I’m on a PvP server where I’m pretty sure the only alliance players left are two rogues, a Druid, and a hunter who don’t seem to do much other than hide out on the isle of Quel’danas and wait for someone to pull an extra mob or go AFK.
Go ahead and do that.
I’ve got a better idea. I can save my macro slots for combat abilities and not write new ones for sending chat messages and Blizzard can just not delete a Wrath feature from Wrath classic. It’s less work for everyone!
I actually described a workaround for this very situation! (Click me)
I’m sure they appreciate your concern with their workload, but rest assured: That work has already been done! The feature has already been removed from the game, and we’ll all be better for it.
I really appreciate the fact that you seem to be speaking for the entire playerbase while simultaneously ignoring the half of the player base that disagrees with you. Truly, its simply impressive.
Then you have PLENTY of time to play, so just shut up acting like you don’t. 17-25% of your day to play and you want to talk about your other obligations lol.
Let me doubt this one… they had all the data when they introduced xmog to get us all the gear we had from the past, so tracking communial gear shouldn’t be that much harder.
“Plenty of time to play” is a gross understatement when I’m spending two hours getting a group together. That’s not playing. That’s babysitting four other players hoping they’ll eventually be ready, or waiting for an hour and a half for the group leader to finally meet up with me to “check my gear” only to discover that my gear isn’t good enough or whatever other asinine excuse they’re going to use to justify kicking me. If I’m going to be online for four hours I expect to be able to play for four hours. Get off your purity high horse, my man.
They did say it was going to last 6-8 weeks, beginning a, “few weeks before prepatch”, so that’s already much longer than Classic → TBC. And we needed a longer prepatch then than we do going into Wrath.
There’s no given date for the prepatch, nor when this XP event is going to start. Just that this suggests the prepatch is going to be much longer than classic → TBC.
Some want to level via questing while waiting for pops.
unless they snuck in a level 30 to 40 dungeon in say stranglethorn patch tuesday I can’t be there, razorfen or monastery at the same time. Same for arathi. where I am now as stranglethorn is too much red for my liking quest wise.
and unless they put in some 30 to 40 quests for alliance by monastery as well…its /dance time till a get a bite of f a dungeon.
your view seems to be of a bitter bet who ahs gold. Newer levelers…would quest. for xp. and money. you don’t make much money /dancing at monastery for an hour.
even female night elves. you see there no mail boxes to /dance on there either lol.
Not to mention that you can pretty much level where you want.
Heh, Blizzard is all over the place with this expansion version of classic. They certainly did a good job killing the buzz for many right out the gate.