good solution because they sound really cool and they are reminiscent of what they learned in freshman game design seminar. It’s not reality and it’s not what people want.

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yall realise every game has “borrowed power” tak off all yer gear and walaa theres the biggest “borrowed power” system without gear we are nothing.

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I hope to God they see this. Like get rid of it. I fell in love with the power i get from doing hard things and not some random power i get every expansion.

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Nah. Fake news is using whataboutisms to show how popular the game used to be before these systems, as if to imply that these systems are the problem, without taking into consideration that the only reason why they exist now is because of a change in demand in the market/industry.

As I stated above:

I was here when people complained in WoD and MoP about the endgames being empty and full of content lulls. I’m not saying borrowed power is the proper way to keep people playing, but expecting them to go back to how the game used to be designed 10+ years ago is laughable at best.

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All i do is my weekly +15 and H raid full clear. and first few bosses on M raiding… No healing azerite but can do 80k sustained. tanking with 55 corruption no tank trinkets in all content. Feral dungeons around 90k and 70k raiding. All with no Azerite power grind. Time to time help people gear up fresh 120s.

Gear isn’t based on an arbitrary system though.

Or learn to limit systems and make them less of a pita. :woman_shrugging:

what system right now is game breaking? if you say corruptions thats fine ig (maybe balance it with cheaper price at mother?) but dont get the essences mixed as a bad system… It is great. Legion artifacts were great!! (just wish relics were destroyed/consumed

They were more of a hard meh for me. It was only tolerable because World Questing was new. I had a massive issue with Legendaries though.

It’s mostly annoying because Blizzard feels like they have to burn the house down and rebuild it every expansion for some reason.

Find something and stick to it and expand on it. If you expand on it well enough it won’t be boring.

The hell are you gonna do about Covenant Powers once Shadowlands is done?

What they do every time, Pinky. Take the least crappy ones and bake them in to the class before they come up with a new hamster wheel for us to run on.

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I can see it. There wasnt any bad luck protection after people’s 4th lego on a toon. Also there was a vendor til like 7.2.5. if I were to go back as a dev id make a vendor starting at 7.0.

Just curious, what else besides relics did you hate about it? They really did well on them imo (as a druid and hunter player). Did they not feel well for your specs?

I mean I wore my Tier 6 set bonus until I crafted my frost gear which was bis for bear for tanking the last two bosses of Naxx in WotLK. I replaced it with 2 pc T7 and crafted gear. It continued to function perfectly fine. It didn’t vanish, get fed to a giant sword we for some reason no longer care about, or any other stupid thing. It was gear. it was still useful. I used it.

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Really wish people would not compare gear to these systems as being equal to them as borrowed power.

Gear /apples


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All borrowed power systems should go. They are rarely balanced and it doesn’t feel good to have it taken away.

Go back to simpler themes. Tier gear, ways to upgrade that gear (a la WotLK), dungeon tokens, gem slots and bring back PVP Power. Borrowed power is such an incredibly dumb idea. It’s fine once in a while, but making a habit of it doesn’t make it feel special. Borrowed power feels more like a carnival ride.

You don’t have to re-write the book on MMOs with each new iteration. Less is more.

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I agree 100000%

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You had me at

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