"Josh Greenfield: Everyone screaming for more realms: No" Edit: New RPPVP Server Chaos Bolt

What a stupid response.


Blizzard, “No, you can’t play with your friends.”


no you didn’t but that is cute how you tried to play that like blizz would be like… “oh no they unsubbed, get it fixed!” LOL

“No, you can’t play our games with your friends. What are you thinking!”


Blizz pivoted a lot during their scandals and shadowlands that led to major declines in subscriptions. So, yes, they will if it is significant enough.

That being said, I don’t think SoD will be remotely near as impactful in that regard.

Literally got home.

Haven’t looked up anything about SoD, because well, duh.

Logged in, saw there was RPPVP reals, something they basically got rid of in retail and I’ve missed ever since. As someone who is still on the backwater, low-pop, nothing but crickets-former RPPVP server that was Twisting Nether… I’m completely floored the RPPVP server is full, and that the others to which the game typically caters- are not.

I would like to think that, Blizzard is enforcing RP Realm rules, but given the response above- seems like they don’t want to put anymore effort into anything. It’s launched, they’ve got their rollouts planned, players be damned.

Guess I’ll scratch around in the dirt on some other server where people obviously have no interest in RP AND PVP together, and can expect those server rules to be enforced.

Disappointing is an understatement.


oh your could quit complaining and crying and wait for it to settle in and see what they game plan is.

Sit in a queue with your friends, And play when you get through queue.

They should make another rp-pvp server and name it ‘QQ’ to keep to their condescending nature. Everybody wins!

In the end…Crusader Strike is the only server that will be playable down the road…and the smart players know it. There is no other choice.

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It’s as if they made forums for voicing issues among other reasons. :thinking: I don’t expect someone who is high to understand though.


they haven’t enforced RP rules for years dude, it’s classic servers. Not retail. You seem out of touch for a game you care so much about.

i dont mind full servers
i dont mind queues

i do mind not having a second option for a pve server or an rppvp server.

last i checked classic vanilla had like 50 servers and many died, and that is not great but free server transfer and mergers after months in my eyes is way better than the current issues on the most exciting time to play.

im not asking for the 50 original servers like the vanilla classic release.

but why not like 2x rp pvp…


And not even on the official WoW account. Stone cold silence there.


You show me where the rules changed. For what it’s worth, I can’t even connect to a US realm. This whole situation got hyped up and they’re basically unprepared for it. Call it what it is.

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This! I feel like a majority of the people defending the server list are thinking people want 50+ servers, naw fam I just want two of every server in the US


The only valid excuse then was to prevent two one sided realms, but they claim to be fixing balance now so…

This is an intelligent response. Unlike certain Blizzard employees. People should have OPTIONS.

Same, my guild said at the beginning we was going to the rp-pvp server since we played on Emerald Dream in retail and Grobbulus in classic, now I figured I’d follow that guild since I mean…From what I understand we’re told GG cut ties with your friends that couldn’t make it.


Expecially when the only RP-PvP server is almost full (according to the tweet).