June 28 class tuning

i grabbed a 90th percentile because it’s more realistic to showcase a more average gameplay? do you not understand how logs work? holy man, you are somethin else.

did i not also explain and show you ANOTHER GRAPH WITH DATA that explains why we even do slightly mediocre damage? are you this daft? seriously…

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Either way, do you not see other specs doing worse?

get a job at blizzard you’d fit right in buddy

Okay, so we just rage and make unfounded arguments and dodge questions that seek to understand our argument. Good luck convincing people you are worth listening to my friend. Rage on.

i show you data and explanations and you still just don’t get it. it’s not my fault that you have no idea how to read data and actualize facts. I’ve explained it in full detail at this point, you just can’t fathom the idea that havoc needs attention.

coming from a guy that thinks gearing another toon is just as easy as swapping specs, coming from a guy that doesn’t know how to read logs. Honestly, I have nothing more to say to you, you are hopeless and quite frankly just oblivious.


I love this. it is no better than Blizzard saying, “Wait until we let you have fun.” I do not choose DH because it is the best class in the game, I chose it because I enjoy the play style. My play time is then minimalized because no one wants a DH, except maybe for raids. I Am then relegated to the point of having fun where Blizzard lets me have fun. That is just sickening. People play what they play because they enjoy it and then are in turn forced by an arbitrary system to have fun the way they are told too instead of the way they want to. There is absolutely no excuse for this except, maybe extreme arrogance. Classes should be able to perform much more equally than they do and let the style of play be the determining factor as to what they play. Not who gets their day in the sun.

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i agree, nerf dh

Explain to me who is in a much worse position? At least those specs, get attention, I think thats what Beamzy was trying to say. We have gotten, nothing, not even a blue post. The one time I actually thought Blizzard was going to listen to the community was when they did the open forum on the tier sets. And even then, they almost gave us a timer for Blade Dance… Like… We just want an explanation at this point, its too late in the expac for any rework or anything like that, but why can’t they just put a band-aid on it until Dragonflight?

I’d be all for damage buffs to our kit, if it means Sinful Brand is no longer doing 30% of our overall.

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Fixed that for you yea I agree nerf paladin


yes nerf all paladins too. nerf paladins and havoc demon hunters!

Well it looks like only bottom 3-4 get attention based on the history of this expansion. DH has a few more spots to drop before it hits that mark. That is excluding the odd buff they did to destro months ago and the few they have done to monk.

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You just proved my point, their getting attention regardless of where they are, we’re not. We haven’t, not since BfA ended. All because you (Your Class) and every other class out there, got sand in their you know what because Corruption made us OP.

What leggos are your rocking?

Run Darkglare Medallion and Unity.

Razelikh’s Defilement lowers the CD of Elysian Decree but it isnt really that useful in dungeons currently.

ED’'s CD is is about 28 seconds in packs and with URH it gets lowered even more

you can reduce the cd of ED to be 15-20 seconds but because of the Kyrian Lego you dont want to use ED before it expires because you get to keep the 20% vers longer

also, infernal armor does no damage, i tested it out and it did less than 200 dps overall in a dungeon, while spirit bomb is your top 2 damaging ability.

also that armor from infernal armor is only like 3% DR from melee attacks so having higher uptime on meta is way more useful.

Spirit Bomb does the same damage as cleave though, so that dps doesn’t matter. Decree does way, way more damage with the other legendary build. I capped out around 11.5-12k with Darkglare build, easily hitting 15k with decree build. 20% armor better than no 20% armor for no extra damage.

The buff from unity lasts 20 seconds I think? So it’s borderline refreshing at the perfect time.

To someone with privilege, balance and fairness seems like oppression.

the value from the entire build of darkglare/unity comes from the survivability of meta uptime and the value of consistent healing through souls from the tier piece bonus. between reduction on immo and fel dev you are consistently popping SpB at 4+ souls which means an insane amount of healing from the souls you suck up with SpB.

If you want to build for damage, sure go with the decree build, but when you are building for survivability it’s far from the play, and far less consistent the way you are doing things.

I’d argue the 40% proc chance is way less consistent, but to each their own. Cleave sucks up the souls just as fast as well, all I know is decree build does way more damage in keys=faster time, surviving has never been a issue with fel dev having like a 10-15 sec cd in dense packs anyway.

As a bonus I can use my silence sigil and fear sigil 3x more often than darkglare build if I need to be using ccs. There’s just too many benefits to the sigil build imo.

the 40% proc chance, paired with the fact we reduce fel dev uptime per soul sucked up with SpB is extremely minimized. that 40% proc chance is nothing when the CD is reduced either way if you don’t get a proc, and when you do, you have a free meta duration for a whole pack without having to pop your cd. it’s actually very consistent. I bid you to go to the dh discord and ask someone that can you give you more detailed information in the vengeance channel because i’m no vengeance main, although i do tank keys around the 23 range, and dps 26/27’s.

SpB doesn’t heal much, but the souls you suck up do heal a lot, like a lot a lot. and being able to consistently just rip in 4+ souls is just ridiculous. it’s pretty rare i’m not in meta when playing this build, and when i’m not i can easily rotate through aegis the trinket and spikes for mitigation uptime while I wait for fel dev to come back up.

you probably just aren’t doing high enough keys to warrant the survivability of unity and darkglare, and that’s fine, but when you do start doing higher keys you’ll notice a huge difference in survivability.

You realize I’m Arcane right lol? Look at the history of my spec over the past few seasons before you say that.