June Trading post

Why would any one want to celebrate the hot garbage fire that is the USA?

Because America is the best, stay mad

I won’t say usa is perfect, as I live in Florida.

The cop situation is out of hand. They keep shooting people who aren’t a threat or are even just complying.

Like the 11 year old who was told that it was safe to come out only for the cop to shoot him when he does as instructed. That 11 year old was the one who called the cops!

Usa cops keep murdering dogs too.


where the heck is the trading post datamines? announcement? sooomething.

Prob ain’t gonna be up on wowhead til later tonight

blizz is going to put tender on the shop and they encrypted it so there wont be any hating the days before it launches.

really?? link?

idk its my guess

This would only make sense if the trading post actually had anything good on it

this is where the brutosaur and lost mogs comes into play

If you think America is the best, you have some pretty big blinders on.

Only developed nation in the world you can go bankrupt going to a doctor
Only nation that has more mass shootings than it has days
Only Modern Western Nation actively rolling back human rights of it’s citizens
Only Modern Western nation that’s further digging in to Christian extremism
Only Western Nation in the last god knows how many years that has had an insurrection
Only nation where One guy who’s afraid of losing his job can take down the entire economy and effect global trade because idiots elected extremists into office

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God I wish they’d put the brutosaur up on the trading post JUST because I wanna watch the forums burn


It would be amazing.

We can use all the tears to put out the fire after

Everything here is hyperbolic… except for the healthcare thing, that one is true.

You don’t know what an insurrection is, calling January 6th an “insurrection” is disingenuous at best, painfully ignorant at worst.

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I would love that, along with the spectral tiger, entertainment for daaayyss

doesnt the constitution say people can rise up against government overreach

but this was just a trump fanaticism

Lot of interesting qualifiers you have in this list…

“Developed nation” “modern western nation” etc, then lots of really vague one liner stuff like “rolling back human rights”, such as? “Digging in to Christian extremism”, like? “Only modern western nation… that has had an insurrection” did you forget France exists? Plenty of other western nations have civil strife;

fun fact, nations ALWAYS have civil strife, and if our “insurrection” consists of doddering old fools wandering listlessly through the capitol, then I’d say we’re doing better than 99% of other countries in that regard.

Only nation where One guy who’s afraid of losing his job can take down the entire economy and effect global trade because idiots elected extremists into office

I do agree with this though, democracy is a menace

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I mean it was by definition, it just wasn’t a very effective one.

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Its like how we let some forest fires happen just to help the overall forest grow from the remains.

cue me doing the “My god…it would be beautiful” from Judge Doom

That’s the purpose of the second amendment, yes. The implicit threat of violence against an oppressive government.