Just admit Pathfinder was a failed social experiment

If you want flight before X.2, I guess you need to wait for Classic TBC!

Flight will never return early again. Care for a tub of Vanilla ice cream? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Blizzard is slowly eroding all desire for players to fly by gradually increasing the amount of work and time gates in order to basically make it so tedious players will just fine we give up take flight away its not worth the hassle

its the old frog in a pot of water theory if you toss them in a boiling pot they’ll do everything in their power to escape yet if you put the same frog in a cool pot and slowly bring it to a boil the frog will swim around completely oblivious to the changes until it is too late

that’s pretty much the tactic Blizzard is doing now to get what they wanted in the begininng


I don’t think they’re eroding the desire to fly, so much as eroding the portion of the player base that isn’t willing to accept spin and blatant lies as Blizzard slows down the game to stretch already thin content. My desire to fly is as strong as ever; my desire to continue putting up with Blizzard’s poor design choices grows thinner by the day.

They aren’t really retraining us, they’re winning the war through attrition. The only question is whether the game will survive their “victory”.


yes but in the end itll be nothing but a pyrrhic victory which begs the question is it really so important for Blizzard to win this one?

what price victory if the players all leave WoW?


For those that don’t want flight,they can just do like they do with pvp or the warfronts sh*t(or whatever it is) either on the character select screen or in options,click a button.There,no flight until you turn it back on.Those who still want flight,then there,both groups have what they want,problem solved.

yeah but then it would totally shatter the illusion that Blizzard maintains claiming people DONT want to fly and force them to see the truth that their forcing players to stay on the ground is a mistake

Blizzard is counting on an all or nothing approach regarding flying and a toggle would undermine that since like WM people could choose NOT to turn flight off at their choosing

they don’t want us to have the choice because then even the people that adamantly say they agree with Blizz would turn flight on despite the claims of not wanting it either


No see, it pretty much was the vocal PVP community that came to the forums once Blizzard created this problem and started that whole ‘No more flying ever thing’… As such I think Blizzard should give them what they want and turn off flying in Warmode… Period. Full stop. If you have warmode turned on, all of your mounts are ground mounts only. This means gankers can’t simply gank and fly away… This means if you have a large group of people engaged in wpvp they’re pretty much stuck until they can get to an FP that hasn’t been slaughtered.

Then give the people in PVE mode flying after pathfinder 1 is completed.

This is a great compromise, it gives PVP’rs their no flying ever mode that they want when they’re in pvp…


I’m fine with pathfinder for the most part, but I think it would be better if it was more incremental or better rewarded those dedicated to getting it.

For example Pathfinder Part 1 could grant flying but require getting Exalted with the reps instead of revered. When part 2 comes it drops the part 1 requirements back down to revered, and be required to fly in the new zones.

you wanna see this entire issue vanish forever and all complaints with it? Blizzard could easily make it happen all they have to do is add a gold for flight a raiding/mythic dungeon route a pvp method as well as PF option

you pay gold on ONE alt and only they can fly for raiders do a certain amount of instanced based pre reqs the pvp version involves BGs arenas and even WPvP in addition to a pathfinder model as well and its one and done for entire account

its not perfect by any means but it would be 100% better than the current plan due to it having multiple choices which would appeal to all types of game styles

I can agree with this…It seem’s every game I’ve played lately has had items/mounts/entire game nerfed because of the participation trophy whiny a$$ pvp 12 year olds.Don’t get me wrong,I love pvp and used to pvp all the time.It broke up the monotony of raiding/dg’s/kill 10 wtf ever and bring me an apple pie quests lol…BUT the newer round of whiny childish pvp’ers have almost broke me from that part of the game.They will use any and everything to kill you,but as soon as you do the same,the run crying to mommy…er Dev’s and get thing’s nerfed that effect everyone in game not just their ego’s.This is no exception,as well as other things that got the bat because of them.But it does need some changes at least,I know a lot of players (including myself) that just said f’it and don’t even worry about the PF crap,because it makes no sense after we’ve earned or paid gold for flight so many times over,just to lose it because some whiny kids aren’t good enough to kill pve’ers before they take off lol.

at the end of the day it all comes down to one simple fact Blizzard will let us fly but only upon the point that flight is basically no longer viable since you’ve already done everything there is to do in the process of unlocking it

but that was their plan all along pretty much invalidate flight because you’ve already conquered and explored everything there is to see


That’s something many of us have been saying for a long time. It’s not the existence of Pathfinder, it’s how Blizzard fails to execute it in a manner that keeps players as a whole relatively happy.


