Anyone heard or know what happened to fudge or geehardy
Looks like just us…
Argh, it’s turned me into a Worgen :-/
Are you guys planning on playing again? On one of the PvP Oceanic servers? Izees and I will be back playing.
Hi Murdin, I remember you I remember Rodd as well, top bloke and GM.
Soj! Son of Jesus! Dang we must all be getting old ><
Dang cant figure out how to add friends from here. Getting slow in my old age ><
is there a Discord going for old school Jubei peeps?
Guild: Titan & Good Mens
Name: Miike
Class: Priest
Might give this classic thing a try. Discord: Fitzy#7099
Graky, Female Gnome Warrior
MT for Atrocitas was in good mens after the drama and Fade in BC
Hi friendos lots of familiar names here!
Rolling Horde this time =)
Smeffette, female gnome lock.
Inferno guild. Looking for DarkSteel, Irky, Escalabre.
Transferred off to Barthilas just before TBC hit. Planning to go horde from the start this time.
Name: Nikura
Class: Hunter
Guild: Camelot
If any of the old ra guys want to get together in classic I’ll be rolling a mage named dugnar ally side, so hit me up
awww, this is such a good read, i can barely remember the details of back then, i was always just their for the moment, talking garbage on trade or doing lvl 1 org runs half an hour before shut down.
Good times eh
couldnt tell you a guild name, but everything here is sparking something
great ppl i do remember- uthamer, urbyne, omegax, slike, yundai
Any Riven players still around?
-Vampz - Warrior
Guild: Titan/Goodmens
Name: Bubblegum
Class: Warrior
dont be a pansy, just hit reck and execute, it aint coming off.
hey graky, good to see your still around mate!
Hi, Troy!
A few of the people from Insurgence are playing. I was Silencya the resto druid. I think Kalen might play, but I haven’t spoken to him for about 5 years.
I think Geehardy bailed in the middle of Wrath. He seemed pretty done with the game if I remember correctly. I don’t remember Fudge after vanilla.
See you on Arugal.
–Silencya / Siegeengine
guild: atrocitas / good mens
name: Chaosangel
class: warrior
Where is rathorse and crew