June Trading post

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Oh, great. Good job. 404 guaranteed now.

Considering their past writing/loreā€¦such as it isā€¦Iā€™d bet real money that will never happen.

Alsoā€¦Gilneas will rise again. Believe it.

Is thread locked yet?

is trading post info available yet? :sparkling_heart:

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Not yet my fel addicted blood elf horde member

Why would it be? At a glance nothing has even been reported in here.

Politics is not inherently a bad thing.

When people say they donā€™t want politics in games, they mean they donā€™t want real life politics in games. Whether or not you agree with the sentiment, thatā€™s what theyā€™re saying. For most, video games are meant to be escapism from stuff like real-world political issues.

Sureā€¦as long as people arenā€™t involved.


You play a game with two warring factions lmao. Instead of you being able to escape minorities, they should be able to escape you.


Iā€™m hoping for more in general. Pippin was lame, I agree, but the fact that two of the slots were for belt transmogsā€¦ ugh.

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ā€¦What? I donā€™t understand your point

The point is that you claim to want to escape real life issues while playing a game with warring factions, which is inhrently political. The other point is that your dogwhistle of ā€œescaping real life issuesā€ is banal, since all minorities are valid and should be able to escape from people like you.

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thatā€™s not true. people only say ā€œno politicsā€ when it comes to LGBT and/or POC representation. every other type of politic is seemingly fine and no one cares about it.


Okay, maybe I should start from the basics.

The Horde and Alliance are not real. The people involved in the war in the game are not real people, nor do they reflect any real life conflict, thus they do not qualify as ā€œreal life politicsā€

And what ā€œdogwhistleā€? What minorities? Iā€™m literally just explaining to you the perspective of 90% of normal people who play games to get away from real life stuff.

Thatā€™s just selection bias, LGBT and POC representation are the ā€œthingā€ for corporations right now, so itā€™s the most obvious and overt case of ham-fisted politics (note you CAN draw parallels with real world politics without it being preachy or immersion-breaking, but it actually takes skill, something most western devs donā€™t have)

If they started making really obvious Ukraine-Russia parallels, people would get tired of that too, I guarantee.

Neither is any lgbt character by that logic. So adding more is fine.


Literally any conflict between two nation states. You can also look at the irl inspirations for each race and create parallels there.

Your stated desire to escape real life issues.

Lgbt people.

Interesting. Lgbt and Poc are not ā€œnormalā€ in your eyes. You also claim that the vast majority of cis white men play games specifically to escape real life issues like human rights.


I think youā€™re attributing to me an argument I wasnā€™t making. I donā€™t care if they add LGBT characters, I was against literally bringing real-life Western nation ā€œPrideā€ into the game, with all the pride capitalism that corporations love along with that.

Flynn and Shaw are fine, Flynn and Shaw holding up a rainbow-painted Nike shoe saying ā€œJust do itā€, would not be fine.


nope. literally no other type of ā€œpoliticā€ is complained about except LGBT, POC, and women representation. itā€™s a dogwhistle thatā€™s not about politics at all but about keeping different types of people out of your spaces. itā€™s 2023, weā€™ve all caught onto this by now.

its literally a game about warring conflict. what do you think ukraine and russia is?


Right? The heck are non lgbt escaping from?