Just Another Void Elf Paladin Please Post

That’s the part no one knows, and like I told the other one, you can’t claim that the high elf options are not honest to god high elves until it’s expanded upon in lore.

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Again, I know this isn’t the ideal solution, but what exactly does it hurt to allow players to play their high elf paladins? Some people may run around with non-canon characters?

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Yes you can.
They are void elves. When shadowlands comes out make one. Check your name plate. They’re void elves.

I mained a void elf. I would rather they not be compromised just like you would rather play a real high elf and not a void elf that looks like one.

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For gameplay purposes sure, for lore purposes, who knows?

Are the sand fury and forest troll options just darkspear? Or are they sand fury and forest trolls?


Until you get told otherwise, lets roll on the assumption they are like alleria


How in the world is it them being compromised? Absolutely nothing is changing about them canonically. And a LARGE playerbase who play ‘void elves’ in Shadowlands will be playing high elves for theirself. Shoot, a large portion already do.


There is no lore reason now. Considering the new options for Void Elves, we could infer that these new Void Elves aren’t actually Void infused, but are simply High/Blood Elves who dabble with the Void.

I do agree with you however that it doesn’t make sense for a Void-infused being to be a Paladin. But I also understand High Elf fans who want to play their favorite class too. I blame Blizzard for this sloppy solution.

I think the best compromise for Paladin lovers would the Void Knight class skin (like I said earlier - the Paladin class, but with Shadow spells instead of Light).

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Love the name

Not at all, I’ll roll on the assumption that they are high elves because the options specifically point to that answer.

We saw the birth of the void elves we play now, they are void infused and are therefore blue skin tones, the new options presented are not.


I think the one thing we can all truly agree on is this being a sloppy solution we’ve been given.

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Give an inch, they want a mile.


okay well I think you are wrong and I think that is obvious they are not high elves at all.
Nothing we can do about that though.
No amount of arguing will get us an official answer to settle it.

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I want forsaken options for my Elven and Lightforged toons.

Forsaken Lightforged Paladin

Forsaken Blood Elf Paladin

…Forsaken Void Elf Paladin!

Yeah don’t waste your time lecturing me about light and forsaken please, heard it all before. I DON’T CARE. I want what I want. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This is still the most asinine response to this. You know very well people didn’t get what they wanted.


You’re right, there needs to be an answer, but I’m rolling with the most logical answer so far.

You can’t sit there and pretend it doesn’t make sense just because you don’t like it, we know what void elves are about, the options present are heavily hinted to be high elves, including on the blue post that revealed them, the game shows high elves in the rift and in stormwind.

Suddenly the new options are still our original void infused elves, but they can just be normal skin tones now? :face_with_monocle:


Because what people wanted was to copy & paste a Horde race and give it to the Alliance.


The high elves are explicitly represented as an Alliance faction over and over in-game?


I was a paladin, does that count?


Nope, high elf fans have wanted a separate AR with a new rig, not a carbon copy of blood elves, don’t pretend to know what people wanted when it’s blatantly obvious you’re bitter on the topic.


You count in my heart.