hello there.
it has come to my attention this:
according to google this guy is:
John Hight
Executive Producer & Vice President, World of Warcraft at Blizzard Entertainment
i like how the guy says “i will not tell you what happens” when he is already saying that sylvanas WILL NOT die in bfa, isn’t that already spoiler?
Personally, this make me angry because that means screw the alliance,the nelfs and their revenge ! 
Its not unexpected … and is just another small thing on the growing pile of evidence to suggest that she really IS Ogmot’s Shepherd (leading her blind sheep off a cliff). The chances of something horrific happening to the Horde FROM HER are growing as the expansion continues (assuming this leak is in any way valid). She’ll then lead us into the next expansion.
Sylvanas has ONE extra life in the tank atm to prevent perma-death (and people are kidding themselves if they believe she wont use it if needed). Beyond that, it would have been VERY uncharacteristic of her to sacrifice herself for either the Horde or Forsaken (with her existential fear of her own afterlife being what it is). We are HER Bulwark after all.
Unlike Garrosh, Sylvanas also will not die for a vision of the Horde she does not have; nor will she sacrifice herself for a Chair she did not want (but will exploit while she has it). She’s more than likely going to try to merely expend the forces of the Alliance and Horde as much as possible, then bail when retribution would be absurdly difficult with both sides licking their wounds.
I love how unlimited moral superiority is a “screw you!” in your mind. You’re looking with jealous eyes at a faction whose storytelling consists of angrily drowning puppies.
At least good news!! Long unlive the queen! May her reign eternal!
So she’s a Gul’dan and not a Garrosh.
On a related note … the edgy BE player avatars are out in spades. Though I suppose it is better to call them Quel’dorei these days considering how laced with hypocrisy their racial name is when Sylvie burned Teldrassil. Nothing like being turned into the personal scourge for the Lich Queen in a beat-for-beat narrative parallel story of “The Fall of Quel’thalas” (AND having that story revisited in the first wave of Heritage Questlines) to just … ooze not understanding that lol!
Hell, if that wasn’t enough Sylvie has made her own little Sylvie in Summermoon (the raising of the Ranger General), and Tyrande is going through her variant of Liadrin’s Forming of the Blood Knights (with the Night Warriors) right now.
what is the use of having “moral superioriity” if nothing ever will come out of it?
isn’t standard in this game that we defeat the bad guys in the end?
why this will be different? (don’t answer that,i know why)
if we let the horde do what they want without consequences then there is no reason to have an alliance in the first place if we aren’t going to help avenge one of our allies.
So yes, is a “screw you” to us. and is not the first time either.
Speak the facts Droité! So much hypocrisy.
Hey now. She has pointy ears, and a gratifying physique. That makes her totally different from Arthas.

I personally did not liked the Burning but it has happened and sorry if you a goblin who race started being slaves and now rejoice in others poor state of work or even slavery is too kinda comical…
Hey dont blame us the blood elves, blame the writers.
I guess not wanting more Horde characters to be axed when you just had Jaina and Mekkatorque dangled in front of you and then snatched away is being “edgy” now 
Only ONE character needs to go …
The one who’s never really grown out of her Alliance of Convenience with the Primitive Races of the Horde; and thus has NEVER grown to represent the Horde itself very well. The one who’s been written to have a deliberately ambiguous relationship with her own people; and thus has never really represented even them functionally very well. A character who has a LONG history of merely using others as tools for PERSONAL objectives, then discarding them when they cease to be of use (and remains unclear if thats all she’s doing even now).
Long story short … the only character we REALLY need to lose is Sylvanas Windrunner (the Banshee Queen). Even the Blood Elves have better acclimatized to the WC3 Horde Core Themes (if not necessarily aesthetics) miles over Sylvie (and her lack of acclimatization has even lingered into the Forsaken people as well). If Gazlowe replaced Wix in this mess, well … that’s just icing on the cake. I love both Sylvanas and Gallywix as CHARACTERS … but as Racial Leaders (or leaders of the Horde Faction) … I’ve always had severe issues with how they operate.
She can(and probably should) go. I just don’t want her dead, especially at Alliance hands. If I had to suffer through having 2 Alliance leaders in my grasp and having them both slip away, then I don’t want the Alliance getting any of my racial leaders 2 raids later.
I know the Night Elves deserve vengeance etc etc, I agree. But at this point, I object to Sylvanas dying on principle since I didn’t get to confirm the kill on Jaina.
Meh … she wont die to the Alliance (at least not more than once, and in no permanent capacity). She’s more likely to betray the hell out of us the Horde before the end here, and bail on her own volition … than allowing herself to fight to the last for some grand vision of a Horde she does not seem to have.
You got terradasil. Now you want Jaina too. Hey bro, why don’t you take all our leaders.
I wasn’t aware that Teldrassil was a racial leader…
Don’t worry. As if Blizzard would dare look past their Horde bias for half a second, and have the Horde actually face justice and realistic consequences for their actions.
By that you mean what? The ONE thing that Blizz didn’t even have the balls to do was kill any character of actual relevance on the Alliance side of the fence. Pretty sure Blademaster Talaamon was your biggest loss. And trust me I would give you BOTH Sylvanas and Gallywix if I could (though, I might hold off on giving you the Banshee until I see if she does what I think she’s going to do and push even Nate to betray her … there IS architecturally a good character under all that Sylvie worship). But taking too many more than that would really cripple our future stories.