Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

I did have an argument you don’t and revert back to 10 years and ignore everything else. It’s pointless to have a conversation with you.


Suramar wasn’t horde content at the time I consumed it, which is all that matters to me. The whole time I was there, I looked at it as even more night elf-adjacent content alongside Azsuna and Val’sharah. There was no reason to expect Blizzard would do a stupid elf-swap thing so pointing at it and saying it’s horde content sounds meaningless when it can only be considered horde content once it’s expired.


Still Horde content. Doesn’t really matter what or when something happened.
If I follow your rules not a single zone in Legion was Alliance neither except MAYBE for Valshara but that is a big if.

Dalaran was supposed to replace the city we lost when Theramore (and many other alliance towns) got blown because of the Horde.
We never saw that city again until Legion where it was promptly given back to the Horde. Turst me Dalaran going neutral again was the biggest slap for the Alliance because the one win we did have in theory was reversed completely and we got lectured for it too.

And it was the most popular expansion to date. You have 3 expansions to chew horde content on. Console yourself with those.

What did I ignore? I won’t hold my breath.

How is this relevant? Content is content. There is no time limit or how it is effected. If Suramar is considered Alliance because of Night Elf connection how can you possibly argue that Cata, MoP and WoD are NOT Horde content if we operate with your interpretations?

It does actually. The content was completely neutral at the time it was current. Nightborne joining the Horde over a year after the vast majority of players went through Suramar doesn’t retroactively make people’s experience a Horde one. There was no announcement at the beginning of Legion that Nightborne would join the Horde.


So… Legion was not an Alliance expansion as many Horde players like to pretend it is neither.

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I said night elf-adjacent, not alliance content. The reason why I’m making that distinction is because Suramar was basically living history to a time period and lifestyle that the night elves chose to eschew. They were there to show the mistakes of the past being repeated and having players intervene to stop it from happening, without it being time travel nonsense.


And WoD, Cata and MoP were orc-adjacent content. What is the difference here?
Why is one expansion wholly Alliance in legion but seemingly perfectly balanced (according to you) in cata, wod and mop?

I brought up a lot of arguments earlier but both you and Firemourn completely ignored them.
It is tough having the coherent discussion when all you do is appeal to emotion rather than facts.

I never said they didn’t have orc-adjacent content. My complaints about those expansions was that the content SUCKED and detracted from the faction to me.


Well there is plenty of suck to go around. You don’t have a monopoly over it.
I have been following orc nonsense for 4 expansions now and my only break was Legion and the Horde playerbase still haven’t stopped crying over it.

…And I never claimed to have a monopoly over it either. In fact, I’ve tried to be as even-handed as possible with my complaints, acknowledging that the alliance has its own problems and when I express a complaint about how one side feels worse than the other, I usually try to follow up with a clarification that it’s likely my bias speaking and I try to offer up a rationalization for why I feel that way.

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Regardless of where you stand, the Horde playerbase has never been told to off itself and called homophobic slurs on the stage of blizzcon brosephs.


Oh right that was fun.

Your complaints were solely for the one time I got a break from Orc nonsense.
Well you got what you wanted with 3 cinematics of Saurfang feeling sad and Zandalar.

Of course all these things had to come at the expense of Alliance players being victimized and later completely be out manoeuvred by the awesome Horde Warchief waifu.
Looks like Alliance is paying for Legion tenfold now.

The Horde playerbase gets coddled by Blizzard.
WHO LOVES SYLVANAS?! WHO’S YOUR WARCHIEF?! Awwww… You didn’t think we’d kill her? We’d never do that to the people we design this game for!


My complaints about legion weren’t because I worked with alliance leaders in a neutral fashion. What I hated about it was that I didn’t see any of my own leaders working alongside them, to really push the theme of the whole world coming together to push back the legion. I also hated how the horde basically had nothing to do with the ending of the expansion as well.

