Just Cancelled my preorder of SL

Many MMO’s starting up make big promises and often fall short, no game is perfect without it’s faults, i only hope your faith isn’t dumpster-ed.

The alpha looked pretty bad.

I’ve yet to see the beta, but it will be a massive insight to how that game progresses.

Even then, i’m not so sure the final product will be as promised.

New world had big promises based on PvP , but end game was complete trash.

Wait and see i suppose.

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Man, that’s no joke. Back when i was 430Ilvl, i got one shotted by some boomie with 125k health on duskwood. Dude hit like a truck.

There isn’t a better place to go.

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Oh believe me, i know it. I’ve played quite a few.

Ashes of creation is a promise that has yet to be fulfilled and i anticipate a massive fail like New World was in it’s beta.

There are very few games that can succeed in this area that also have the finances to make it happen.

I watched someone playing Ashes of Creation. That person usually makes anything seem fun.

The PVP in Ashes of Creation looks bad.

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Yeah, that’s why i’m skeptical, i saw the alpha and wasn’t impressed.

What was impressive is the ideas, but that’s more akin to me trying to paint. I can visualize how i want something to look, but odds are you’re getting stick figures haha. I’m no picaso.

A better design would be to have BG gear be the best gear for BGs.

I dislike the current direction also because raid or die isn’t a good strategy for pulling in more players. An MMORPG is firstly a sandbox.

Keep raid gear out of BGs, arenas, dungeons, etc. Raid gear should be the best you can get for raiding. BG gear should be the best for BGs. Arena gear the best for arena. Dungeon gear the best for dungeons.

Then we’ll see what content people actually prefer.


Whats a duelrena?

Yeah that would be impossible to balance. Also I think PvP gear should be best for PvP while PvE gear should be best for PvE.

Also group content will always reward the best gear cause its the hardest content. Random Bgs should never reward high raid ilvl gear. RBGs and Arenas should at a high rating.

This is what I don’t get. What would you propose? Have every covenant be 1:1, same spells, same effects, completely homogenized? Would you be happier if there just weren’t any covenants? I mean, there’s class imbalance as it is, there always will be. It’s been said before; unless you’re going for cutting edge min/max everything, why is this such a big issue?

Guarantee you that 5% overall dps or hps difference isn’t going to affect most people’s covenant choice.

We’re not talking about crossover “BIS” here. We’re talking purely in a BG you get bonuses you don’t get elsewhere.

There should be some crossover but it shouldn’t ever be BIS. There shouldn’t be a single piece of gear like some raiding trinkets that are BIS in all content. Such a thing shouldn’t be. Regardless of how easy or hard you think the content is.

It’s really about what gameplay features you come to the game for. That should be the reward/gameplay loop you’re looking for.

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LOL exactly! Man all this whining and moaning. Sheesh…

I don’t PvP, and I cant raid, but I’ve wanted exactly this for many many years (end-game solo content). The closest they came to this was the cloak thing at the end of BfA. Raiders would say if I don’t raid why do I need good gear - the answer is because I want to feel like a part of this game, and with better gear I can kill things faster. With better gear I might even try raiding!

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It bugs me. What I would like is that if I night fae is best for healing that it would be best for DPS. Or let me have a different covenant for different specs, or let me switch covenants. Also, class imbalance is compounded by covenant imbalance making it even worse.

Also, min maxing isnt just for cutting edge it is about doing the best that I can do. You dont have to do anything in this game ever, the argument about it only being needed for cutting edge is goofy.

Maybe Dreamhaven will deliver the killing blow to WoW once it gets off the ground, considering its made up of a lot of original Blizzard people.

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This depends entirely on just how big the power gap is between covenants IMO. If necrolords are 5% better for a MW than other covenants then would you really opt for that 5% even if you’re not a fan of that covenant’s theme?

Even then, as it is with azerite traits or class choices, there will be BiS for certain content. I guess I could see your point though using affliction as an example… as much as I enjoy it, it feels as if I’m playing a hollowed out class because its output is so crap.

Yeah, i would. But that isnt even my gripe. My gripe is 5% healing from necrolord and a 5% dps from night fae and nothing for DPS from necrolord.

Its kind of a garbage decision to have to make.

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Wow, imagine an MMORPG making you do content that requires working with other players… whoa…


People barely speak in PUG mythic+ groups on LIVE.


No they are catering to high in raiders like preacher he complained about the game and they Changed things the regular people they don’t lessons to us at all