July 15 / 2024 I can't log in

Blizzard CS has been replying to people on X saying it’s a known issue and being worked on.


Well, at least it isn’t my 970 going out or something. Whew

the servers have had high latency for a little bit, i truly think they restart them and fix this issue

thank you for letting us know :slight_smile:

same here and i just came back to start prepping

same issue i’m having

Same problem, “Let’s go already!!” ~ Bender

tks for the update i for one dont use X or insta or FB

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Even more fun is that my character count in the realm selection column is not even showing up.

Its back up for the time being atleast

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Having this exact problem on stormrage and windrunner servers. Game almost loads or completely loads with the bar but does not get in game dc about 2 minutes later. Game worked perfecttly all morning. I go have lunch and now this.

Update: just logged in fine now. Wish Blizz would explain what happens with these things so people don’t start tearing apart their pc’s trying to fix the problem on their end.

I’m in now. Let’s see what happens when I zone.

eta: when I finally got in, I was already afk.

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It seems as if I came to the right thread. I have the same problem that all in this topic are having.

AS soon as I wrote this I was able to get to my character in game. Here’s hoping it is resolved.

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no and keep your advertising out of the tech forums yo, i want my connection fixed

This is being worked on folks. No other info at the moment.


A girl can dream.

I never got this mentality, you’re mad about losing a few hours, but every 4 years you lose a whole day to leap year and i never see the same people complaining. Gregorian calendar doesn’t mean we should be shorted 1 month every 4 years boi’s, lets keep some consistency here

Manage to log into wow at 5:51 pm 7/15/2024 the first yellow error i get is - Can’t connect to voice chat server right now. Please try again.
(voice Error 16)

i am logging out of my character now. Goodluck luck blizzard thanks for keeping us posted. Retail ! /fistbump

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I can get in on my remix character but not any of my retail characters.

Edit: Can log in now! :grin:

Thanks for the update :wink: