June Trading post

i cant wait for when the government invades our incomes even more than they do now and when the people rise up the government and media calls it insurrection

It’s hilarious that people still think their private gun collection would get them anywhere against the American military machine.

You’re a target reticle on a drone a mile up, buddy.


I’d like to see bruto on the post and cost 6 months’ worth of tender. Make the forum rage extra spicey.

Eh I’d have it be a low effort reward so any noobie can get it easily

that would be a stupid thing for government to do though. to be fair though, it does do many stupid things nowadays.

wish they would invest into spacefaring again

The only difference between an insurrection and a revolution is who wins

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It absolutely just was Trump fanaticism. And not even the cool kind of fanaticism where hundreds of people die in the streets by a guillotine (for legal purposes, that was just a poor joke).

No, the “insurrection” wasn’t that, it was a dopey mass protest that politicians are overexaggerating the events of.

Half my family comes from Cuba. That was an insurrection.


You don’t have to be able to win 1 on 1 in a field battle. Vietnam didn’t need it, Afghanistan didn’t need it, the IRA didn’t need it. It’s called asymmetric warfare, and it turns out, just having angry civilians on every street corner with rifles and car bombs who know where you and your children live is enough to make life a living hell.

I mean that’s not how words work, you just can’t pick and chose when they apply because you don’t like what it represents

How’d a thread about the trading post moggies devolve into this? :dracthyr_nervous_animated:


cool way to get lots of youtube clicks: post a video suggesting what you think is gonna be on the trading post. hehe

I’m not picking and choosing, your entire list is vitriolic and hyperbolic, lmao


honestly though youll get nowhere debating this stuff here.

most of the forumites are vehemently left leaning to moderately left wing.

plus its a wow discussion zone so people who hate politics will also hate on you for bringing it here.

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/is actively ignoring the debate.

just want an update on the june trading post lol


Same. :dracthyr_love_animated:

My new theory is that they’re deliberately holding back news just to watch this thread burn.


:fire: :fire: :fire:

/pointless contribution to the burn!

The thread burned about 150 posts back. Now it’s just long-term illness resulting from radioactive fallout.


Not spicy enough, you have to say Trump is literally Jesus/Hitler, that’ll rile someone up

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