Just Another Void Elf Paladin Please Post

All other paladins: I stand for the light

VE paladins: I stand for the darkness.

All other paladins: :thinking:

Nope gen 2.
They’ve been there studying the void from the start.
Previously void elves were a one time thing but since in lore there are lots of them now, it makes sense that its a second generation that got to maintain their looks.

There you go.

Studying ≠ void infused.


I say it does.
Thats how they became void elves. A more refined process.

And even if I’m wrong. It still makes zero sense to make them paladins.
Thats too many degrees of separation.

They study the void. Go by the name of Void Elf. It does not make sense for them to ditch all that, but retain the name of void elf and then go dedicate themselves to the light.

You are arguing that if the void is not a part of them then they can do what they want, but they cannot do what they want and still be a void elf.

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You keep saying void elf when all the looks point to high elf.

I think you’re hung up on the idea that gameplay tags mean that they’re forced to be exactly what it says, new customization options are expanding that idea, for more than just void elves my guy.

Hopefully they’ll add sub class skins for our races so we’re not all confined to our singular races that have been expanded upon with new options in shadowlands.


You’re right.
Let me go roll an orc which is actually a jinyu

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Aww cute, you’re using a not at all comparison cause you know you’re wrong.

Guess were done here :kissing_heart:

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I’d say it’s more akin to rolling an orc and saying it’s a mag’har… oh we actually got that? That’s an easy solution. looks at Blizzard pleadingly

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you’re whole argument is saying that a void elf is not a void elf so pot kettle black mate


And is backed by customization options and in-game representation.

You’re comparing orcs to fish as hyperbole because you don’t have a valid argument :man_shrugging:


okay so lets say that they’re not void elves but high elves for argument sake.
Does that justify corrupting the lore valid options for the void elves so the high elves can play a completely non essential class?

We got customization options for our trolls to make them other troll tribes. We got customization to make our dwarves Wildhammer. I feel like the intent by Blizzard is clear.


In what way would it be corrupting when the high elf options point to high elves and not the original void infused void elves?

Because the nameplate hurts your eyes?


Apparently not clear enough.

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I wish that was a thing O_O.

It should’ve been after the Paladin Class hall campaign imo.


because if you are right (I don’t think you are) they are still void elves first and foremost. None of the classes a void elf can be go against what a high elf can be.
What justification do you have to add a class that a high elf can be but in lore a void elf could never be?

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Because we’re not playing them as void elves. :man_shrugging: It doesn’t really hurt the game to allow people to roleplay a high elf.


The justification is that they can also be high elves.

Is this really a concept that’s hard to grasp?

So if there was a skin for a nameplate that said “high elf” instead of void elf, you would be ok with it? You honest to god can’t see “void elf Paladin” and think, “oh yeah high elves”.


I’m saying ignore the high elf part. Does it make sense for a high elf sure.
But Void elf is the main core of the race and that can’t be denied, but they would still have access to the class.

Do you really think it makes sense to allow void elves to be paladins which directly contradicts the lore, for the sake a role player?


Yes. Because they’re not void elves in this case.