Greener grass problem. I feel like I’d hate the game substantially less if I was playing alliance this expansion, but I think the real problem is the writers admittedly wanting to do MoP’s storyline “right” this time. So the things people hated on both sides were doubled down on.
You guys got Trisfal and then just abandoned it. Not my fault your leadership is incompetent. Maybe get rid of the church boy as your military commander and you can learn how to occupy an area .
Hey, you can have it back if you want. Also screw Cata … if you genuinely believe that the Horde actually DELIBERATELY attacking the NEs (now armed to the teeth with Goblin Tech) and making it just that much further into Ashenvale infringed on Alliance Faction Identity … ? Though I will give you the Forsaken in EK … its always convenient that Leaders of BOTH sides that should have had issues with what they were doing looked the other way at just the right times.
Beyond that … you want it back, take it? I will not lie that I love EVERY SINGLE race on the Horde (I have problems with a few of the leaders, but only because I feel they’re personal narratives are so oppressive they stifle variety in their own Racial Stories) … but I do love them. I think the BEs (after seeing them slowly develop) were a GREAT addition, and I can’t imagine a Horde without Lor’themar’s sass. What I do want is a chance at stability … and thematic healing.
If the Alliance wants the infighting … they can have it. Give the Horde some time to figure out what the hell it even is at this point, and get some small scale development while the Alliance gets some political turmoil and intrigue.
They kind of abandoned it since your faction leader decided to blight it to kingdom come.

Maybe get rid of the church boy as your military commander and you can learn how to occupy an area
Can’t do that because he is suppose to redeem your faction again.
The Dreanei were front and center for both WoD and Legion. The NEs got 3 Zones; 6 Dungeons; and 2 Raids at least generally associated with their extended lore during that expansion. “Human Potential” is a meme, but its only really become relevant in BfA … not really in prior 2 expansions (unless you count the LONE token character Kadghar, and honestly in ANY story involving Sargaras he should be involved). The Dwarves, Gnomes, and Worgen remain … regularly neglected.
Also … the Horde remained strongly entwined with the WC3 ideals all the way through WotLK. It wasn’t until Cata (where Blizz decided that the Faction Conflict NEEDED to start coming to the forefront) that they decided to start chiseling away at it (literally in the case of the damage some of its core races have taken). Hell, they were so desperate to set up that rise in tensions … they forgot to actually make the Forsaken relevant against the FRIGGEN LICH KING; in favor of building up Garrosh instead (because the Horde NEEDED a feral warmonger with anger issues as leader)

The Dreanei were front and center for both WoD and Legion.
Only last patch of Legion and in WoD outside of Shadowmoon it was just a never ending Orc attack or defend quests.

The NEs got 3 Zones; 6 Dungeons; and 2 Raids
You mean Suramar the NE race that was given to the Horde so they can steal the one thing Night Elves had going for them? Their past lore?
Just look at Nazjatar. It’s all about Thalyssra and Suramar.
And we even got a retcon as to why they needed to seal up Suramar lol.

the Horde remained strongly entwined with the WC3 ideals all the way through WotLK.
I am sure enslaving the Naruu and Wrathgate were the WC3 ideals at full display.

they forgot to actually make the Forsaken relevant against the FRIGGEN LICH KING
You mean Sylvanas and her newly acquired Valkyr?

they forgot to actually make the Forsaken relevant against the FRIGGEN LICH KING

Can’t do that because he is suppose to redeem your faction again.
Perfect. That will give me time to finish my plans for the Flooding of Irongforge. They’ll be ready to present to Warchief Thalyssra in about 2/3 expansions when it’s time for the Horde to act up again.

If the Alliance wants the infighting … they can have it.
I’d gladly take it. It still baffles me why the writers would switch the thematic storylines, without realizing why many people played said factions.
From my own experience, many people who play Horde play it for the Horde. Like you, they love all (or most) races and aspects of it. Whereas, again, just from my experience, many of the people who play Alliance are more tribal, and divided, and play its races. They have a favorite race or two, but no overwhelming attachment to the Alliance, beyond it just being where their favorite race ended up. Horde players liked their family of misfits narrative from WCIII. And Alliance players went in knowing that the Alliance is mostly held together by external threats, and a few shared abstract concepts. That it didn’t even manage to hold together when it was just Humans, and now they have to try and accomodate Night Elves and Draenei (among others), whose thought processes, even their very concept of time (due to their lifespans), are wholly alien to Humanity.
And yes, I know as both anecdotal and a generalization, there are exceptions. There’s certain tribalistic aspects to the Horde playerbase in their “WCIII-only” and “Elf-only” subfactions. Just as there are plenty of Zerdes on the Alliance-side who will accept any amount of homogenization, as long as it has a sufficient coat of blue paint.
For goodness sake … it makes perfect sense that the Shal’dorei would start building in roads with the Sin’dorei. The Sin’dorei LITERALLY built their entire civilization in reverence to the Ancient Kaldorei Empire; which the Shal’dorei are a living relic of. On top of this, shared interests and cultural norms do go a LONG way to making positive relations (and 10k year old grudges and contempt for a specific way of life the NBs happened to be living … not so much it turns out). The only people who thought otherwise were clearly not paying attention to the dialogue and intent of both sides in the Surumar campaign.
Also … I would hardly classify retroactive content … as Legion content. It did nothing about the over two years of us just not being relevant to what was going on (outside of Sylvie doing chores in Stormheim, which had NOTHING to do with the Legion).

