Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

Really, the only thing I can say about this is…

hoes mad.


Lost or do you mean balanced, since you know allaince controlled a lot more zones.

But no bro you right, it’s horde biased, how dare the horde have as many leveling zones as the allaince. How dare they…

Dear lord you guys are spoiled.


I’d argue you’d be right if the zones were balanced…better.

Hillsbrad Foothills for example going full Horde would have been fine, if Southshore was destroyed by a tsunami like they originally said. Instead it was blighted, meaning for Alliance players their flight path wasn’t lost to the Cataclysm, it was taken by the Horde.

Leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


A Horde player telling me about being spoiled. Rofl.

Right its not the balance. Its how it happened.
All Alliance zones were almost completely unchanged from classic.

Duskwood being a famous example of it. Place like Redridge or Westfall were literally the same as Vanilla besides a few small changes and the zone’s entire questline was a joke.
Then you had zones like in Loch Modan, Wetlands and frigging all of Kalimdor where everything was destroyed. The Horde player got massive new bases from Northrend while Alliance was still stuck in their old tents or vanilla towers. Just look at Southern Barrens for the disparity.

Then you had ‘rebalacing’ come at the expense of Alliance where all their old camps were either in ruins or being attacked in progress with little quest or phasing to stop it.

Oh and you had the Worgens being relegated to a single tree while the Horde got an entire zone reworked just for the goblins.
Horde players can’t justify any of this so all they can do is say “Ehhh balance!”


As much as I like to harp on Blizzard for being incapable of writing any subtlety, there are far too many posters in this forum who are even more incapable of reading any nuance that actually does exist in the story. They only perceive a Horde bias because of their own biases.

If Horde bias was a real thing, Vol’jin’s death would have been even more obscenely over-the-top than Varian’s, and both sides would have to watch it. Vol’jin would have accomplished more as Warchief than saying “You know what your garrison really needs? Boats.” The Horde races would never have spent any amount of time wondering “Who even is my racial leader right now?” only to learn the answer on twitter a year or two later. The priest Order Hall would have been a loa temple and the paladin Order Hall would be a shrine to An’she. Every priest and paladin player would have to change religions in order to participate in Legion. Orcs and blood elves would have been in the forefront in the battle against the Burning Legion, and Tyrande would be sitting in the basement of a horde spaceship, and the draenei would have no presence at all.

If Horde bias was a real thing, Alliance would have started the war in BfA unprovoked so the Horde players could actually feel vindicated for fighting them instead of unwilling participants in their leader’s genocidal rampage (unlike Allaince players who have been champing at the bit to attack Lordearon, Horde players never EVER actually cared about attacking Teldrassil). Katherine Proudmoore would have died to make way for Jaina’s ascension to Lord Admiral while King Rastakhan would be alive and gracefully stepped down to make Talanji queen. Alliance players would have to actively spread the worgen curse (the feral version) and attacking civilians just to get the war campaign achievement that is required to unlock allied races, dungeons, and flying. The Alliance would be having their second civil war while the Horde feels unified and whole.

If Horde bias was a real thing, Alliance players would be forced to save Orgrimmar multiple times. People wouldn’t be able to complain about the Alliance losing territory to the Horde because, in this fantasy world where Horde bias exists, the Horde wouldn’t have started WoW with less territory than the Alliance. Hell, the Horde would have had more territory than the Alliance, and the Alliance would have had to wait for Cataclysm for the devs to correct it.

Look, I get that it feels like the Horde is the focus right now. That’s because we are, right now. But we aren’t always the focus. We certainly weren’t in Legion. And even when we are the focus, it’s in a way that is immensely dissatisfying to the players. You think we want a second civil war? Do you think we want Ms. “Death to the living!” in charge when all but one of our playable races are, in fact, living? These are things that are forced on us by Blizzard, not because they are biased in our favor, but because they want to make the Alliance players feel like they don’t have to compromise their moral integrity in order to participate in an all-out war. This benefits the Alliance players more than it does the Horde, even if we are the focus. At least try and look at this game from the perspective of the other side before screaming about biases. No one is happy right now. In that sense, I’d say it’s pretty equal.


All that rant and all he complained about was Legion.

Meanwhile we have Cata, MoP, WoD for the Horde player’s pleasure.


This is deeply funny.


Its funny cuz its true!


Except the Voljin parts. Those made me sad.



Because its true?

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Say hi to humanity, we only listen and see that which we want to listen/see. Our self opinion is the (or should be) the only universal truth… everything else we don’t comprehend is wrong.

You are not being intellectually honest. I complained about Legion in only one paragraph. The second paragraph was about BfA, and the third was about the course of the game in it’s entirety. You are mischaracterizing my post because it challenges you, and rather than address the content of my post you are trying to dismiss it. You may not know me because I haven’t posted all year (inactive account due to me hating the story that is apparently biased in my favor), but I know you. I don’t need an active account to read.

