Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

How about the Horde hate and love club?

naah you blue ones are not that many to change the name to this Specific name. but nice try. I’m sorry that bfa caused your faction to lose almost 15% of your active playerbase…

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Even Gul’dan and Garrosh managed to delay justice but they never managed to escape it.

Meh, I am used to being Blizzard’s red- I mean blue headed step child.

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i mean, i knew that she wasn’t dying this xpac and that was fine by me, what has me worried is that we don’t have vengeance on the horde during bfa (isn’t this the last faction war?) and what the alliance is going to do about it.

i am fine if some alliance characters wants peace, i am not fine if we are supposed to completely forgot about teldrassil without making them the price of our peace. first that’s it.

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Does that mean Sylvanas can actually kill Jaina?

I mean I know which one can do more damage if either one was to swing into full megalomaniac mode.

Jaina can teleport seemingly anywhere at will and is capable of holding off an entire raid single-handedly. The fact that she hasn’t killed Sylvanas yet proves Jaina is the real villian of BfA.


Alliance players have to remember the Horde have very few hero’s left to lose, so I’m not surprised Blizzard would decide not to kill Sylvanas. She will probably end up being the Joker to our Batman(anduin) where we never actually get to kill anyone because of our “code”.

However Horde players need to recognize that the Alliance never gets any satisfying revenge on the Horde for any of the aggressive acts that blizzard make them participate in.

We never got revenge for Wrathgate because we were teleported away. nor did we destroy or damage any of the undercity.

We never got revenge for Theramore because Garrosh was arrested and got away only to be killed by Thrall. Nor did we damage Orgrimmar at all.

We never got revenge for Tedrassil because we cannot kill Nathanos as the horde has no other champions to replace him.

Every time the Alliance loses something it is shown through phased content and detailed quest chains to demonstrate how much of a loss it was. However everyone of our victories is very hollow as it never has any impact on the world or characters.

Blizzard refuses to write the Alliance as the protagonist because the writers seem to want the Alliance to be as boring as white bread. As i’ve pointed out before this is because they are building Anduin to be leader of Azeroth(to lead us against the Void) so they cannot allow us do anything that would upset Horde players.


Do we have to be Batman? He’s such a lame, ineffective…oh I get it now.


Those arguments will get completely torn to shreds though if she betrays the Horde directly. Like Kael’thas did in the end.

And considering the logistics of the situation and the foreshadowing, that’s pretty likely.


“Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.”

“Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.”

“Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.”

“She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!”

“Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!”

Riddle me this folks? What is the purpose of having Thrall state that Sylvanas (despite all her acts) still has the loyalty of not JUST the Forsaken, but the Horde peoples? What is the purpose of even having Lor’themar state his concern that even his own BEs wont follow his siding with Thrall?

Sylvanas is the Shepherd; The Blind-Sheep the Horde, the Forsaken, and EVEN Nate most likely (considering his illusions her future includes him); the Cliff is this War; and the Crows … well, we still don’t know what Heyla got out of their deal (but Death Entities grow in power in proportion to the souls they have in their dominion; AND can “bless” champion with ushering the souls they are responsible for ending to them). Man … I wonder who’s growing fat on sheep flesh then?


It’s funny Blizzard speaks to Sylvanas supporters like dogs.


To make this rebellion feel more rag-tag and cliquey? Instead of an outright amassing of Horde forces against Garrosh, this is more a small band. Could just be a style difference.

MoP was a marshalling of forces and an isolation of the Warchief. This is a different tale. Especially since Sylvanas was placed on the throne by forces she is unaware of for reasons she has no idea about.

You seem certain. I do not know if this is your objective opinion or if it is wishful thinking.

I am not so certain of any of the outcomes for BfA.

But I know Alleria compared her fall into the void to a cliff. She is leading people down that same cliff of Void usage. She has said she felt like she died twice. And she has plenty of dark swirlies. She is a contender.


The problem with that is Alleria hasn’t done anything since the Battle for Lordaeron, while Sylvanas is really active and Blizzard hasn’t been exactly subtle about things of late.

More or less convinced now yeah … I was leaning towards it being Sylvie (over Alleria or Azshara) way back in 7.3.5; but everything we’ve seen so far has only pushed me closer to being certain of it.

Even before 8.2 Azshara was a strange choice, because her sheep were never blind to who and what she was (they loved her for it). They could see right where they’re going and still follow her off that cliff. Alleria in contrast … her character arc is too conceptually new for such a reveal; and her “sheep” had alread fallen off that cliff before she really became involved (in fact she rescued them from free fall). Both of them would apply to PARTS of that Ogmot’s page, but ONLY Sylvie currently applies to ALL of it with how things are turning out (as well as it being perfectly in character for her to do such a thing with the proper motives).


Maybe you’re right and it is Sylvanas who lead the blind sheep over a cliff… but if that’s the case then that already happened with our entrance into Nazjatar. Sylvanas apparently had Nathanos load up the ships with as many possible rebels as he could specifcally so she could get rid of them when Azshara sprung her trap.

Now it’s still not 100% certain how Sylvanas knew the trap was coming, if it was info from Lady Ashvane, whispers from the Dagger formerly known as Xal’atath, or if she has just straight up been working for N’zoth from the start and we’re there specifically to free him.

BUT, either way, the Horde and Alliance both have already followed her over that cliff and served whatever purpose we were meant to serve.

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She can read the script thats how she knows everything from legion to now


I think you’re being too literal on the term “cliff”. The cliff is this War in its entirety, the one she led us off of (and the one that the people are described as still having faith in her in even as we die on the “rocks” below).

I mean, if you haven’t noticed, the one thing we STILL do not know about Sylvie is HER actual reasons for wanting this conflict SO desperately; and WHY is was SO important that both Factions (both Horde and Alliance) have no choice in being invested.

You’ll have to pardon my willingness to interpret the Old Gods ramblings literally, it’s just that the whole ‘Diamond King has been made a pawn’ bit turned out to be literal so I think recent events are close enough to what was described that we don’t really need to reach for grand metaphors.


I tend to agree, after the Eternal Palace raid.

In the past, I may have been like Droite in that aspect. Where I sought high minded and convoluted interpretations for these Old God teasers.

But then came The Eternal Palace. Azshara repeats one almost verbatim. “The Diamond King has been made a pawn.”

It made me think… perhaps these Old God teasers are exactly what they are saying.