Just dropping in to see if Blizzard came to their senses

…about the combined sub.

Having the combined sub is a bad idea and everyone knows it. (Except those already paying).
In order for a combined sub to have any value,
people would have to buy the current expansion. Unless of course there are segregated areas for those just playing the previous expansion.

Having a separate account for classic only (cheaper cost) would allow people to come back and play a game they loved.
With new players, this could spark their curiosity. After they feel as if they have a handle on classic, they may decide to spend up to the current version.

As it stands now, Blizzard is missing out and leaving money on the table as players will refuse to pay $15 for a game others are getting for free when they have no intention of playing retail.


Who is we? I’ve got no problem with the sub model.


Yep 15$ sounds great! Take my money!


Yup, I’m on board.


Got to agree.
The only reason to demand a separate sub is the idea that you are somehow sticking it to the Blizzard people… and that is not what I am interested in.


I don’t get why combined sub is the issue, it sounds like your issue is really that the sub for Classic is too expensive. For a game they’ve had to put so much work into restoring, $15 sounds completely fair to me. The fact it includes the retail game is just an afterthought. I bet Bliz sees it as a safety net, if someone tries classic and doesn’t like it, they already have their foot in the door with retail.


It’s a money grab, pure and simple.

The combined sub will keep up the DAU/MAU numbers for those quarterly reports.


As usual, someone attempting to sell their positions by claiming others get Classic for free.


You can not play Classic without paying the sub. It is not free. It may be no additional charge but playing both at the same time isn’t realistic use of time either. (Logged into both and actively playing both)

It’s pretty easy to see that the inverse is true also. $15 sub gets you Classic access and the live WoW as well. So using your logic you are getting live for free. Also false.

There are plenty of things to do in live without BfA. There will likely be many people without BfA to grouo with.


problem is though they removed so much in past expansions.
Legion’s entire expansion was all based around your weapon and improving it. Not true anymore.

A huge problem I see is that they modify previous expansions when they come out with a new one. New players will NEVER experience the game as it was.


Blizzard has made it quite clear they have no intent of making old content relevant. Not sure why you’d have that expectation.

Doesn’t make the content unplayable or less than content. It just plays different.

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i’m not against combined subs. Though I think in the future if classic takes off the way i believe it will. They may split off, I can’t see how if majority of players are playing classic they would continue funding more expansions for a game that is down to a minimum of subscriptions. I think they would have to move development back over to classic in a permanent situation to give more content as time goes on and less development money towards the retail version. Just my view and we all know the old saying about opinions. LOL

It may seem odd but I look at it in the opposite direction. Maybe because my interest in the new/live version is short lived curiosity.
It feels more like I’m willing to pay for Classic sub and live WoW is just a perk (not including current content).
The glass is half empty or the glass is half full, just perspective.

All you need to do is reactivate your account and sub. You do not need to purchase the current expansion. It makes the game accessible to as many parties as possible. It just makes sense.

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God some people are entitled.


Combined sub also adds a lot more stress at launch from people simply trying classic because it’s there and already paid for. That’s not entirely bad as you might gain some players out of it. But I’m pretty sure the majority will say “ok this sucks, back to bfa.”

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And that is a big letdown…no replayability factor.

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Retail players aren’t getting Classic for free though. They still have to pay $15. They’re just already paying for it.

I think you’re overly concerned about where your money is going, but you can’t control where it goes. Heck Blizzard could use the money they generate from Classic to install new carpets and bathrooms in their headquarters.

  1. Business 101. This is a product, sold by a company to make profit.
  2. $15 a month for a leisure activity you spend hours in is a good value proposition.
  3. It’s 15 bucks lol, if you can’t manage your finances to play a video game, uh… you’re not entitled to Classic. Pay up.
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For some it’s not the $15, but the value of that $15.

For $15/month I get access to a static game…classic wow.

I play ESO for $15/month. I get 10% extra exp, unlimited craft bag, double bank space, monthly allowance of crowns and new content every 3 months (DLC’s are free with optional sub).
Or I could just buy the game and play for free with just access to the base game.

So it’s not just paying $15/month…it’s more of “what do I get for my $15/month”


How terrible of a for-profit company to even think about making profits. How dare they!

$15 now is less that it was in 2006. It’s a good deal and if you expected to pay less than $15/month then you were fooling yourself.

Honestly if you want to complain about the sub fee just stick to your private servers and shut the f up.