Remember when I said certain people can’t read nuance? People who claim Cata was Horde biased are exactly those people. It was Thrall bias, not Horde. And there is a difference. This was the expansion Thrall left the Horde and became neutral. You know who else fulfilled this role in later expansions? Khadgar. If Cata is a Horde expansion because of Thrall, than WoD is an Alliance expansion because of Khadgar.

Also, just because orcs were the villains in WoD doesn’t make it a Horde expansion. Both sides were slaughtering orcs non-stop. Last I checked that’s not the Horde player fantasy. “Can’t wait to slaughter more of my kin! Thanks Blizzard!”

Horde was the focus of MoP. I won’t claim otherwise. But it’s another example of Horde players being dissatisfied with the attention we got. You like to state over and over that Horde have been evil for a long time and we should stop living in the past (aka vanilla), but MoP is the first time we were overtly and inexcusably the bad guys. In WoD, with Vol’jin in charge, we were the good guys again. We only became villains again in BfA. It’s a back and forth thing that is wholly dependent on who the current Warchief is. Because Blizzard sucks at subtlety and can’t let the Horde as a whole be more than the Warchief.

But, certainly there is some nuance, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Horde are rebelling against an evil tyrant just as we did the last time we had an evil tyrant. Not everyone in the Horde is evil, and there will always be members of the Horde fighting to maintain their moral integrity. You know, just like in real life with real countries who do really bad things. There are always dissenters within that country who actively oppose their own governments.


Also is it really a spoiler that she won’t die considering it is brazenly obvious she won’t? I mean if you pay attention to details and put aside personal wants.
He said nothing new.


With how often blizzard lies this makes me think she will die.


And Garrosh.
The entire game revolved around him and what the Horde was doing.
We never got Tyrande leading the defence in Ashenvale.
We never got Varian giving us a speech when he led a defense of Northwatch or what have you.

The Horde did. Many times.

Now who is being disengenious?
Its not about the poster boy. Its about the content.
And the entire WoD was about the warlords and the orcish history. The Alliance was just spectators to what was unfolding like every other expansion before Legion.

It absolutely does.
Orcish home world.
Orcish legendary characters.
Orcish origins and storylines.

WoD was where the orc fatigue got coined because we had been dealing with Garrosh and the Horde for better part of 3 expansions.

And you not liking the role the orcs or the Horde played are irrelevant. You still had that content.

And MoP and Cata.
You can’t claim Legion was Alliance if you don’t have the standards when it comes to those expansions. You are picking and choosing your criteria to fit your own narrative.

The Horde has been evil since Cataclysm. Garrosh was slaughtering people left and right in Ahsenvale and Theramore and much, much more. The only reason you suddenly realize you were evil is because Blizzard pointed it out.

Alright where was the rebellion at Teldrassil? I seem to recall the entire Horde rushed to Sylvanas’ defense at Undercity. If they were so outraged why were they not standing side by side with the Alliance?
Right. Because the Horde lacks moral integrity.

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Dude the horde lost southern barrens…actually even barrens is contested.

Did the alliance not get new bases in Northrend???

But it why even bring up an expansion from almost 10 years ago. FYI most of the horde territories became contested, like durator, barrens. Some were lost in questing like stone. Mt.

But you probably didn’t quest horde side.

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[quote=“Pheandra-emerald-dream, post:115, topic:248893”]
You can’t claim Legion was Alliance if you don’t have the standards when it comes to those expansions. You are picking and choosing your criteria to fit your own narrative.

Listen nothing was as bad as legion. The horde didn’t exist, never has the allaince pc spent all expansion following around horde characters. Without having their own questing or story.

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I don’t like playing the mass murdering faction. No thanks. You want to play the evil faction good for you. It’s not my cup of tea.

I am talking about the new northrend models at the time revamping all Horde settlements in the cataclysm revamp while the Alliance was still stuck with their crappy vanilla towns.

Because it is still current content and that trend continues to this day but you are completely blind to it because you have come used to getting more content that the other side.

Durotar is completely Horde territory what the heck are you talking about?
Are you making things up now?

Suramar, High mountain, Earthen ring, Dalaran reverting back to Horde sympathizers and so on. You got two entire zones while I just had Argus and Valshara to be relevant in and you guys still haven’t stopped crying over it.

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Dude because horde building before that looked like crap, look at cross roads but you don’t play horde so you wouldn’t know.

Anyhow I’m done, you got faction googles on to keep going back 10 years for all your arguments. Maybe a world revamp is what you should request.


And there it goes folks. You have no argument to justify the blatent favortism so you just resort to personal attacks and quit.

Well bye bye then. Don’t let the gold plated door hit you on your way out.

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Suramar and high mountain were not horde until expansion was over.

Earthen right was lead by a dranie and had as many allaince characters as horde.

Bro Dalaran was a slap :wave:t3: in the face to horde players. We went back to a city that purged us, got brushed under a rug and were told to be on our best behavior… also they mentioned the bell but not the purge or how dalaran was helping the allaince while being netural.

I get it alliance fanboys didn’t want horde there but horde of didn’t want to go back why should they? Again this was just more allaince content pushed down horde pc’s throat and your complaint lol