Just admit Pathfinder was a failed social experiment

yeah like on timeless isle the only place in MoP where seagulls and flight masters taxis can fly yet we cant because of time displacement

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Well you see, taxis and NPCs can fly because they have cloaking devices. We don’t have those, so we can’t fly until we’re loved by everyone and no longer need a cloaking device.

yeah but even if we did the mobs would have tachyon beams capable of disrupting cloak technology

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Huh? We earned it at 60. Then again in Northrend. Then in Panda. Then in the old world. Then in Draenor. Then in Legion. Battle for Boredom I won’t get.

I purchased BfA roughly 2 months before 8.2. Flying was finally on the horizon and I figured I’d better get to grinding… ugh :frowning:
So I leveled my main. Even though I was grounded, questing was kinda fun in BfA at first.

At max level I jumped straight into Pathfinder P1. World quests I discovered were again the same quests I had completed while leveling. Really? Nothing new just repeat ad nauseam. I completed Pathfinder P1 roughly 1 week before 8.2.

8.2 finally launched and I was happy again to have new content, but unhappy to discover that the grind continues. But I want to fly so… grind I did. And I came to the forums and posted my feelings about this awful thing Blizzard is doing to me.

Finally I can fly! Yay! When my achievement popped I was giddy for a little while. What do I do now? Well I flew around a bit, explored here and there… but I’ve been here… and I’ve gone there. Sigh…

Hey! I can level my alts now, and I can fly while doing it. So I hopped onto an alt and started questing. By the time I hit level 111, I was yawning uncontrollably every few minutes. No joke. It finally truly sunk in. I had repeated the same content for Pathfinder so much that I was beyond bored with it. I was burnt out on it.

Pathfinder destroys the game Blizz. It forces players to over play the content, burn out too quickly, unsub, and call your content short lived. I shudder at the thought of having had to endure 8.0 to 8.2 as long as everyone else.


sadly your yelling into a echo chamber and Blizzard only hears people praising it and of course the current development team likes it so they’ll merely pretend pathfinder is a success


I could not have said this any better. My exact feelings.


can only wonder what nonsense they have planned once BFA ends


Causal player here. 3-4 weeks after launch, I had part 1 done.

2 weeks after 8.2, I am flying.

It isn’t that hard if you, I don’t know, play the game.

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It isn’t hard…that’s not the complaint. It’s tedious.


I know this, I play a hundred times more when I can fly because when I can’t, I only do whatever I need to do to progress in pathfinder and then log off. After I finish pathfinder in BfA it really doesn’t matter though, I’ll be hanging it up until ActiBlizz losses their bad attitude and no-talent devs.

Semper Fi! :us:


Shareholders are the ones pushing it- so even if Blizz did care about making a good game, which after the abomination that is the new zones this patch I think we can all agree they don’t- it wouldn’t matter, because money>fun, and if they can get you to spend a few months on PF, that’s a few more MAUs in their pockets.

who cares if players are flying on day one or 6 months down the road? at the end of the day it shouldn’t matter to the development team. they get paid the same amount no matter how many people are playing or not so please spare us the sob story about hurt feelings because the players aren’t enjoying the content the way Blizzard wants. I mean do you think the guy making big macs in McDonalds is worried about the last person to order one only eats like half? in a word NO he doesn’t because he still gets the same paycheck and Blizzard is no different once the “product” is in the customers hands who cares how they enjoy it?


You quoted me, but missed the point completely. Did you even bother to read my post? It’s not difficulty. It’s that after completing pathfinder you’re burnt out on all the content pathfinder forces you to repeat over and over and over again.

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yes and you know what causes shareholders to lose money? that’s right unhappy customers no longer buying the product Blizzard needs to wake up and smell the coffee sooner or later enough people will leave and then the shareholders will soon follow in order to salvage what investments they can

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I’d be burnt out too if I forced it. I don’t have Pathfinder yet (working on that Mechagon rep), but if you try to do everything at once, of course you’re not going to like it. It’s like eating your entire day’s worth of food in one sitting.

I don’t mind pathfinder. I like that we start out on the ground and do all the things first. It needs to be 1 part and it needs to be available when I’m ready to level alts.

The way Draza’Lor was set up was terrible. Everything was waaaaay to far apart and had too many stairs you needed to climb. Who thought that was a good idea?

“You know what people will like? They’ll like going up and down endless stairs.”

BFA was a failed social experiment.


probably the same people that somehow decided the water strider mounts were too OP and had to be nerfed to where they can no longer walk on water you know the very thing they sold us on when they were created


So much yes.

My wife and I are pretty new to the game, played only since late May. We recently got Draenor pathfinder. At that moment, there was a celebratory feeling, but then we realized that getting Pathfinder squeezed all the juice out of that expansion. What’s left? Messing around with your mission and naval table I guess? Occasionally collecting some fur from my barn?

I know once our alts get to Draenor it will be nice for them, but for the first time experiencing an expansion, I feel like it should be more like… do 75% of the content but then you get to fly for the last 25%. The achievement feels hollow.

Also, we had to start Legion to “over-level” so we could blast through the tedium of SO MANY daily quests. So much for immersion and experiencing a story somewhat sequentially.