Just dropping in to see if Blizzard came to their senses

This will probably piss some people off, but I’d gladly pay $50/month for legitimately-Vanilla Classic WoW. I’m talking no sharding and nearly identical to that launch experience. As good and better than what Nostalrius accomplished.


Since we already had this discussion and your attempted point is absurd, I am going to sidestep your mantra-like post and share thusly: :duck:


No I am simply asking you a simple question, and lol no, it is not absurd, it is absurd to think that people leaving is something new to WoW.

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One solid 14 year old content game plus a steaming pile of :poop: =/= 2 games.

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Wrong. The sub fee has only EVER guaranteed you access to the servers. That’s all the sub is… your ticket through the front gate of the amusement park.


It is absurd as at no point in blizzard’s history did they gift an entirely different game to literally millions of players of another game, many (most perhaps?) that will find they actually hate the second game and leave in droves after having boated the individual server populations and leaving half full shells. But hey, since your opinion is that “has always happened” then here, here is another hot take:

(For those watching, I do not pick these at random. They are legit good videos. In fact Tina Dico is freaking awesome.)

Dood for once Blizz ISN’T asking for more money. Be grateful man.

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thats not what I asked though is it?

And no, people who do not like Classic are not going to waste their time with it anymore than you are going to with Current. You vastly overestimate how many people from current will try it at all, forgetting that there will be some who do like it and will play, and vastly underestimate returning players numbers in returning and overestimate out of those that most will stay.

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THIS! Oh and by the way…the chicken (BFA) went bad three days ago.


Also, it’s more like you’re getting a sub to two games, where one mandates the purchase of expansions every two years and is basically a downsie Pokemon game if you don’t – and the other is an MMO.


I have no problem with the combined sub model and don’t care if it’s a “money grab.” I want them to succeed with this, and in order to do that, it’s got to make them money. Fine by me.

You know there is a simple solution for this. Dont Play.

If 15 bucks a month is a problem for you you shouldn’t be playing anyway because you have much bigger problems than paying 15 bucks a month for old content.


No matter how many times you say it the retail folks just don’t seem to get it. That said, I’ll try once more:

The problem with a combined sub is not having to pay a sub fee, it’s all the drive-by trolling by bored retailers who have absolutely no investment in vanilla and nothing to do on live.

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Yeah but exactly how much time do you plan on spending in the starting zones where they can bother you?


they are not leaving anything on the table.
They know full well that the people who are willing to pay a 15 sub will pay it regardless of it being combined or not and the ones who hate the 15 sub in general wont play anyhow because they are looking for a free game.

Hahahahaha. Nice fairy tale you’ve spun.

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Then don’t play.

(Especially since there’s no basis in fact for this accusation, the same could be said for bored trolly classicers that go into retail to troll people there.)


Yeah all those people rolling around the starting zones going to really put a damper on your day?


It has nothing to do with logic or practicality. It’s all about their emotional investment in “sticking it” to Blizzard and retail players. Nothing more.

Irrationality can’t be reasoned with.


“Retail” already has a 20 level trial period (for those who can stomach it) and if classic people trolling retail was going to happen it already would have. So no, the same cannot be said. Modern retail players should not have gotten anything beyond a trial period for classic. Instead, Blizzard decided to jump the shark and outright gift them classic in its entirety.