June 4th - PvP Q&A


Venruki interviewed Holinka.

Another Update:

Original Post:

Please try to be nice.



Noice. Excited to hear the answers, ready to be hurt again.


Cool. I was meaning to post something asking what the odds would be we would get anything like the pie Q&A

Im leveling a guardian druid. What are the best 3v3 comps for me. My healer one is necro. Leveling a new one for kyrian ability.

Q: Why do you think it is acceptable for games to regularly go 10-15 minutes into deep dampening, creating a boring meta for both the players and viewers. Why don’t you tune dampening to start earlier, ramp up faster, or create some sort of additional -%mana regeneration to healers to allow games to actually end.

A: Durr

Good talk.


what is going to be done about the boosting problem, mmr deflation, less active ladder as tbc is stealing large chunks of retail arena playerbase


Why can’t Retail copy a vastly superior product like TBC. Since TBC is so popular any chance we might see real PvP stats, or gearing similar to TBC. Maybe actual class design and talent trees again. What are the plans for the heart and soul of the PvP community which are BGs/WPvP. New BGs? Fix Epics? Separate balancing in PvP around BGs would be nice.


superior product is mop bud


Why don’t you ask the people who get “one-shot” by Ret every game what they think about dampening. Most of them have never seen it * sarcasm *


Sorry tank players aren’t allowed to ask questions!


I thought Holinka quit . My timeline is off

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Why do I feel like this Q&A won’t change anything. Venruki just gonna list a bunch of problems Holinka already knows about while Holinka cosplays a concerned face. Meanwhile gear will still be locked behind rating, self healing will stay busted, glads will have more games qued below 2k mmr than above, etc.

Oh wait was I supposed to be excited? Nvm. Hell yeah! Holinka gonna save us yayyyy! They finally listening :smiley:


Any exposure it typically good exposure. But one man is not responsible for making every change possible, nor will he have the control to do so if he wanted to. We already learned that from Chris Kal during his “Why I Left Blizzard” video.

On the other side though it’s impossible to make everyone happy. Someone will always feel left out at the end of the day :man_shrugging:


I’d prefer the game to be designed around matches lasting 10-15 minutes, as opposed to 5 minutes or so. I think the majority of players would agree with that

Eh Retail is dying extremely fast so idk how accurate that statement is. I’ve watched AWC streams quite a bit this expansion and chat is filled with nothing but “zzz dampening boring game” etc when games go 10+ minutes.

It makes every button you press feels like it does nothing. Don’t really care though as I have TBC Arena to hold me over until WoTLK Classic. Maybe Retail arena meta will be fun by then but I’m not counting on it.


Say what now?


LOL this is the biggest bait i’ve ever seen


I mean for your average arena player, how many matches are going 15 minutes long into damp? Not many at all. If you que games from like 1.4-2k, someone is definitely dying way before they are supposed to, and deservedly so. People in the lower brackets aren’t as experienced with rotating cool downs

At least you can live long enough to press your buttons. If games were designed to last 5-6 minutes, it’d be pretty boring only being able to use 2/3 min cds once or twice a game

I’ve been fiending wotlk so hard but oh man this post is making me need it more than ever


expect the worst and hope for the best lads

we dont want to set ourselves up for immeasurable disappointment