June 28 class tuning

So you adress vengeance which is already in a fine spot, and leave havoc out again?

Every other class is recieving tuning and havoc despite the ever consistent feedback is been entirely ignored. What gives? Havoc needs attention and this is absolutely ridiculous at this point.

Havoc does NO AOE/CLEAVE DAMAGE. havoc entirely relies on a dot to do any damage at all, our actual abilities dont do anything but enable a dot from a covenant which has no time to tick in aoe. FIX IT.



After next week Veng will unironically do more dps than havoc in keys. I can already reach 14.5-16k overall as Veng right now depending on the key.


Your mistake Beamzy was thinking that Blizzard actually gave a f*** about Havoc.

All joking aside, I’ve just don’t care anymore. Clearly Blizzard has something on their end that states that Havoc is in a good spot, and maybe were just not seeing it, maybe its a build no one knows about that only Blizzard does and won’t share it with us, or they just dont care about Havoc. Im going for the latter

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There are already people calling for nerfing of dh

In this thread for hunters

Vengence is not in a fine spot, it does decent in M+

but in raid our single target sucks. and this buff doesn’t do much
We are behind BDK, prot Paladin, and Warriors by 4-5k dps in ST
we are still gonna the lowest damage tank because this only buffs us by 400dps

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I mean, whats there to nerf? Our baseline toolkit may as well just not have damage numbers beside them already at this point. The only thing that actually does damage is a covenant dot.

Go ahead, nerf dh. May as well just delete thr class at this point its performance and gameplay is so bad.

I understand this I was just showing that there are still players saying nerf dh and on my hunter I ask what did they want nerfed about dh.

So as a new tank I have to ask what is our self sustain I know if we are using spirit bomb we take in soul shards do damage and heal for a % of the damage we did. What is the other part?

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You rotate fel devs during high damage windows(tier set lowers the cd), I personally don’t use the spirit bomb build, I find I get more damage and sustain out of infernal armor and sigil cd legendary.

Elysian decree/fel dev are the biggest healing abilities.

So I use the fel dev leggo and I am Kyrian covenant. I am spirit bomb tank and I did notice that I did not even see any of the healing it was supposed to do. That most of my healing was from Fell Dev. That one ability is the only thing i see healing. Picking up souls I do not even see the healing that happens with it. So as I said just trying to figure out what self sustain other than Fel Dev.

I do like Spirit bomb as it does help with snapping agro back to me when the dps just start nuking as soon as I pull and do not give me like a few seconds to establish threat.

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Yea spirit bomb is garbage imo. With sigil cd leg you can decree every 15-20 seconds if you’re good with it. So I’m literally spamming it, decree is my top damage by a mile and it’s generating a ton of souls.

Also with tier set you have 100% uptime on immo aura, so infernal armors 20% armor also has 100% uptime.

I only have 1 piece of tier set. I am trying to get more to make into tier also look at M+. I am learning tanking on the DH and I will say I feel liek for me this was awesome tanking zerith mortis wb I took like no dmg on my DH. My DK on the other hand I was taking massive damage so trying to figure that one out. I am trying to decide tank on dh or dk. I like both but so far imo DH seems better to me.

DK will do more ST damage, but DH is way more fun. Plus with these incoming buffs, DH tank might be pretty damn strong in keys.

Yea I just saw those buffs. I can’t wait to try my hand at tanking mythic + on my dh. So far I have only tanked hard modes, time walking and a regular mythic 0 so I just need to stop being indecisive and just say eff it and enchant and work on my dh as a tank

Thank you for the information and help

Aw man, it’s a joke. Somebody else said “I agree. Nerf DKs,” and I saw an opportunity for a silly joke. Please don’t pull comments out of context.

We get its silly an all, but right now, with the sheer level of ignorance that we have gotten from Blizzard, nothing is funny to us, hope you understand


Pull comments out of context how do you get that with

How is that a joke?


I resubbed about 2 weeks ago to have time to mess about this season and get ready for the next.

I am very lucky I don’t dislike tanking, but I feel terrible about the continued state of Havoc and really hope this isn’t just the permanent state of DH post BFA where corruption forever altered the perception of the class


I started tanking in 9.0 when Havoc was garbage, and it was really fun even though i was bad at it back then.

in 9.1 when havoc was good i still tanked a lot

and now in 9.2 still tanking since i absolutely despise the current havoc build.


@Blizzard, I dare you to even dane to respond to this post. You guys have so poorly tuned classes in this expansion, and you act clueless. It is almost like you don’t even play the game you designed. @Blizzard I dare you to respond!

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