Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

Deploy the buff ASAP please! it’s alt leveling time! :]

Blessedly on the scrapheap of terrible ideas this time around.

At least in Dalaran you can run in circles. Under the borealis.
Less clanking and such too. And no crying blood elf by the flight npc.

And Blizzard: silence Rhonins speech please. tyvm.

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But we didn’t have dungeon finder in Classic or TBC. In fact, it wasn’t even in at the start of Wrath. It was implemented when ICC came out. Even if they stayed true to the timeline, you wouldn’t have dungeon finder for over a year after Wrath came out. By then, most of the player base is basically over the dungeon phase (just like it is now in TBC).

Would it be helpful for those that like it late in Wrath? Sure. But it was never at the start of Wrath so you would never get the benefit of it for the first year of the expansion.

I’m honestly indifferent about it. I really do not care if the dungeon finder is in the game or not. I wouldn’t use it even if it was. I joined a guild, I made a bunch of friends and I only care to do dungeons with friends. There’s absolutely no way I’m queing as a tank for dungeon finder to play with pugs. Pugs that like to half afk or sit there and make the dungeon go twice as long as it needs to be. I don’t care about an instant warp to a dungeon either. I enjoy flying to a dungeon and viewing the scenery of the zones, instead of just planting my feet in front of the Dalaran fountain for 12 months.


… on their first character.

The biggest benefit of RDF is for the period after the initial wave of levelling, when there’s far fewer people and you need to reach out more. Levelling up alts in the later game is not going to be anywhere near as easy now.

This is so weird to me but it keeps getting repeated like anti-RDF people are being given cue cards. RDF does the opposite of forcing you to plant your feet at the fountain. You’re now going to have to do that because like in TBC, Heroics group leads are going to demand you show up and get a “Gear Check”. They do it now in BC, they did it in Wrath with GearScore. Without RDF, you’re going to spend more time in Dalaran because that flight “over the landscape” will always start in Dalaran.

With RDF, you can sit on a dock and fish down near the Kaluak huts, or wander around Scholazar herbing.

Without RDF, you’re stuck in Dalaran getting gear checked before setting off on a single flight.


Holy cats, the originality in this post! Has anyone ever heard this argument before? Someone send this to all the forums, quick!


It’s a crazy thing, but there is a thing called ‘alts’ - these are characters that players start after their main character. These characters may be started at any time.

Given the expedited release schedule of expansions thus far, I highly doubt it would be a year.

Yeah, you… uh, are indifferent about it. For sure!

Congratulations. You’re pretty unique - not getting bored of the same scenery for 12 months.


Please announce soon! I need to put in my time off for this! So pumped! :slight_smile: :heart:

Who cares no lfd.

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We’re primed to take the “easy” path, so if it’s available people will take it. Doesn’t mean it’s fun. Doesn’t mean you’re not missing out on half the game. But if some people do it and you want to keep up, you have to do it too. I’d bet a good portion of those who boost do so only because they feel pressured to rush.

All I ask is that they make the 50% buff optional. Preferably at least some Fresh servers without it so it’s not a false choice on Fresh.


This kind of feels like a REALLY week bandaid to fix leveling due to the fact that blizzard won’t remove the boost.

A REALLY great way to speed up leveling AND provide some level of engaging gameplay would be to create a stylized bonus that rotates from week to week. For instance, make it that 1 week grants big exp bonuses to dungeons, dungeon quests and bosses drop extra loot for Azeroth and Outland dungeons. The next week might significantly increase the exp of BGs and increase the honor rewards for battlegrounds for players 1-70. The following week a group of quest givers will arrive in town and grant exp for players turning in items that you can make with professions from level 1-375 or materials gathered from Azeroth/Outland.

The loss of a X-realm leveling player pool via the old LFD tool really limits the ability to do anything other than questing AND the flat exp modifier you are giving out spreads out those players far more than they already were (making it even harder to do group content). If you at least tie the exp bonus TO different kinds of content, you provide both incentive AND reward for players doing things other than just questing solo.

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Not even a 50% exp bonus is going to motivate me to drag another character through the grueling task of grinding the same boring quests over and over again.

Because dungeon groups don’t exist if your not on a mega server, or have a high level dragging you through dungeons. :woman_shrugging:


I mean I guess it depends on how you view it I wouldn’t say that leveling is half the game if anything I would say it’s more 20% it’s just something you have to do depending on your perspective.

And I have no problem if it’s optional Heck I would even say make that into a gameplay mode The same way hardcore works Make it so if you If level on times 1 experience make a achievement of it where you could get a special mount.

I don’t have a problem with people liking to level I just have a problem that there is no alternative Further those of us that don’t like to level.

I’m completely understandable that there’s some people that really like to level I have friends that like to level I don’t agree with them but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand it.

my problem is That there’s no option It’s If the same grind every single time No speed UPS regardless unless you already have BOA gear and even then it’s still kind of slow.

And the argument is its part of the game and it should be there I mean fine but why does it have to be the same for everybody why can’t it Be sped up after it’s your 3rd or 4th alt.

And again why can’t it be an option Because the people that want the extra speed they’ll take it the ones that don’t guess what they can Always turn it on and off and they could make achievements with with it that’s what I’m saying.

Would seem better if it was higher than 50%. The slog through vanilla content is mind numbingly boring.

Maybe scale it up per character Your 1st character 50% your 2nd character 80% And so on So I would say increase at 20% Each time So Every single alt goes a little bit faster.

“Would ya like to buy a boost?”

Seriously, all of these suggestions that detract from them being able to sell a boost to you themselves, are non-starters. There’s a reason why this 50% XP ends at the release of Wrath. They don’t want to make it easier to level. They want to make you buy boosts when you realize after release that your alt needs to go far slower than it did in the “Golden Weeks” of pre-patch.

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I’m not arguing that I’m completely well aware of it and yeah and again I would also ask the reason at this point if that is the reason why is boost still restricted to one per account ?

So that’s the only question that doesn’t make sense if a really one will eliminate boosting which obviously it seems they do with their latest posts so why is it only limited per 1 per account that doesn’t make sense.

At TBC launch there was so much backlash and they knew it. But with discussion of removing account transfer limitations in a survey, it’s clear they intend to change that. So the only reason the limitation is there is that they haven’t removed it yet, and they’re saving that bombshell for after release of Wrath.

I almost wonder about that because they have mentioned there will be a 70 boost apparently it says it’s only one per account but that’s not what they said.

But apparently it was posted shortly after the announcement I haven’t seen this so I can’t confirm but I wouldn’t be too surprised but if I’m being honest I would rather that because at least people have an option to skip the leveling process at least to 70 and let’s be honest.

That’s the worst part of the leveling is 1 to 70 because almost nobody is going to be doing it Now don’t get me wrong I would much rather than keep the 50% experience boost and but like you said blizzard wants to sell boosts.

We won’t see the 70 boost details until they release the “Classic Wrath themed mount and pet with bundled boost” deal. But I do feel like it won’t have a restriction, or it’ll be removed soon after.