Just found out

Nah, they were 5 capped.

Wanna go ahead and say how long this was in, or just keep going on being disingenuous? It was an error on release.

probably still is in. the nerf was to exp not correctly being reduced while in a raid.

So you’re just plain unaware they capped dungeons to 5 people. Gotcha.

They capped the higher-level dungeons to 5 people. Lower-level dungeons are capped at 10.


I’ll just post it, since some people won’t go to the link anyway.

The recommended group size is indicated in the first cell. The maximum number of players allowed in the instance, if different, is indicated between brackets.

Players Instance Suggested Level
5 (10) Ragefire Chasm Horde (13-18)
5 (10) Wailing Caverns (17-24)
5 (10) The Deadmines Alliance (17-26)
5 (10) Shadowfang Keep (22-30)
5 (10) Blackfathom Deeps (24-32)
5 (10) The Stockade Alliance (24-32)
5 (10) Gnomeregan (29-38)
5 (10) Razorfen Kraul (29-38)
5 (10) The Scarlet Monastery (34-45)
5 (10) Razorfen Downs (37-46)
5 (10) Uldaman (41-51)
5 (10) Zul’Farrak (42-46)
5 (10) Maraudon (46-55)
5 (10) Temple of Atal’Hakkar (50-56)
5 Blackrock Depths (52-60)
5 (10) Lower Blackrock Spire (55-60)
10 Upper Blackrock Spire (55-60)
5 Dire Maul (55-60)
5 Stratholme (58-60)
5 Scholomance (58-60)
40 Onyxia’s Lair (60+)
20 Zul’Gurub (60+)
40 Molten Core (60+)
40 Blackwing Lair (60++)
20 Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (60++)
40 Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (60+++)
40 Naxxramas (60++++)

That’s some pretty retail stuff right there. Perhaps it’s a bug created by the Sunken Temple implementation. So the door will be shut on everybody else as soon as the top 10% get all they need from it. The Blizzard Way.

Open up PTRs. This needs to end now, going forward.

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You haven’t raised a reason why not besides #nochanges which isn’t a valid reason in SoD.


launched in patch 1.12

classic was always garbage

the dungeon grind is trivial to begin with lol

You need a reason to make a change, not to leave something the same.

The dungeon grind has only been trivialized by the fact that we get 50 in 6 hours without doing dungeons, and the fact we’re extremely overpowered.

The only thing trivializing the dungeon grind is the changes they’ve made.

the dungeons are already trivial… All it means is less gear gets vendored

Dungeons are only made trivial via the changes they’ve made. See above.

no ones cares you just want to play classic but don’t because everyone is here.

Then stop posting on my thread. :wave:

Why isn’t letting people run in larger groups good enough?

The trade off is less exp and more loot competition.

There is no xp. People don’t dungeon until 50 because this whole phase is scuffed.

I’m asking why they would raise the cap. Not why wouldn’t they.

stop trying to make SOD classic again… #morechanges

I’ll do whatever the hell I want. Go play retail.

never actually played retail expect back when it came out sry man

The reason why is so more people can run n a group.

It’s not a bad way to get around tank/healer shortages actually.

You’re being contrarian.

You don’t need a dedicated healer or tank at all with 10 overpowered 50 characters in a level 45 raid that’s tuned to 5 players.

Also wasn’t the garbage dual spec change supposed to fix these shortages? :thinking: