Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

Speak for yourself, I love the XP event for my alts.

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They’ll release LFD when ICC comes out, like it did in original WOTLK.

How do you know? They released other features much earlier than before, and even invented FvF.

I wouldn’t know. But I assume so since 99% of playerbase is convinced LFD was originally launched the same day WOTLK was.

Nobody claims it came with Wrath launch. The most people say is that it was there for half of Wrath… since it was. It was out for a full year during Wrath…

Most people saying Wrath launch mean they want it during Classic Wrath launch.

Eh, they may even release it before ICC as a “look, we’re listening!” sort of thing when they see subs start to drop. I’m more than willing to bet that’s their gameplan all along.


Yes, and I asked specifically for the first element alone.

I don’t understand where this idea comes from. RDF specifically frees you up from having to wait in Dalaran for the currently requisite “Gear check” by overblown tanks.

The announced system and the lack of anything is what nails your foot to the city right now.


Not enough tho, lol

Only if they specifically go against what they’ve told us they’re doing. Also, the Retail LFG Tool wasn’t Wrath, and they’re adding that already. Just because something was in Wrath is no concern to the butchers of BC.

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If you absolutely insist on this massive exp boost, please make it an optional buff. As someone who plays to enjoy the journey, TBC leveling is already a little on the fast side. An unavoidable 50% exp boost leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, even as a temporary thing.


“People don’t like to level” speak for yourself. Some of us play the game specifically for the leveling journey. If you want to play a game where the leveling doesn’t matter, go play Retail.


The hypocrisy of Blizzard is what gets to me. They keep pushing this Retail philosophy of, “Rush to the endgame as quickly as possible. The journey means nothing.”

But when it comes to things like dungeon finder they’re all about the spirit of Classic and preserving Classic values.

There’s no consistency to any of it.


Again some people do you’re right I said some people do like to level but the reality is most don’t.

Because let me ask you this Even with mage boosting now It wouldn’t be popular if there was an unmarket for it Meaning If that obviously means There’s quite a lot more people that want to skip it than those that don’t.

Blizzard said in another post that they’re looking to implement a mob behavior hotfix and group XP nerf (similar to SoM) to TBC realms around the time this buff goes live. So I don’t think getting mage boosted 50% faster is in the cards.

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Nope, every single conversation iv’e had in game and every single multiple poll confirms YOU are the vocal minority.

Also it’s amazingly ironic you are telling us to go back to retail to use a WRATH tool when they are literally taking the premade group finder tool from RETAIL to wrath, just give us wrath how it was, there is a reason why it was the most successful period of WoW’s history. :slight_smile:


Why does Blizzard keep trying to sabotage fresh? Is it on purpose?

The only players this benefits on fresh are the tourists who will still bugger off after 2 weeks anyway.


They only did fresh out of a response to calls from players to reset the economy. It’s got nothing to do with pretty much anything else, and they’re doing the “You think you do, but you don’t” to restarting on a new toon.

are people going fresh really going to care about an EXP buff? its still what they mainly want… a hard reset on economy and power — Wrath leveling is so easy any way, i don’t see how this is any way shape or form “ruins” fresh, i don’t think most going fresh are excited to have to level at TBC speeds

Yup that’s exactly what they did personally I don’t see why they just don’t do both at this point LFD would be good To have with this group Finder and what they also could do is give the people that use the actual pre made group finder when people make their own groups they could increase the reward of that.

And keep the rewards of lfd the same So there’s a benefit to you making your groups by yourself It’s not a huge difference like instead of gaining 3 badges you’ll get 5 It may be instead of the boss dropping one item it drops too.

Youth and maybe increased the experience gained at the end of the dungeon by 20% I would be completely OK with that.

If so there’s a benefit to making your pre may group but people that want the convenience can use lfd.