**Just get rid of ALL borrowed power systems!**

YEah but tier sets and other stuff like trinkets never made a toons class spec seem complete . They just added a little flavor like a buff or a proc. The Legion on borrowed powers have been pretty much half of a characters powers.

Try to have done anything at max level without the artifact weapon or anything in BfA without Azerite gear. Same will hold true with the systems in SL . Try doing anything without them past leveling to 60.

“Feels bad” is an execution/tuning thing. The concept of covenants, craftable legendaries and soulbinds are great.

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I know. Just pointing that out.

No. Feels bad is them recognizing that it being taken away feels bad.

C’mon Elf, ill rub your leaf – just gimmie a little more azurite dust!!!


It wouldn’t be a bad idea but they have no time to do this, overworked, unbalanced garbage that they can’t keep up with. the new expansions become playable and classes are way funner at last patch but hey dev team we are doing an awesome job.
i don’t know exactly when but it was stated that tier sets were removed because of balancing issues and the tiime it took well whats up with these systems?
it was also stated legion legendaries were a balancing issue to but yet here we are again with them lol.
just give me a good game at the start with a fun class and some sense of balance without well it will all be okay when you get all these systems open great job we will have everything fixed at last patch until then keep paying us.

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Source for this?

And even if that’s true - of course taking things away feels bad, but part of their job as game designers is to do things that keep the game healthy even when they aren’t necessarily what the players (think they) want. Like making Invincible a 1% drop rate certainly feels bad every time you don’t get it, but it makes the time it finally drops extremely memorable and makes those who have it feel more special than other mounts do. That’s the kind of experience designers create.

i only see truths

Classes change, gear changes, mechanics change, specs change
 While not at the same level or as frequently(?) these things still aren’t permanent. What is it that makes you hate temporary power systems so much, on a fundamental level? Not implementation, we both know Blizzard keeps failing at that. If it’s only that it’s temporary, that would apply to so many other things that aren’t “Borrowed Power”.

Their blue post on restricting covenant abilities was in no verbatim literally saying that they wanted to restrict it for lore reasons but also to lessen the impact or attachment to those abilities as they will go away next expansion and they know it feels bad.

Some like it. Some dont. Others are impartial. I know I dislike it and its a giant waste of developer time.

I’ve had an idea about that .

Put in a special talent row that has 3 or 4 slots . Have it so every time a new expansion comes out the row changes.

Talents for this row would only exist for the expansion they are from and would be replaced with each following expansion .

This would give people a new row of talents every expansion , they would be borrowed power because only good for the expansion and there would be no bloat .

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In my opinion legendaries are fine, especially if they enable builds diversity.

I could see them drop off bosses and be upgradable so you can keep them. If the bonuses from the latest content don’t appeal you.

When tier sets were a thing if you look at the bonus they offered it’s not that far from what legendaries tries to be.

But back then you had to upgrade to the next tier because of the stats. Remove the stats difference and you probably would see people running black temple in t4 because that was the bonus that they liked the most.

Oh it is simple they need create methods of generating income to make share holders happy.

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It’s a question of depth, inherently gear has limited depth of interaction. Whereas the current borrowed power systems take over for gear in larger part. Yes gear is temporary but the base system is largely the same as what was in classic. At this point we’re at gear 4.0 I think? But it’s iterative not rewrite from scratch.

Because I’m a software engineer and it’s literally offensive to me to see that much wasted development effort. It’s painful for me to watch that bad of a development process being allowed to continue when that should have been fixed by management ages ago for wasting company money.

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Nope that is changing back .

THis is a response from Ion


Ive heard a few beta testers that do the higher end content and even they acknowledge that these systems are getting way too much time on it. :confused:

Makes you wonder why they admit to mistakes they just keep repeating over and over and over.

The sunk cost fallacy is the usual reason.

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Seems to explain their actions. Reasoning and pattern of behavior to the T. :rofl:

Quests that involve a good storyline, dungeons , raids and battle grounds . Those were what content was .

All of those you mentioned in the past would of not been considered content those would be considered rewards .

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The most fun covenant abilities will become talents or baseline spells for that class, the less popular or clunkier ones will rotate out, and they will use the next expansion to devise new ones. That is how it’s always been, and it’s a much more tenable system long-term than piling on new talent rows ad infinitum.

The folks designing quests/story and instanced boss encounters are not the folks designing power progression so that’s irrelevant.

As for battlegrounds, those have separate power levers (PvP talents and the revamp of Versatility as a PvP stat) so this isn’t really relevant to them either.