Jubei'Thos Alliance Reconnections

hey montey see the msg i sent to sloppy for my details!

Hi All,
Name: Dashortness (gnome Warlock)
Guild: Happy Killmore

Not sure if any of you guys are out there but see how we go…

Hi this is Paleryder, I used to enjoy trolling on Trade chat. I was in a few guilds but was mainly PvPing Bgs to attain GrandMarshall and ended up Knight Captain before blizzard removed this Waghhh. I still Play and im still on as Paleryder, Treolling on Trade chat is harder now due to restrictions but I enjoyed laughing so hard Roflcopting . I was therewhen FADE dissolved during BC era it was amazing. I was there part of Titan before it collapsed and I was praying each day for Gratz JUiCE to collapse. Its best when they think they are mates but they screw each other over gear and runs

I also organised a few level 40 man crossroad runs and enjoyed Southshore fests. This is what Jubei was and should be about. My favourite time was VC dungeon for the first time and I alt tabbed target a mob on the ship a level above me and sent a dps to him and then pulled the whole boat and wiped the run. OMG WTF am I doing days. It was so shaky the first time within that dungeon. Is anyone here from that awesome level 20 run. AMAZING. BRING BACK CC and SINGLE MOB TANKING. And let the weapon drops dictate the menfrom the boys not this crappy artifact power crapinski.


Yours is another name from Celeritus i missed.

Name: Arelana
Class: Warlock
Guild: Vismodicus (Excessive Force merge with Nosferatu)

There is about 20 of us oldies playing Classic together. Come hit us up if you know us!

Name: Gotham
Class: Mage
Guild: Holy War HW

hit me up if any HW guys coming back to play

<3 Would be amazing to get the whole squad together, it’s been so long!

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Hello, my name was Eillinar, was an alliance NE warrior. I was in a little guild called Dragonsworn. Looking for anyone who might be playing again that recognizes my toon name.
Izees, Fen, Sorix, Arina, Shadowfiend, Merrilyn, Puppypower, Malphias, anyone around?


Hey all, I never actually played through vanilla on Jubei’thos (was actually ~lvl50 on a diff realm when BC dropped), but I did raid on my NE rogue through BC and hope to reconnect with any of my then-guildies who may have raided through vanilla or are just wanting to give it a whirl like myself.

At least I’m fairly sure it was here on JT and not Barth. Eh.

Trozzle NE rogue, I think guild was <Insurgence>. I remember at least one fellow guild member’s name - Airraid (NE Hunter I believe).

Ugh memory ain’t good :frowning:

Jynx [Titan]. NE Druid
Hit me up old Titan peeps. Will be playing casually with some of the old boys.

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Jynx! One of the originals! You remember old nab? :wink:

omg hi palthe, yeah I plan on going back to classic next month (not played wow in a decade), cannot remember my char name, all I know is its a druid nelf, and my alt is a shadowpriest haha

I raided bc with you and airraid in BC on this toon

Yeah mate I do… Hey what was the name of the guild we rocked around in prior to forming up Titan. I couldn’t remember it for the life of me.

Hello alliance frenz!

I was also in Insurgance back in BC on Argantis. I remember you guys also :slight_smile:



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Dragonsworn, I was there after JUiCE dissolved in BC :smiley: Gnome mage. I remember Merrilyn and Shadowfield pretty well.

Hi Felix! :smiley:

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