Just admit Pathfinder was a failed social experiment

And let’s not forget Master Baiter out by the Anglers.

But sure, “immersion”.


There really isn’t much of a rational defense for the kind of grinding they set up for flying. I get max level. I get revealing the entire map. I get some huge gold cost even.

But the rest of it…the minigame quests, the rep grinds, the whole several dozen lines of “spice of life” things I didn’t want to do in the first place, and, frankly the attitude that the devs seem to continue to have about how I should be enjoying myself on my own dime is nothing short of abject arrogance.


Just like Boralus Tiragarde sound. Boralis in Starcraft haha. I cant think of what to call this new area over at the harbor. I know lets just copy something from StarCraft, and change the spelling a little. They will never notice lol.

Blizzard is probably writing it down at this moment and in a few patches we will see new content added with SC names and all

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I actually don’t mind Pathfinder, I would rather unlock flying for my entire account by playing the game than shelling out thousands of gold per character to fly. At the current inflated value of gold, to keep it roughly equivalent to how it used to be when we could buy flight, we’d be talking 15-20 thousand gold per character to fly.

I don’t even mind the rep grinding, as that actually doesn’t take very long.

I do mind the timing issue. Flight should be able to be earned MUCH earlier in the expansion. We should be able to complete the requirements to fly NO LATER than the opening of the first raid of the expansion (not that I think we should have to raid to fly, just using that as a timegate). Requirements to unlock pathfinder should be pretty simple:

1 - Reach Max level on any character.
2 - Complete the main story content on any character.
3 - Fully explore the new zone(s) on any character.
4 - Main reputations to revered (most of which should be completed by finishing the story) on any character.
5 - A few other exploration related achievements, such as killing a certain number of rares, finding treasures, or the like.

The point is: pathfinder as a concept is fine. In execution, it needs some work, and the timing needs to be fixed. We should not be waiting a year after the drop to fly.


that’s just it Watcher himself said flight would come much sooner for BFA than it did for legion yet here we are actually much longer in and still most haven’t got it yet

flight should’ve been available months ago


Have a safe trip to Classic! Enjoy the PS1 era graphics and clunky talent trees! Revel in the lack of transmog, titles, playable races, toys, pets, and mounts! Still, have a safe trip!

Do us all a favor and never come back too.

every player that leaves only causes more harm than good I mean how long does Blizzard think this game or any other will survive without people playing it?


this has always been a compromise to not having flying at all. if the original team was still in charge, there would never have been any flying in the game.

There has been no bigger hamster wheel in the game than the entirety of Vanilla. I still laugh when players have complained about leveling in last 3 years.

Personally i don’t care if we have flying or not. If i have it i will use it, if I don’t i will play the game.

Taking 1-2 weeks ( if you choose to grind) in this current content release isn’t long IMO. Except for those who just log in expecting phat lewtz in their mailbox. :wink:

I just hit honored with Rustbolt today, and honored with Unshackled a few days ago… I will have flying when it comes.

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This. Its really not that bad of a grind. Mechagon is a single player blast and if u have wm off its a breeze to do those quests. Nazj even pre nerfing of the quests wasnt that bad either. Theyre new zones, its expected u will spend time there.

It was, there’s no meaning they keep us stuck in the ground just to extend the content. If they want us to “see and enjoy the map” it’s much better flying. Flying should come right after the exploration achievement. Path Finder was a bad idea since ever, and the subscriptions are saying it. But keep doing this Blizzard, I’m not sure you’ll sell too many expansions next time. At least I’ll not buy until I know how the flying system will be. If I fly right after I take the max level I’ll buy the expansion right now.


oh you mean the ones that actually put flying in BC before anyone even asked bout it


Your defence of retail is all the collectable fluff?

Been there, done that, armory proves that out.

To me, the big sell on Classic is the community aspect, which has been eroded to garbage in retail.

I’ll be poking around retail for new content on occasion but will be spending more time with the version that I enjoy better.

Don’t be so salty, m’friend.

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I kinda realized I’m only playing right now to get flying. I really should just unsub if that’s why I’m doing it.

The original team didn’t even design any aspect of vanilla to have flying. most of the terrain building, trees etc, were one dimensional textures to just look good. it took a long time for flying to be released in vanilla as i recall. lots of redesign was needed.

I also recall lots of flying requests from players before they did it.

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that was NOT vanilla the old world was redesigned to fit CATA Blizzard didn’t have to revamp old vanilla zones for flight they could’ve left it in northrend and BC they made that decision on their end and didn’t say it was too hard and players were burning through content too quickly but now we got a new team mostly made up of devs from D3

if players are burning through content too fast then that’s clearly Blizzards fault for being incapable or unwilling to crank the same quality content as their previous team was able to do

if the content is engaging without being gated or tedious players would enjoy it more but no they rely on shrinking the world and stretching out the content in order to make it appear to be more immersive and that’s why players burn through it so quickly in order to skip over the parts that they don’t like


My point was if you want a flightless WoW, Stay on Classic and never return to Live. Flight isn’t going anywhere.

And all the playable races that have been added since TBC aren’t fluff.

How big a tub of Ice Cream should I get you when your hopes of Classic bringing back that community are shattered? And what flavor? I know chocolate is the cliche go to but it’s not the on flavor on the market.

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That is so very true. My played time this expac is at an all time low. I try to do the emissary quests every day on my two (normally by this point, 25) max level toons for the gold. That’s it. I won’t have flying. I don’t care about the new zone at all. I wonder how much longer the game is going to last in its current state. And I don’t believe Classic will be the big savior everyone thinks it will. It’ll be a novelty. When people either realize or remember how much classic sucked, even that will be done.


If it was just part one and wasn’t time gated, I’d agree. The execution of it is terrible.


That would be fair.