Judgments of the Pure (PvP Talent) now causes Judgment casts on an enemy to cleanse 1 Poison, Disease, and Magic effect they have caused on you (was allies within your aura).
Rejoice my boiz
Still pretty busted but no more dispelling healers from CC
Source for anybody curious.
I figured they wouldn’t nerf the ability to judge cc off teammates but eh.
Class is still busted. 10.0.7 will still be a Ret fest.
Happy to see changes, but it’s still broken. Jw why this cant be a hotfix either?
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So rets themselves are still immune to magic
bro they can hotfix stuff live with servers active, idk why they always wait for Dave to come in on Tuesday
I wonder how their order of stuff goes. Like, if they’ve already developed a fix when they announce it, like now, and are just waiting to put it in, or if that’s their proposed fix/nerf and are currently making sure it works before Tuesday or whatever.
Because they’ll still spam dispel themselves, which is kind of weird, and this removes the teammate cc removal thing which is kind of one of those identity/role things, even if it did need a nerf.
Huge cupid buff funnily enough
Nice, hope this potentially will open up more diversity to the ladder - it’s a good tuning nob to look at JoTP because now we can see if any specs can actually reasonably play against ret paladins without being absolutely shut down vs them
They already have ways to do this with the appropiate length cds tied to those effects. Sanc at 45 is already an incredibly ability nvm 7s
Wowhead comments are something else.
Eh, not that I’m disagreeing that sanc is really good cause it is, it’s not a full on magic dispel. Like you can’t sanc trap for example.
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Well there are some posts complaining that blizzard is destroying paladin PvP talents and I agree.
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They need to delete all Ret pvp talents and start fresh for 10.1, because everything we have now is bad lol
I agree that this was the first variable to look at because conceptually wizards should do pretty well into the ret/war mennace (1 person always free to cc/peel and hit 2 targets while theyre only hitting 1). However, im really skeptical that there will be any meaningful difference since those specs are still so tanky with so much damage on such short cds that theyre able to consistently outtrade most of the game.
Wings duration needs to be gutted next
It’s hysterical that functional human adults think that a class passively and mindlessly mitigates other spec kits with ease is problematic and a major concern. They’re probably Flat Earthers too.
Yea removing any and all CC shouldnt be anyone’s niche, especially not on a dps and especially not at single digit cds is what im getting at
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Such a crap change. Judge dispel has litterally existed for years without being an issue. The issue is that judge now has 2 chargers and a faster cd. Just slap a ICD on judgement of the pure that is equal to judgements old CD and call it a day. FFS bliz always over nerfs things.
Prot had access to judge dispell while having Judge up as often as ret does now all of SL and it was an issue…
Maybe, but it was their niche.
Deff no argument here lol.