Pathfinder as an idea isn’t that bad. It should be an achievement you unlock and have fun with…

The problem with 8.2 is none of these dailies are even close to being fun. They have beautiful new zones, and yet none of it feels like I’m immersed in the game. They’re just annoying side quests that only happen once a day and there’s no way to no-life unlock it…

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And stealth, camo, invisiblity, shadowmeld, etc. don’t? There are so many ways to drop aggro or skirt combat. There’s a huge difference between how active I am in WoW with flying, compared to without. Not to mention, I’m too busy running past mobs to stop and smell the roses.

At least with flight you get some beautiful scenery between Point A and Point B, and you can do a bit of out of the way exploring on the way.

Here’s me grounded: “Get away from me mob! I’m not fighting you!”

Here’s me flying: “Oh, an entire horizon that’s lit up with the setting sun over a haunted forest. The devs really outdid themselves. Awesome. I wonder what’s over there.”


You forgot being a Tank spec. You can just run past mobs that would insta-daze you off your mount otherwise.

I’m done with it, but it wasn’t fun. And it doesn’t really feel like it advanced the story. It was a chore, nothing more.


why aren’t the people opposed to flight calling on each of those to be nerfed? after all your able to skip around the content you don’t want in order pick and choose which parts to engage

flight is no more of a game mechanic that allows players freedom to choose which parts of the content they wish to deal with same as stealth and all

can you imagine the outrage that would occur on druid/rogue forums if Blizzard made all mobs able to see through stealth in order to prevent them from circumventing content in order to only engage the parts those classes choose?


ohhhh wow I finally did the one quest where you see the memories of the city cinematic. That was pretty cool not gonna lie…

Ok Blizz I’ll give ya that one lmao took forever for me to bring myself to deal with Shandris though

at this point can some people still be so naïve to think Blizzard even cares one iota about what we think?

I mean WoW is their job and not ours so why is they expect us to work for this kind of trivial QoL feature? its not like were telling Blizzard hey we want a free AOTC for all classes on day one just make it where we log in and boom the cheeve pops no were just wanting the choice to have fun be left up to us and NOT time gated behind an obviously tedious development concept they claim players burn through the content too quickly and don’t take time to enjoy it, well lets be honest here either the content is severely lacking or the players are doing it merely because they would rather fly than be stuck on the ground. after all burning through content in a matter of hours is still done by the more diehard end game raiding types. people play this game as an escape from reality break from the real world and NOT as a chore list in order to get back to being able to have fun.

this is supposed to be game designed to appeal to all kinds of players and their respective style and method of having fun yet they’d rather focus on making sure we have fun based on their narrow interpretation and that in fact is the sole reason leading to more and more players jumping ship and finding other games because other companies are offering fun without locking it behind some kind of arbitrary wall in order to make it take longer.

if Blizzard cared about the players opinions on this matter then pathfinder would only have required exploring and following a quest chain and drop the entire rep requirement part of the meta and this entire issue wouldn’t have ever occurred players would’ve been happy and more prone to enjoy the content rather than being told you MUST do this or you cant fly.


Better yet. Do away with the rep requirements part of pathfinder altogether. Hell why make people grind reps with factions that are irrelevant to anything that pertains to flying in the first place? Kind of made sense story wise with a faction like the Arokoa, what are we without the sky bird people in wod. Made no sense whatsoever with the sabercat people in Taanaan. They were not going to fly anyways lol. Same with Legion. High mtn Skyhorn war eagle tribe rep ok. But a bunch of mana addicted buffoons in suramar? And of course the all immersion breaking no lore reasons why you can use flight point npc’s that miraculously have birds that can fly everywhere, but our flying mounts forget how to lol. But of course the story telling of this game died with Arthas anyways, so would not expect the clowns(devs) running the circus to come up with any decent story reasons as to why you can fly on 95% of pixel world, and cant fly on the other parts until you get rep with irrelevant faction number whatever lol. Super Mario has better story telling, or lore than this game lol. Blizz is trying to be more like Mario with all the mushroom jumping in this game lol.