Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

how is yrel a mary sue?

Mary sue is one of those terms people like throwing around about characters that they do not like.

She comes from nothing; Is immensely naturally gifted; has no perceivable flaws; rises to a position of authority absurdly quickly; inherits the Mark of the Naaru from friggen AU Velen; has been wielding MU Vindecator Maraad’s War Mace (who dies to save her) … all within like a couple of months? Yeah, the only way this character could be MORE of Mary Sue is if she’s the Chosen One who also happened to have a secret amazing lineage she doesn’t know about (and considering she is an orphan … even THAT’S still possible).

Bluntly, the first interesting thing about her character is her Going Light Zealot.


To be fair, she fits the technical definition because she achieves her power and position of prominence seemingly out of nowhere.

But again, to be fair, it’s only “out of nowhere” because they gutted most of the middle of WoD (including the Shattrath raid, and much of Yrel’s story). So there was at least the intent to give her a full character arc.


is that any different from wow characters.
A lot of wow characters have no perceivable flaws. The rise to the position was due to them giving up on the expansion relatively fast. Velen knew her. He gave it to her, because, he was about to cleanse a dark naaru.
Maraad dies to redeem himself. He has lived with the guilt of not choosing others instead of vengeance.


And yet it doesn’t change the fact that due to the center of her story being gutted it essentially a came from nothing character; gifted with immense power; doted on by TWO of the MOST iconic draenei characters in this game (even if it only was AU Velen); and she’s put in a position to carry on their wills (signified by Velen’s mark and Maraad’s Warmace). Even if it IS only due to her storyline getting cut, it still renders her the literal definition of a Mary Sue trope.

Like … consider this. Its AU Blackhand vs AU Doomhammer, MU Maraad, and Yrel on a boat … who do you think survives that fight? Two friggen LEGENDS of this franchise (even if one is an AU variant), who have decades (or thousands of years in Maraad’s case) of experience and power under their belts … or the girl that as she was portrayed had been actively fighting for like 5 months tops? Well, Yrel of course … she’s got to show-up friggen Blackhand (while both legends whif).


Didn’t you hear? The Night Elves already got their Revenge in Darkshore!


It literally isn’t.
Its pretty much every hero story ever.

I thought it was AU Durotan.
And for any objective viewer she barely survived that fight even though it was 2v1 and Maraad totally saved her.

Oh right … sorry, Doomhammer gets instakilled right away, and Durotan gets the only cinematic he’s allowed to really be relevant in.


So, I guess the Horde’s tale really is one of tragedy after all.

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calm yourself ethel, guldan didnt die in wod, and garrosh didnt die in mop. and both were major villians in their respective expansions.

and listen to his words

you think we would kill sylvanas that quickly? no

that doesnt say she wont ever die, that just says she wont die quickly. of course this is assuming he is telling the truth and isn’t lying to us as they have done in the past like with “oh there will be some big mystery on who burns teldrassil” and “the reason anduin invades lordaeron is for the wrong reasons of trying to prove himself”


Wait you seriously thought there was a ghost of a chance that Sylvanas was going to die? Blizzard’s #1 waifu? That same Sylvanas that attracts attention regardles that it is positive or negative, and attention can lead to $. The only character that is written to make those “WOW, WHOA!” moments which WoW is based on now. The person with the biggest cult fandom that will do anything for, even die for. That same devoted cult fandom that probably outnumbers any other fandom in WoW combined, that Sylvanas?

As much as I would love her dead, I can’t fool myself. She is beyond immortal, Blizzard couldn’t kill her off even if they wanted to. More than likely one of two things will happen. She is no longer part of the Horde. That or she fully takes over the Horde, and the honorable part that is us Hordies make our own faction, or join the Alliance. Both result end in the same, Sylvanas will probably ascend into some sort of death god to never ever die. She already will never ever die anyway, so not much would change.


Teldrassil is a people, not a place.


“Sylvanas’ destiny is to be found out and discussed by the player base, but it would be dismissive to think she’ll just go down as another raid boss, because she’s a little bit more than that.”

“She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well,”

WoW Creative Director


like what Pheandra said, this is a literally every hero in wow. Gifted with great power: Illidan, malfurion, tyrande, thrall, velen. Medivh. I can go on.
Thrall is doted on by grom and orgrim.
He is given doomhammer after the death of Orgrim along with his armor.
He is the first orc shaman in his entire generation.
Both of them die. Thrall becomes warchief not long after orgrim dies.

Jaina is trained by Antiondus, gets doted on by others. Has a cool powerful weapon gifted to her. She now carries out her fathers role as lord admiral.

Talanji is gifted loa priestess. Is passed her fathers loa blessing/bargin. Placed in a position to continue on.

The only sin was that Yrel story was crammed into base expansion, when it was clear that her story was meant to play out over the patches. Maraad originally was meant to be in spires.


Garrosh wasn’t killed in MOP either. He was a trash sidequest boss of WOD.

They could kill her 5 seconds into the next expansion “Warlords of Light Zombies”.

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This is my favorite bad meme. The factions in Legion mattered only at the prologue and Stormheim. If you have a problem working with Alliance characters in Valsharah and characters who would eventually become Alliance characters again on Argus, then that’s probably how Alliance players who don’t play both sides felt having to deal with WoD, Mists and Cata.

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I really understand ppl who hate sylvanas and her ‘‘cult’’ I myself consider myself inside this cult, but ppl here take it out of hand, she is a questionable character for sure, she do what others don’t, she surpass Illidan, kael’thas, vashj, Tyrande, Malfurion, Thrall, Azshara, Jaina and rivals Arthas as most popular individual in this game.
She is loved and hated, but you guys forget that the ppl who put her in this position are the same ppl that put the alliance in this pathetic situation and you guys are mean ( like teenagers girls) to one another because of her, actually the alliance and ‘‘muh honor horde’’ players are like 30% of the reasons why the sylvanas cult are so strong even when she is doing terrible things, you guys don’t seem to stop talking about her. and i’m not talking about bf,a since cata she is the reason this forum ‘‘exist’’ cuz we can fluctuate around other themes but 70% of the threads are about her…

let us rename this forum to ‘’ sylvanas’ love and Hate club’’


You think I am limited to just hating Sylvanas?


ok ok
Sylvanas’ love and Hate club, with a few other ppl to hate’’


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