Jubei'Thos Alliance Reconnections

Hey Palthe long time no see, Merrilyn from “Juice” and “Inquisition” , it has been a long time, now on Aman’Thul, they were the good old days

I remember you, I was the Paladin “merrilyn” so many of the oldies replying to this thread

And I remember you Palthe, one of the nicest of players

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Hey felix, its Merrilyn, good to see you still around

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I remember being in juice a long time ago , My dwarf priest was named Murdin. My Uncle was an officer in there and his name was Rodd “human mage” . I remember a few people like Merrilyn , Chaosknight "main tank " , Piggy the Human paladin.

Hey there, Merrilyn is still about, on Aman’Thul now

Merrilyn still playing different server, Rodd was the bestest GM, i still miss him

He passed away about 5 years ago… He was good

that is so sad, I wish I had know him in RL, was so great as GM

Sad news! I remember raiding with Rodd back in the day…

Name: Soundy
Class: Rogue
Guild: Atrocitas

We were the hardcore guild with all the Classic Firsts. Everyone has probably since eaten each other alive. But would be interested to see if any of the original members coming back for classic.

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Hey Merri and Palthe i do rem you both, and Merri ill let Richard (SoJ) know about this thread!! :wink:

I (Foca/Foka) will be back though likely pretty casual. Pretty certain Brownlah, Duxnuts and Benaud will be back for Classic.


Hey guys Soj here the hunter from JuICE. Great to see you all again :slight_smile:

Hello there Mr foc

/hugs Soj its Merrilyn :smiley:

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No idea! It’d be great if we could find the dwarf priest mate we first started it with though… i did most of my leveling with him and then he disappeared shortly after we started titan. What are you thinking of rolling in classic?

the RA boys :open_mouth: me and Milzus are still around casually. I ran into Dugnar in a BG the other day haha. Kerim btw

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Not 100% decided, but probably either a shaman or warrior.

Sounds like we have a group,