And when I say that, I don’t mean “the draenei shouldn’t have appeared”, because that would be stupid. I wanted to see some orcs ALONGSIDE them, because I thought it would be a nice narrative message that the races the Legion turned against each other would end up forming a bond and working together and ultimately showing the big bads that they caused their own destruction. Instead, I got a cupcake thief.


And yet voljin story still isn’t over. while varian will be stay dead.

well, the light always has been an alliance theme. so what business would have an’she here?

Wait, you are telling me that tyrande or the alliance having a story after 3 expansions in a row of horde content is alliance bias? tell me after the alliance is protagonist for legion, bfa, and the next one.
Oh wait, the horde already has 4 cgi cinematics! while we only got the low budget ingames ones!

Worse, we saved the horde multiple times, even during faction war helping to take back their capital! instead of, you know, just burn it.
hell we may do it again with thunder bluff or orgrimmar.

Well to be fair this is actually a dumb move from the devs for not realizing the imbalance that they had during vainilla.
but we had to pay the price during 3 expansions.

blizzard is not scared to alinate alliance players.
But is scared to alienate horde players.
just look at mop, surely blizzard didn’t have a problem to make us angry destroying theramore and when we attacked orgri, blizzard was scared to alienate horde players more so in the end we go out empty handed. and got nothing out of it, after we gained dalaran for the alliance that already became neutral again. losing the only thing that we won in mop.
Hell, is happening again, blizzard wasn’t scared to make us even more angry with teldrassil but surely their go their way to not let us have revenge AGAIN, they will just blame sylvanas, baine will claim that the horde is free and act like they weren’t responsible
and thrall or someone will randomly steal our kill.

hm, oh i doubt it. there is no use having “moral integrity” if we never punish those responsible for our anger. if blizzard don’t let us fine,i guess that we should play another game.

Can we ask the same for horde players?,like you say it “try to look this game from the perspective of the other side” i am not seeing that from many horde players and i don’t blame them either considering that this is like we are in real life, i guess , maybe we are all biased?
Look, i do understand that horde players have their own problems, i truly do. but i am sorry if i speak my own personal experience during all this time.
can we truly find a common grund? we all have our own problems and biases, that’s normal considering that blizzard has created this 2 factions and then decided to face it against each other because “CyClE OF HATreD”

i think that something that we can agree is that this whole story is just stupid and sucks for both sides for various reasons.

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Dude you never followed around an orc since cata. Even in cata Malfurion had more screen time then Thrall. Netural content is dominated by the alliance.

Mop - alliance pc quested under alliance characters.
Wod - alliance pc quested under alliance characters.
Legion - alliance pc quested under alliance characters


Mop - horde characters
Wod - kadghar who is alliance
Legion - kadghar, velen, Malfurion, Tryanda

Do you see the issue here? Netural content is dominated by the alliance. I don’t care who I fight they are the enemy, I wouldn’t considered that flavored content.

What I care about in a role play game is who I’m fighting for. All the horde of ever does is fight for the alliance.

when it is not netural content horde pc is hit by the villain bat. And people like you scream bias


Dude varian’s Horde counter part was Garrosh.


The issue isn’t who I am following its literally about the story.
It says a lot about your priorities when all you can think about is superficial detail of who you are following rather than what it is your actually hearing or doing.
Legion was some NE history mixed with Tauren, Valajar and all was designed to defeat the Legion.

All the expansions that came before it were all about some threat but then Oh Look at what the Horde/Evil Horde is doing.
For. Three. Expansions. Straight.

After legion the first thing we see again is MORE Horde BS on an unprecendant scale. It’s all about the Horde. Horde this. Horde that. I am just sick of it.
All my characters could talk about is what did the Horde do, what we can do to help the Horde and yadayadayda.

Wait, when was that the case in WOTLK or BC?

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THey prolly gonna say the Wrathgate which… surprise surprise is the Forsaken and the Horde had to stop them too.