Just admit Pathfinder was a failed social experiment

You ever notice how “social experiment” is only ever used to describe concepts or ideas that the speaker personally disagrees with?

no pathfinder no rep grinds no hoops to jump thru just quest chain on each toon to be able to fly on that alt and all of the complaints on this entire issue would disappear

it works for Final Fantasy


Good luck with that. Watcher mentioned some sort of a epic quest chain to unlock flight in a polygon interview back when the crap hit the fan during Wod. Still waiting on that epic questline Ion lol. Grinding rep with factions that are irrelevant to flight is what he considers epic lol. I mean tossing some random npc down on the map somewhere, and calling it a rare is so much better than a epic questline I guess hahaha.

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Take things away, make a miserable grind, then offer to sell them back? That’s my prediction (flight path bundles anyone?) Is this game F2P? Wait, no, it isn’t…

Flight license now on cash shop!

Too blantant?


Ahem… Flight license now on vendor (buy tokens early and often!)

Inb4 people start throwing money at Blizzard and encouraging more cash grabs.

well of course I mean your talking bout a guy that isn’t experienced in gaming design and Blizzard fawns all over him just because he was a member of a hard core guild in EQ well woopie if that’s all it takes to be in charge why aren’t they offering members of method a staff position with Blizz? after all they always give their guild the VIP treatment in beta testing and suggestions for game improvement and just like Ion not one of them has ever had any formal training in video game design or creating

it all boils down to the fact that Blizzard is letting a person with no actual knowledge of the very product theyre turning out be in charge of development all because he was a player in everquest id hardly call that a reason to appoint them to such a high position based on just that alone

I mean would you put a butcher in charge of teaching medical school based solely on the fact he’s an expert in anatomy as it pertains to cutting a T-bone or a pork shoulder?

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it is a complete failure, they would rather wow die then admit it though


of that I have no doubt after all look how many unpopular changes they’ve made to the game despite the massive amounts of negative feedback they received only to be ignored

They have been trying to ignore it since the WOD flying debacle.

Way to many people on my friends list have never come back after that. That many people unsubbing that fast in WOD got their attention.

I wonder if all the people who have left since will ever wake them up that while flying is still done wrong, now they are doing all the pruning and BFA stuff, and I see even more people leaving.

I truly hope they turn WOW back into what it was enthusiasm wise before WOD. Not sure if they can ever fully restore trust and good will they have given up, but: I still hold hope. Living on hope grows thin however, and I have loved playing WOW since 2004 so it is a hard addiction to let go of.

Simply flying buy one time just like ground mounts and ride forever, that I how is should be, not earn it over and over. It’s the same feeling as yanking away artafacts, and end of BFA yanking away azerite / hoa. Once earned, having things need “re earened” is not only unfun, but what do ya get after level 100 that ya have kept?

They even took those perks we got every two levels out of WOD. (Bet bliz wishes older players didn’t remember every single pruning, but I and many still do).

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I agree 100% with this thread.

I cant help but wonder if all the people supporting pathfinder would still continue to do so if Blizzard announced a ground based version?

remove the faction tabards from IF etc then all of your mech striders and rams would require appropriate rep with that faction in order to ride them and all other ground mounts would remain locked and theyd have to walk until you earned revered with the classic factions and in the case of BE/draenei theyd have to grind their faction as well

lets see how dedicated to pathfinder they are when ground mounts are held behind the same kind of time gates and rep earning as flight

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I find this an apt analogy that those suffering schadenfreude probably can’t process, but aye makes sense; sounds good as lore would say.

pfft you mean the talking Dictaphone/human bobblehead that sits there silently always nodding in agreement and parrots backs everything Ion says and thinks its the best idea of all time…at least until the next thing he says anyway

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Falls into the same catagory as


weeks not months™

Just don’t have a trade mark for that one yet.


sounds good; makes sense™
There ya go. :slight_smile:

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go get it patented before someone snags it and they steal your idea

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You’re thinking of Jeff. Watcher was hired because of his knowledge of WoW. You also realize that the game design degree is relatively new right?

Ion’s degree didn’t just come from any university either. I’m going to trust that Iion has a better understanding of how to make a game over you.

PS Ion wasn’t director when Bashiok made the statement about the quest line.

so are you saying we should just roll over and pretend nothings wrong even as him and his current team send WoW into a death spiral with the constant “we know better than players” attitude that is slowly eroding confidence in Blizzard and driving more and more customers away everyday?

I will say there’s a lot of control in this game that doesn’t make sense.

Like most of it feels made with love…

…and then some of it just feels spitefully built.

As a baseline, just responsive movement, combat and transport is about all that’s needed to make the vast majority of the existing game incredibly fun.

It’s “new” features that come in clamp down on old ways that really hurt.

Like OP said, just give people the freedom and they’ll stick around.


exactly after all look at WoD I mean sure I doubt all 5 millions subs left merely because of no flight but still to lose that many people so quickly is a clear sign the players WERENT happy and the overall indifference from the development team isn’t helping


Nope, saying you shouldn’t rely on fallacies when trying to have a discussion.

Your opinion isn’t fact, we should start with that realization. You not liking pathfinder doesn’t mean the game is in a ‘death spiral’ (a tad melodramatic there btw).

My experience as a new player, only about 2 months in, when my wife and I hit Draenor was like… “WTF? We just got finished earning enough gold to fly fast, and now we’re grounded??”

I do appreciate that you see more of the world they created when you are forced to travel on land… but MoP had GORGEOUS environments that looked even better from the air than the ground.

Flying cuts a lot of tedium out of the game. With fast flying, I can usually beat the flying point system, depending on how circuitous their routes are. Knowing that from WoD onward, all the expansions seem hell-bent on killing flying is rather discouraging. Especially as now I’m playing a mage, but I’d like to try warrior next, so bye-bye to the freedom to move about these worlds with relative ease… :confused:

We are actually working on Pathfinder for Wod but man it’s just ridiculous. I think that exploring each zone on foot is an interesting and relevant requirement, as is doing some questing in each zone. The rep grind in Tanaan Jungle is beyond the pale though. WTF were they thinking?

I really enjoyed playing WoW up through MoP, and although I’m among those who really enjoys the Garrison system, and there are some fantastic things about WoD, when I’m being honest with myself I think the diminishment of my enjoyment began when I couldn’t fly, and I had to re-experience that low level frustration of trying to get over a $#$#@ hill that’s like 3 inches too tall for my character to jump.

When I first achieved flying (even before I’d upgraded my flight speed at all) I took to the skies and explored all over Kalimdor and EK, places I’d never seen, places I sometimes later returned to just for the heck of it, places I started grabbing quests in. Flying opens up the world to exploration and immersion!