June Trading post

Any news of the new item ? I dont know I havent seen anything about it yet and im curious XD


They’ll be disappointing


I haven’t seen anything on wowhead or the wow news yet.

wowhead might have info tomorrow

Just like the turtle that cannot even run at normal speed because Blizzard cannot make up their mind.

The otter is way better.


Original ZG tiger will be on the trading post…I hope.



Honestly same would expect something by now.

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i’d be ok with that, trading post being a parallel system to the outdated mess that is the bmah sounds great!

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I noticed these funny helmets among some trading post icons weeks ago (mmochampion) but got actual models recently (wowhead). Maybe likely involved. :thinking:

I know. All I want is the blood troll set and the warden one XD i still have almost all my trading post coin


Will clip through elf ears and eyebrows.


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Been refreshing Wowhead hoping for a June TP update.

I have an item frozen from last month and I also want the glaives from this month but I don’t want to spend tendies willynilly in case there is something I really want from the next month…
Hoping they do release the info early so I can decide if I should buy my frozen item and the glaives :3

I wonder if it will be more diablo themed stuff?

i’m not sure what that pic of chromie is implying, but i’d be lying if i did’nt say i was intrigued. :eyes:

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Police trying to arrest people isn’t political either. Nor is people being openly proud of who they are a political standing.

Mathias Shaw would like a word with you.


What an optimist outlook you have there,

That has been the trouble with the elf eyebrows.

Would’ve been neat to use these goggles on a Void elf npc to make them look insane.

wait we can buy chromie in june or will that be the reward for the full bar? is she a mount? does she fight with us? will she do gnome stuff?

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That makes an excellent forum hat.

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