Release of the XP buff is a timer for 6-8 weeks to release. What this “means” is that they’re not ready to release Wrath in 8 weeks. There is more work to be done than can be completed in the next 8 weeks before release, and therefore they can’t activate the XP buff until they’re ready to say “Wrath is releasing on this date”.
Literally “It’s not ready yet”.
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True in a better world, but to be fair, this has never once stopped Blizzard before.
We all know the TRUE Beta Test begins on official release day 
Well yes but you know there’s this magical thing they can only say things took a little bit longer for wrath than we thought and there’s a lot more bugs so so as a token of good faith we’re gonna give you guys the XP buff and double it so it’s going to be a 100% xp and they could also compensate that by increasing drops and raids and dungeons and reputation games as well.
On top of that they could also use that as an excuse to make pre patch longer which my opinion is not a bad thing by any stretch whatsoever.
So yes they did say 6 to 8 weeks and I agree that wralph isn’t ready But what I am saying nothing stops them from saying OK wingoe said this but stuff can come up you know that’s a thing that they can do haven’t forbid blizzard ever It admits to a to a mistake.
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There’s a difference here though. We know what should be there so they can’t just drop a feature that isn’t ready. And the beta has made clear stuff isn’t finished.
This would undermine their ultimate goal for Wrath monetization which is paid boosts. The longer the XP buff goes on the less likely people will need boosts. Fresh Servers on the normal timeline would only really have a chance to have players level one character with the boost. Adding more XP boost time would make enough time to level more alts without being frustrated enough to pay for it.
Alternatively, they could just be intending to include the WoW token.
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Are you really so convinced that they won’t introduce the wow token I mean let’s be honest at this point TBC has become a shop with more steps let’s be honest.
Honestly at this point I’m not 100% convinced it wouldn’t be the Best thing for the game if the token did come in everyone says it would make the game pay to win it’s already that because blizzard will not do anything about RMT and they never will because they make too much revenue from it that’s just the sad truth.
And I still say that’s why they never made it so the 58 boost could be bought in multiple times on the same account Because they make more revenue from bots that buy an account and have to buy a separate boost And make another account then your average player Boosting multiple characters on the same account because goodness knows we know people don’t like Leveling.
Not that I blame them leveling sucks it always has But that doesn’t take away from the fact that they either need to do something in the game where gold is not the most important currency but if you ask those players they don’t want that.
Because for some weird reason it’s different when you buy an item enraged with gold effectively because they’re still in their words that agency Because apparently making World of Warcraft black Jack is fun ok?
But as it good for the game as a whole no I still say they should take every single item from the raids put it on the badge vendor but make it so you can’t buy that item till you kill that boss but still let loot drop from the bosses that’s completely fine in my opinion.
It makes it so gdkps aren’t the best way to gear up Characters
They are doing themselves a huge disservice by not communicating something, if even, “We don’t know”.
Yeah I’m not denying that you’re completely right they are they should communicate a little bit more instead of you know effectively saying absolutely nothing especially when we throw dragonflight in the mix.
Which I’ll be honest the way things are going with wrath or at least the way they’re looking I’m not too Convinced that dragonflight could be better than wralph yeah I know I said it.
Fun fact and I stick to this Technically retail is less paid to win than tbc is Yes even with the wow token.
I have faith that tomorrow the 19th they implemented the XP buff, in which case wait for the fresh servers, since it would only serve to start from 0 because there is a lot of imbalance
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Uh, no. I literally just suggested they could.
Blizzard is actively removing alternate levelling methods to direct people to the Paid Boost. You can’t race/faction change, so you need to level another character. Levelling a character is only by questing since old world dungeons are dead, and LFD is removed, and boosting has been nerfed.
They’re intentionally making it so that people want to spend money in game, and even adding the WoW token would increase that. People who want to buy a boost with gold would farm gold to sell it to someone else who then “pays” for their boost.
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I mean to be fair if people are boosting they’re still spending money it’s just they’re not buying it from blizzard effectively But yeah I’m not disagreeing with you by any stretch of the imagination although at this point I almost kind of wonder.
If the while token would be good for the gamer or not Because we know they’re not going to do anything about gdkps.
And we know they’re not going to do anything about RMT they don’t have the capability to or intentions to So at this point they might as well put in the wow token.
That’s why Blizzard is cracking down on boosting, but not gold selling and GDKP. They want the gold buying market to remain once they introduce the token, so they can’t say “Gold buying is bad!” but they can say “Paying someone to boost you is bad.”
i just cant wait till maintence is over tomorrrow to enjoy the amount of salt that is gonna pour on these forums lol lol j’s
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They already said they’re not ready to give us dates.
Tomorrow will still be a surprise if it isn’t out for me.
Just because of the timeline and with Dragonflight also coming out this year, supposedly.
Though, September 20th is the latest because 2 days later is Fall.
That would be such a D move if that did that lmao.
BTW where was your sauce from?
How long ago was that? I’ve sen little tono info on it for almost 3 weeks, which is excessive.
Get ready for a Classic Summer! Was the slogan for Vanilla Classic and when they first said it the community took it as we’d be playing it over the summer.
It released August 26th.
Clearly they’ll update us when the status changes. It hasn’t changed, yet.
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That would make sense.
But there’s no way wotlk classic or prepatch are launching in august. Not a shred of a chance in this universe.