man they trashed ESO a year ago, it’s only progressively getting worse with the months.
That game has had so many more downs than it’s had ups.
Eso lacks any complexity to the game, you can literally have average gear and run people over. Gear isn’t THAT important in the game. It also has pretty bad PvE in comparison to WoW.
The PvP aspect of it, is broken currently due to the desyncs in damage.
A vast majority of players that i know, even some of the top end players that were class reps quit that game within this last year. I used to play ESO competitively and left it when every spec was a “tank”, and could heal to full.
Aside from the server’s being worse than WoW, it’s crafting has more value, i will say that. It’s sales/AH mechanic is better. But combat, PVE/PVP, and the rest, is completely bad. Especially with the removal of 1 vs X , 2 vs X , 3 vs X etc.
I remember last year in november/december, when the servers were bugged and RBG’s didn’t work at all. You spent almost 2-3 days trying to get into an RBg before they fixed it, and the few who got “lucky” were stuck in the RBG without any way to start the match.
ESO has had catastrophic events like that since it’s beta (which i played), and through it’s expansions.
Keep in mind, i started playing ESO 4 years ago up until last year, i hadn’t played WoW since wotlk at that point, which was years earlier.
I came back to WoW happier with the bare minimum, given ESO was so terrible.