Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

Retail. :arrow_right:

Anyone else frustrated with the XP boost? particularly the boost being included on fresh servers? The sole reason I was going to play wrath was to embark on the leveling experience organically, free of level boosts or max level transfers, and hopefully enjoy end game content with a community of people who feel similarly about what WoW’s true merits are. With a 50% XP boost you’ll be abandoning quest chains halfway through because they’re already becoming gray before you’re even close to completing a zone, and for what? so you’ll get to the finish line quicker? Please rethink adding the boost to fresh servers, or at the very, very least, give us one or two servers where we can progress through the game at a pace we feel isn’t needlessly expedited.


Thats why im saying increase the mobility instead. You would then move from objective to objective faster increasing leveling speed, but you still have to do the objectives and exist in the world. Also reducing the summon me or i wont go.

Awesome idea! Not so awesome adding it to Fresh though. Please reconsider.


how does leveling faster bother anyone? actually blows my mind who enjoys leveling?

Drain is all kinds of strange in the head.

50% xp won’t make quest chains grey. It’s a big boost for classic but no where near what you would think.

If it’s gonna take you 1 hr to get from level 19-20 it will take you 45 minutes. Really won’t be that huge of a difference

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Around a third of the time spent leveling is travel, so requiring fewer quests/mob kills also means less travel since you don’t have to go between continents as much.

Just be a valuable player and none of this matters. Do professions to get your gear up, farm battlegrounds, do what it takes to be inviteable.

All these people complaining about the gearscore days, maybe you should just gear up lol.

Depends 100% on why I’m tanking something. If I have nothing to gain I’ll reserve the de mats. If I have something to gain I typically don’t. It’s just like most content I do is for a reason (some are personal like achievements others are for gains in game.

People will really complain about anything lmao


lol maybe you shouldn’t be playin classic then.


I’m worried the XP boost on fresh servers will just push them faster to being flooded with gold and GDKP everything.

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Oh it will.

I’m thinking Wrath will be here in August.

We might get the buff here in 2-4 weeks. If
we have it for 6 to 8, then that’ll bring us to August maybe September.

Would be cool, DF might be a Nov/Dec but I don’t care about that. Just my guess though.
Just depends when the buff begins will be a better estimate.

I’m only here to import a character to classic logs. LMAO

Don’t actually have to post read the instructions LMAO


They also have a time stamp of when you completed every quest and every instance id you’ve ever been a part of. Brian is a !##$ing moron.

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How’s a 50% exp buff help alts if you remove boosting? You’ll level net slower.

Well, I mean, logically speaking, it’ll grant more experience per kill and quest turn in, so… there’s that.