Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

They never intended for boosting to be a thing. Sure, it took them a ridiculously long time to address it, but that’s Blizzard for ya. Questing/grinding with a 50% boost is 1.5 X faster than without it.

This isn’t complicated.

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Yeah they’re nerfing boosting because “they” (they being Brian Birmingham and team who didn’t even develop the game in the first place?) want people to buy another account and buy an additional boost on it if they want an alt, not for whatever purist reason you’re describing.

why not just buy your level 80 character from another person. No need to level at all. I mean. A role playing MMO game where you dont even have to level. It should be a THING!!! right?

Should be 100% default and scales up 10% more per max level character on the account with a maximum of 150 or 200%


Boosting from sources other than themselves, you mean.

You nee here? Or just trolling?

What? I wasn’t talking about gear or gearscore in that post.

So, here’s the thing. Everyone has a boss. Birmingham has a boss, Hazzikostas has a boss, even Kotick answers to the board and the shareholders. Why aren’t there unlimited boosts? Why don’t they release a full tier set bundle in a cash shop two phases behind the current one?

The cynical answer is that would cost them more money in terms of subscribers in the long wrong. That doesn’t mean it’s the wrong answer, but I think there’s a little more to it than that. I think Birmingham and the people who agree with his … “vision” of a classic community really do believe that no RDF and certain other changes really are in the best interests of the community long term. I think they’re wrong and their timing is off, but that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention.

I suspect that someone up above demanded some type of monetization features and the cosmetic mount and one time boost were the concessions made by the classic development team hoping those would do the least amount of damage. Too bad they aren’t better at detecting and banning bots.

There’s a legitimate argument to be made about the catch up feature of the boost. If I managed to convince a friend to jump into WoW classic right now, I’d basically have to reroll with them so that they wouldn’t feel left behind. A limited one-time boost does alleviate that. I think the price is too high though. Trying to convince someone to pay $40 to jump in and level the rest of the way for a 15 year old game is still going to be a hard sell.

And if it is indeed a Summer event, it’ll have to start pretty soon.

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Hopefully next Tuesday!


Can I have the buff early? I wont tell anyone :innocent:


Big brain comment here… /s

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Actually you are the minority and obviously not paying atty. Grow up.

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Same!!:smiley: lol

Maybe in the 5th?

Way to go blizz. You ruined the best expasion of the entire wow history right from the start with your rediculous changes and have to make sure you screw it over right to the end. Good job guys.

I was hoping for the 5th… but Blizzard’s been silent.

I want the fresh server, too.

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Hmm, so it looks like the 6-8 weeks includes the pre-patch period. If the pre-patch period is a month (for example), the XP event would only start 2-4 weeks before that period of time.

Are we close to the pre-patch launch? Maybe not given we are at the very early stages of beta. I guess we won’t get the xp buff until early August maybe?

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Prepatch is likely early august, September is the best choice for launchng (OW2 in Oct and likely DF in Nov)

I’d expect the buff in the next 2 weeks.

EXP buff plz Blizzard. :disguised_face: