Just dropping in to see if Blizzard came to their senses

Yeah but exactly how much time do you plan on spending in the starting zones where they can bother you?


they are not leaving anything on the table.
They know full well that the people who are willing to pay a 15 sub will pay it regardless of it being combined or not and the ones who hate the 15 sub in general wont play anyhow because they are looking for a free game.

Hahahahaha. Nice fairy tale you’ve spun.

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Then don’t play.

(Especially since there’s no basis in fact for this accusation, the same could be said for bored trolly classicers that go into retail to troll people there.)


Yeah all those people rolling around the starting zones going to really put a damper on your day?


It has nothing to do with logic or practicality. It’s all about their emotional investment in “sticking it” to Blizzard and retail players. Nothing more.

Irrationality can’t be reasoned with.


“Retail” already has a 20 level trial period (for those who can stomach it) and if classic people trolling retail was going to happen it already would have. So no, the same cannot be said. Modern retail players should not have gotten anything beyond a trial period for classic. Instead, Blizzard decided to jump the shark and outright gift them classic in its entirety.

Why? not every Current players goal is troll or ruin things for you, the same as it isn’t your goal to do the same thing in Current. Also not everyone is going to share your hate of Current and some will like being able to play both games.

Well no since they need a sub to do what you are thinking all current players will do, and you have already answered that you have no intention of touching Current even to ‘troll’, which is going to be what most people do.
People trolled in Vanilla,BC,Wrath,etc. nothing is going to change people wanting to do that.


and of course you ignore the rest ,lol. But that’s ok, you don’t want anything raining on what you think will happen, even when shown different.

:poop: In before studmufin once again tries to paint it as a troll issue and not a server population/community issue and then shifts gear to “has always happened” while ignoring millions of non players suddenly gifted the entire game :poop:

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since you didn’t read it the first time,lol

You were the one who mentioned trolling,lol. And it applies to your other irrational fear of Current players too, since they are the ONLY group you are ever concerned about despite them being by far the smallest player source. But hey, according to you only tens of thousands if that will return from non current players too,lol.

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Remember, in his eyes Classic-only players can do no wrong. It’s as bad as modern parents that think their kids are angels all the time and never do anything bad.

He’s as bad as a certain level 10 shaman that forum stalks me and harasses me non-stop, then goes on about how “good” the Classic community is. LOL

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I think there are going to be far fewer classic only players than some people realize.


I too can take posts out of context and suggest the poster was the one to bring it into the conversation lol. Fallana was the one who mentioned trolling. My post was what we in the internet universe call a “reply”, or “rebuttle” for serious minded people.

Good thing I didn’t do that and instead brought up a post that you mentioned(not brought up) trolling.

lol so I just imagined you mentioned trolling then? and that is what I was replying to?

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I agree. Since seeing the demo and hearing about the new things in classic that make it not classic anymore many in my ESO guild are not all that excited anymore.

It’s more of a wait and see what else they want to bring into the game that wasn’t there before.

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character progression is only part of the problem. the biggest is social.

you will have people joining guilds and the like, who will then up and disappear for weeks or even months, on end.

classic needs people who can have commitment and it is NOT retail players. they have absolutely zero interest in classic. and on top of that, how is it not going to encourage ninja looting (aside from loot sharing and rolling)- when those players feel a (delusional) pressure to stay relevant? look around- do you honestly think that the modern player base would not gain raid progression the first chance they get, without having to give a wit in return (put in zero effort)? of course they will. activision has made it nearly impossible, on ANY front, for classic gearing to have any relevancy.

its a double edged sword that cuts deep, no matter how you slice it.

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How do you convince those who claim the same thing happened in vanilla?