Jump Back into Action with the New Level 60 Character Boost

And in my opinion…1(10 for ar’s) to 50 is the best times in the game at this time.

I am having a blast on an experiment on Illidan. New char, new realm…she has to pay her own way. all I could give her was mailed BOA enchanted looms. At current leveling rate I will not be master flyhing soon. I won’t ahve that 4k (?) gold. Leveling zooms by.

I don’t dread lfd for those xp hits. I see so many old dungeons as they were meant to be. I saw these as 1 shot mog runs since I came on board like 1 month before bfa. so the change of pace is nice. I have loved every lfd hit so far. only like 2 doubles so far. Ner’zhul dungeon in wod.

50 comes soon. Necrotic…necrotic…necrotic…and to change it up necrotic. all I get till like level 55.

At the current price point its 1.00 usd per level with the boost.
At the current sub price point, its only 50 cents per day.
therefore, the boost costs ~4 months worth of sub fees

“Your new level 60 character will come ready for battle outfitted in level appropriate gear.”

does that include a full set of relevant ilvl conduits? :thinking:

Why would you think this is a good idea ? After everything that happened with the company out of the game, as well as the problems IN the game, you decide to bring out ANOTHER chinese store mount and now a 60 boost ? When before could you buy a boost to skip the current expac levelling ? Never. Great job blizz.

Some garbage 148 ilvl gear and absolutely nothing else but being able to go straight ahead and pick out your cov.

I had 2 unused boosts. Now both are lvl 50. Logged into that confusion lol. Pretty sure one of those was originally a lvl 60 but not 100% on that.

Please do not give out misinformation. You only need Tales of the Adventure: Stormblood to get straight to Shadowbringers. You do not need the other two.

So $25 + $25 for a class boost is actually $50 (when it’s not on sale)

Another thing you might want to keep in mind is that you only get ilvl 148 gear (they couldn’t even at least give you Korthia gear!) with a level 60 boost as opposed to getting a full set of gear that will last you to level 75 in FFXIV. Plus you have no renown and reputations are not account wide if that is something you want to pursue. Oh and not to mention, in FFXIV you can play ALL CLASSES on a SINGLE character so you don’t need to go back and start all over when it comes to character progression. This means if you were to story skip, you’d only have to pay that one time plus the class of your choice. Every class after that is just a flat $25 when it’s not on sale.


No. You don’t deserve it.

For $60 you should get 5 40 slot bags!

Take that!


was about to point that out honestly.

that’s just it. boosts in WoW don’t amount to much. the gear you get is barely good enough to get into dungeons, and is easily replaceable via the first few quests you finish. in FF XIV, said gear lasts as long as you pointed out.

that’s the beauty of it. you can have all the crafting and gathering professions on one character, so there’s almost no incentive to have alts, other than to view the story from another perspective (I.E. different city state starting area), or try your hands at another race.

the fact that they still give bags from the Crapa expansion, is just embarrassing.


the level squish might have had something to do with it. like a 110 boost or 120 boost would have prob gotten normalized to the 50 boost. :thinking:

didnt want to put this on but * Puts on tinfoil hat* The issue comes down to morals.

When youre used to studying systems and notice something very immoral it erks you as a consumer.

Ion says “We need to remove gold from economy” - Tokens are a thing - Boosts are a thing - Devs shown to be boosting people - Gold is given to devs for boosts - Devs then have control of one of the most expensive services in the game - Ability to remove gold achieved - BONUS: They pay Blizz for the tokens and then give the gold from the token to blizz to remove from the economy - To reword a famous meme: “Thats just paying the Dev $20 to carry you Mythic raid / Mythic+ Dungeons with extra steps”

If thats the case the next logical step for them as a business is to just slowly get you okay with the idea of that and then have people pay $10 for Gear packs in the future. Its just good business / system design

PS: This is a tinfoil hat idea of the worst case scenario. Best case is much less malicious.

Lmfao. Complete and utter garbage.

You think that’s bad. With the currency conversion from US to Canadian dollars, level boost is $75 a pop.

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Well, level 50 boost you got ilvl 68 green questing gear and 100 gold. yup.

$60 is nothing. Most people will just waste it on something else just as meaningless without realizing it.

Boosting multiples? If you can afford them, no harm, no foul.

I Am Canadian :canada:


I think this is exactly why i get so upset with things like this. Its only $60 to the states but to us its like $75 for boost. It feels toxic. I get why they did this though, people used to VPN to other countries and buy 6 month game time for like $12 before they added conversion to the costs.

Entitled much?

Entitled to what? Do you even know what you’re talking about yourself?

While $60 dollars may be nothing to you there are a significant number of people who are out of work for whom that is possibly weeks worth of food.

In WoW terms that is 4 months of subscription. So if someone’s entertainment budget for the month is 15 dollars…yeah…its not nothing.

And no I’m not saying that I am in that situation, but I do however donate to food banks because I realize others are suffering
Even though I could certainly use those funds myself I am at least getting by.

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