At minimum this is a big benefit. The problem for spriest/ele in particular is needing the dots rolling on multiple targets to get procs so you can do actual damage. I don’t play aff so can’t comment on them, but the ret just randomly removing your dots from his entire team made you functionally worthless. Felt reeeeeeeeal bad.
This is, mostly fine, to me. I’m still not a fan of passive dot removal, but at least I can get some stuff rolling on the ret’s teammates. I still think it’s too strong with being able to also take spellwarding, having 2 defensives + bubble, but ya know…take the small victories I guess?
I like this, but its still gonna be like a hunter now? every judgement is just gonna rip off my dots like its nothing. Hunters gonna feign. healer dispelling. I am gonna be hurting for another couple weeks I guess.
idk why there isnt an internal 10 sec CD or something. But then again this is a class with a major CD on a 1 min CD and mini versions in between.
Fighting hunter + healer teams in 2s is going to feel hopeless now. I’ve been using this pvp talent to judge my healer out of traps since SL and it was never “op” then. I had to hold my judgment until the first trap of the match was thrown, and then from that point on i knew I could press it another 2 times on CD before hunters trap would be back. This actually took some discipline and was the only reason I ever stood a chance against hunter + healer teams.
oh and BTW hunters can cover their traps with hunters mark. LOL
there are no ‘mini versions in between’ lmao, aura of reckoning got nerfed into the ground ??? ret pvp talents have been completely gutted and surely you’re trolling about rets running JoTP into an aff lock