Just admit Pathfinder was a failed social experiment

well going from 12 million to less than 5 in only 2 expansions due to countless poor design plans by the current WoW development team id hardly call that healthy growth


I’ll just say what I did in another thread on here right now about Pathfinder.
I have a guild started in Classic, BfA Pathfinder killed what was left of my members. Everyone was so burnt out doing the reps over the last 3 expansions they’ve all quit. I’m the only one left (and I have 70+ daggone exalted reputations, it’s not like I’ve never grinded for rep in WoW, it’s that I have already put in a great deal of past gold to fly, why the heck do I have to keep jumping through artificial “time played” hoops to fly now? Whomever the heck though Pathfinder was a good idea is nuts!

Look, I don’t mind the exploration, I don’t mind the Loremaster. I DO mind have to do mindless WQ’s over and over and over until I’m almost out of my mind with WQ rep “flying fatigue” to the point I’m almost done myself and I’ve only just STARTED BfA.

I’m hanging on by a thread at this point and what I’m reading about PF pt. 2 in BfA? I don’t think I can do it any longer.

I’m Pathfinder’d out.


Somewhat parallel to the discussion: I keep seeing people say that during TBC, even after they’d hit 70, they had to save up for months or weeks to get flying.

….How? What were you doing with your gold? I was the first one in the little RP guild I was in on Scarlet Crusade to hit 70, and I immediately went and trained flying and bought a mount. I’d just spent ten levels vendoring innumerable “of the whale” greens…

A bit later that character’s cousin (my “main” alt) hit 70- I asked a friend to come help me with a few group quests in Netherstorm to round out the last few bubs of 69, and she too went directly to the flying guy and grabbed it. And that one was an engineer, the Original Gold Sink. No idea what these people were frittering their money away on. :sweat_smile:

As far as gold inflation driving the price into the tens or hundreds of thousands: why? It’s not like they’ll run out of “can fly now”. It doesn’t take mats to fly. There’s no reason an infinite resource should be beholden to inflation. Let us explore/loremaster the new zones and fork over 2k and be done with it.

i hear you guy im well into almost 90 reps my self sad thing is though the game is being run by a group that cares more about what the shareholders say than the players not realizing that without players the shareholders would lose money and thus the overall game would suffer

Blizzard needs to get their priorities straight without US continuing to pay subs the shareholders would start seeing their money also be affected and demand action its a domino effect that will only end badly for Blizzard if they don’t wake up to this fact without customers no business will survive


No company in the world can create “enough content” to keep the average player occupied. It cannot be done. It has never been done.

For you to fantasize that this is possible, and then criticize Blizzard for not doing it, is pure silliness. Why not blame the moon for not being brighter? It makes just as much sense.

It’s not just MMOs. I read a new novel in 5 hours over 3 days. It takes an author a whole year to write one. I watch a new movie in 2 hours. It takes hundreds of people 7 or 8 months to create one.

MMOs are much better, in terms of content.

Despite all these posts and people stating why Pathfinder is bad, nothing will change. It shouldn’t take 10+ months to earn flying. It simply isn’t fun and they don’t get this.


So, they are going to take the data from research that cost the company a lot of money to purposely ignore it, in order to make the company fail? Methinks not.

It won’t be the first time a company ate itself to pieces in the name of Profit.

And besides, even if WoW dies, they’ve still got other IPs they can milk for money. And with good spin doctoring they can lay the blame for the death of wow on all sorts of factors and comes across as innocent.

It’s not uncommon for companies to milk a product until it dies. It happens with movies, tv series, you name it.


Or really? You actually believe that for profit companies, at the top of their industry willfully kill their products, or services? This is pure fantasy , or hatred on your part. I grew up in a business, and know that no company will ever do this. Name the companies that willfully destroy their businesses.

The purpose of any business is to maximize its profit, period.

If that means to consume and destroy one of their products, with plans to move the employees over to other products, that’s a perfectly valid tactic.

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does the name Enron or perhaps Bernie Madoff ring a bell? in both cases they each purposely ran their own respective companies into the ground and virtually devalued their own stocks nearly overnight costing investors BILLIONS to this day 95% of the money has never been recovered


So, now it all comes out with this statement of yours, and that is you’re really a all business is bad type of mindset. Please list the numbers of companies that have followed since, or even ever used the tactics that were used by Bernie Madoff. Also, I don’t think that he, and his cohorts ever thought that everything would’ve come crashing down as big as it did.

It’s absolutely mind boggling to see so many business is evil types post this drivel whenever there’s something done to this game that the extremely small minority of players that post on these forums don’t want.

yes and when the customers are happy it’ll lead to more profits but here lately the WoW development team is making tons of bad decisions ignoring all constructive criticism and keeps repeating the same bad content design ideas that drove away players in older expansions but if people say anything oh your just being lazy and entitled wanting everything for no effort at all

no we just don’t want to see WoW become the next second rate FTP MMO or outright shut down like so many games that came before

I didn’t know expecting Blizzard to hold itself to a higher standard made us entitled more like getting a better quality of a product we are paying for

I guess if we go to McDonalds and we order a big mac and it comes back half cooked and the toppings are moldy or cold we are supposed to just smile and eat it and pretend everything is fine?


It breaks my immersion every time an NPC loans me their personal flying mount, or makes me ride double with them on their personal flying mount, when I have a perfectly good stable of my own flying mounts who are, inexplicably, unable to fly.

“Here, CHAMPION, our best hope for victory, leader of our forces…squeeze on up behind me on this griffin and I’ll take you where we need you to go.”

Immersion my fluffy tail.


remember timeless isle? the very place that existed outside of normal time to the point where nothing could fly due to temporal interference yet somehow magically birds and flight masters were able to operate normally


Or just require a certain amount of mobs to “thin the ranks” in addition to killing the boss, doesn’t even need to be a dynamically updating quest. Honestly, the “but players will just land on the boss, kill it, and fly off” excuse is the easiest thing in the world to design around.


they had no problem doing it in instanced content like hellfire ramps or the frozen tunnel in wrath and even the iron depot each end boss spawns after you kill off underlings and then the boss swoops in on their dragon to confront you


This sums up the devs’ talking points. All false.


Hahaha! That was awesome lol. That one quest in Tiragarde Sound where Taelia picks you up, and takes you back to boringalus, she whispered in my ear, me love you long time. That immersion yep lol. Seriously though. With all the pop culture references they make in this game they have no business talking about immersion lol. Lun Chi in Kun lai Summit. If you pay attention under her name it says The streetfighter lol. A reference to Chun Li from The Street Fighter game series lol. Or the npc Dook Ookem. Duke Nukem anyone? And of course the blizz ripoff version of pokemon with the pet battles lol.


Flying adds a choice in how I approach an encounter and a choice in how I play. It’s a strategic element. It allows me to see the terrain in a different way, gets me out of those glitches where I have no choice but to port, helps me to get to my corpse when I die on a ledge so in a sense it’s a quality control element for poor design.

If it were just a means of conveyance people wouldn’t mind its removal so much.