Jubei'Thos Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Jubei’Thos (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


any of my old guildies still around?

guild: titan / good mens
name: serra
class: rogue

if so and your playing classic then msg me on the “Classic WoW Oceania” discord (name is riseagainst)

h ttps://discord.gg/3jX9s3H


Arinir the Gnome Warlock from The Lost Boys.
Looking for Disastro the Hunter or Mimosa the Druid.

Anyone still around from Rising Addiction?


Guild: Fade
Name: Cuban
Class: Pally

Played a couple characters.

Nelf Hunter
Name: aussierockr
Guild: Project Aus

A few guilds before that as well, but I remember we raided Kara as Project Aus (joined at the end of Vanilla, mostly TBC)

Also played a Gnome Warlock called Aussieanon, but ended up transferring off

I have started playing again, I’m still on jubeithos playing dugnar

Played this toon in rising Addiction any of the old crew still around

Anyone I know coming back for some vanilla fun?
Name: Palthe
Class: Mage
Guild: JUiCE


Anyone remembers playing with Dorothea shadow priest from guild Celeritus? Looking for Srdimm and Indigoskye :slight_smile:


Good Mens

Doro! It’s good to see your name!

I’m still around!!

I moved Indigoskye over to Silvermoon years ago, but still casually playing her :slight_smile: I’m definitely rolling a holy human priest when classic goes live.

We’ve got to track down Srdimm, and Varsha, and Vezi, i can’t remember how to spell his character’s name.


Yes! I miss Celeritus, amazing guild and memories haha :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My main: Nab (NE Rogue)
Guilds : Titan (co-founder), Draconian (co-founder)

Would love to catch up with the old crew from both guilds. We were number 2 and 3 on the server in vanilla so I’m sure we can bring some greatness back to classic :slight_smile:

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Another titan member! your name definitely rings a bell.

Name: Ruri, Night Elf, Warrior
Guild: Founder & GM Of Classic Guild ‘Fade’

If you knew me and wanna catch up, let me know. I will not be bringing the original fade back to vanilla at the moment some of the expansion boys are planning to run a fade guild with about 3 or 4 original vanilla fade players. I don’t plan on running it due to certain circumstances.

Just looking to meet up with old friends play a few games.

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Hey former guildies!
Sloppy the mage
guild - titan

I played a fair bit of vanilla on this server, left after we cleared AQ a few times to join some friends on Frostmourne Horde :slight_smile: - Good times in Titan

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Hello Everyone,

Former Jubei player. Special shout out to my old Titan guildies!

I was Montey the dwarf priest
Guild: Titan.

Had a great time clearing MC and BWL with you guys, (and endless world bosses inc. Green Dragons) hope you’re doing well!

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Hey Serra,

I remember you! I was Montey the Dwarf priest. haha

I’m coming back for Classic for sure!

hey mate you can find me on the Classic WoW Oceania discord (name is riseagainst) flick me a msg if you want to catch up in classic!

h ttps://discord.gg/3jX9s3H