June Trading post

What other real world political trends have been directly influencing WoW lately? And no, the vague concept of “war” is not one.

It’s rather insulting in fact that you would conflate the game being broadly about a fake war between fantasy races as being anything like the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Glad to know being gay still bothers people more than murder and torture and stuff.

Really tells you something about the people complaining doesn’t it?

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the dollar losing value, diesel fuel running out, not being able to afford an electric car, war in ukraine, getting older, hair falling out (and i’m female, got male pattern baldness…wtflip) and every day stressors like not having info on the june trading post. hehe

Rainbow capitalism and vapid corporate virtue signaling, in this case.

Yeah they were both the same belt just slight color change. I do agree it was a waste of slot space.

I tried to keep this thread on topic, mods please don’t punish Meladria.

WTF is this thread. I just wanted info about the trading post. I hope this thread gets locked.

But, now that we are discussing this topic(?).

I’m part of the alphabet (LGBTQ+) gang in real life, and agree with Zilana.

Sexual preference is nothing to be “proud” about in warcraft. Characters were not persecuted or marginalized in lore because of their sexuality.

Warcraft does need more diversity however, and it’s starting to get better at it.


Oh no. Rainbows.

Meanwhile I had a dude straight up try to kill me because of what I was.

Your life is just so hard

Corporations are not your friend

it certainly can be.

And for the record, we’re both players of WoW, and both our voices count equally, I can say I don’t want something just as much as you can say you want that same thing, you having had troubles in life (literally everyone does) doesn’t make your opinion more valid than mine. Grow up.

Never said they were.

I’m simply asking what are non lgbt running from. You’re bothered by rainbows and meanwhile lgbt have to deal with much worse.

Ah yes. Grow up. Said the person mad about rainbows on shirts

You got me skippy

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I’m bothered by fake pandering by soulless corporations who don’t give a crap about white, black, rainbow, or any color other than green. It’s not genuine, it’s not organic, it’s vapid and insulting to the intelligence of their fans.

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I don’t care what people wear in real life, dude

Again, for the same reason I’d be against them adding a shirt with an American flag on it into the game

I hope we get Hats for feral druid forms. Thanks



Its better than not being acknowledged at all.

Also cute people only call it pandering when its lgbt stuff when non lgbt get pandered to all their life


Straight couple in a movie: totally normal, great story

Gay couple in a movie: WOKE PANDERING

It’s so transparent :sleeping:

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Let me know if they start doing straight pride events or waving super-straight flags, and I’ll denounce that too.

And then they get mad when I call non lgbt stories boring

Seen one relationship in a movie you’ve seen dang near all of them. Seriously

It’s pandering when it’s not organic and comes across as dishonest.

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