July 15 / 2024 I can't log in

Not the same for many players - but WoW Classic is running/working fine, if you are still looking to play.


Folks, I got in!

I got that same error msg.

I was able to zone, log out of that char, change servers and log into another char.

Mebbe fixed for me, at least.

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I was one of the first to post here and i was able to get in after a log out and PC restart, 5-10 minute load screen but i got in. I would suggest this.

Game is working now.

Thank you Blizzard, i missed my storm cause of your poor coding


I could login with no issues now.

Same, no longer having issues.

Thank you, Blizz!

I can log in, but there are weird lingering effects.

The characters on which I had earlier attempted to log in – the ones that got 80% of the loading screen bar completed before being disconnected – no longer have any quests tracked. [edit: and their talents got switched back to “default loadout”, which is… interesting…]

If I now log into a character that I hadn’t tried during the breakage, their tracked quests remain tracked. It’s only the ones that had login states in limbo that have lost their objective trackers.

Could have been worse. I remember network faults resulting in my main being dropped off the boat out of Ratchet and spirit rezzing in the Crossroads.

lol, I remember something like this happening when I first started playing in Burning Crusade. My little lvl 10 Tauren died in Mulgore and his ghost somehow ended up at the Scarab Wall.

same here,I don’t know what happened even I’m tired of this

This is back again for me… Can’t log in on any character.

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Same. :sob: I cri everiteim

19 hours later and the same problem still exists.


After having issues yesterday, then getting in last night, I am now getting the same issues again. Same error.

I was able to login earlier today (PST). Did all the normal Tuesday morning stuff, hell, even boosted a character to start a new alt for the upcoming expansion. All of a sudden I couldn’t log out, or remove something from my bag. Been having issues ever since. Loading bar hits 100%, I hear sounds in the background, but still just the loading screen. Might be a DDoS atm that they haven’t announced.

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Yea I am having a ton of issues couldn’t even use the Auction House

Same… Realm and my characters show up, but then try to load in and stuck at 90% then DC. Trying again now and it’s 100%, but stuck, and I imagine it will DC me after a few more minutes.

Recently it really feels like Blizzards servers have taken a turn for the worse. Things just feel worse. Higher world latency when my home latency is fine. Random world latency spikes that completely interrupt gameplay, etc. It’s insane. It’s like they’ve really cheapened out how much $ they spend on server maintenance.

Rage quit after yet another no credit dream portal closure, only to attempt to log back in 15 minutes later to this. The same login issue that plagued the game yesterday afternoon.

As a return player as of roughly 30 days ago… I’m starting to feel that good ol’ mmo regret again. What do refunds on unreleased expansions look like? I’ll take a guess…

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Logged in with one character, did a few things. Tried to log out. Couldn’t log out. Had to Alt+F4. Then, I couldn’t log in with any other toon. Goes to 90% or 100% loading, then d/c after a few minutes. Renamed Interface folder, no change. Can’t log in on any toon.

Edit: I also can’t change realms. Initially no realms showed up at all. When the realm list came up, it showed I had no characters on any other realms.