Also … I would hardly classify retroactive content … as content.
And yet its content. Just as WoD, MoP, Cata is content.
Just as my forced rescue of Baine and teaming up with the Horde is content or having to listen to Thalyssra about the wonders of Zin’Ashari rather than someone more relevant.
But we can’t do that because Blizzard decided to give Horde the NE content from now on.
Stop your crying. You have it way better than the blue team, anything more it would be blatant favouritism.
And I had to spend an entire zone working for the NEs and their problems, and rescuing Tyrande’s husband … so what’s your point? Hell, she went from begrudgingly thanking me for my help in that zone … to spitting on my very existence in Surumar REAL quick. Pretty sure I also worked more for Vareesa “Purge the Horde” Windrunner on Argus than my only two reps on that world.
Bluntly … neither side has it good; but pretending the Horde has it better when you’re biggest grievance actually seems to be “Why can’t MY faction wipe out your ENTIRE faction” … it seems staunchly petty. My expectations for my Faction do not extend to the entire destruction of yours (nor would I feel slighted if I dont get that). My vain hopes exclusively revolve around my Red Team MAYBE getting a decent enough roster setup as leaders for the AFTER BfA (little else).

My expectations for my Faction do not extent to the entire destruction of yours (nor would I feel slighted if I dont get that)
No but you enjoy the never ending brutalization of it.

Bluntly … neither side has it good; but pretending the Horde has it better when you’re biggest grievance actually seems to be
Ah yes. Both sides have it bad. lmao.

Pretty sure I also worked more for Vareesa “Purge the Horde” Windrunner on Argus than my only two reps on that world.
Oh good lord you had to follow another Alliance character turned neutral?
How awful.
Something tells me if you can’t even admit that both sides have it bad, you’re so mired in bias that there is no discussions to be made here. Your stance is liable to begin and end at “The Horde Faction is allowed to continue to exist and therefore its Horde Bias”.
Also, not all of us enjoy playing the same type of Black and White Power Fantasy you clearly do. I mean, personally, I find NO other race more dry and boring than the literal embodiment of purity that IS the Draenei Race. They’re just so naturally gifted, so AMAZING (the best at Arcane, Light, AND Tech), and live for eternity … that I find no joy in it. Its all the flash of Superman without ANY of the substance of Clark Kent … and it really is not for me (just as the Horde is clearly not for you).
And as a side note … there is probably no person on this sub that loaths the Faction Conflict more than me; I truly despise it in every single imaginable way … and truly believe that those that believe that it could be “good” with different writers are diluting themselves. Don’t make assumptions about me “enjoying” beating up the Blue Team.
To be fair, moral superiority doesn’t bring back the lost land and dead people, and ultimately enables the Horde (Blizzard) to run the same story again.

Something tells me if you can’t even admit that both sides have it bad,
There are different types of bad.
There are bads like “Hey who is replacing Voljin? I sure miss that guy”
Wheras you got bads like “Oh look another Horde soul-searching at the expense of my experience and content. Lovely. I will sure enjoy teaming up and helping them again!”

Your stance is liable to begin and end at “ The Horde Faction is allowed to continue to exist and therefore its Horde Bias ”.
Funny can you quote where I said that?
I seem to recall I said that will never happen but you have nothing besides strawmen to make me a boogeyman.

Personally, this make me angry because that means screw the alliance,the nelfs and their revenge !
As long as Saurfang dies i really dont care. Being mad at Sylv is akin to being mad at fire for burning stuff.
Saurfang, on the other hand, should have known better than to rush headfirst into a global conflict and pointing wmds and civilian centers- even if it was all somehow “honorable”.

So she’s a Gul’dan and not a Garrosh.
Damn, and here i was holding my breath for a high kings of Azeroth time travel expac. With Sylvanas forming an Saronite Alliance and at the end somehow Arthas joins our side for reasons.

I love how unlimited moral superiority is a “screw you!” in your mind.
Look man, i get grass isnt green on the red side either- but paying a monthly fee to be able to tell a few randos on the internet that dont know me nor will particularly care about my opinions, that they have **** taste and suck isnt really worth the 15$
You’ve actively stated many times that you believe the Horde is purely evil and should be destroyed. You’ve stated many times that you find everything wrong with the writing of this game being “Horde Expansions” and “Horde Writing” and cannot wait till we return to being permanently irrelevant like in Legion again. Hell, I’ve even seen you make the implication that Horde players should just be satisfied with the Mechanical Elements of the game (and be satisfied taking a constant backseat on the story from now on). You deliberately twist every single thing having to do with the Horde into something negative; and even go to extent of absolving anything that might be questionable from the Alliance (or even the Lightbound).
So … something tells me I’m not far off the mark with my assumption. The Horde EXISTING seems to REALLY get under your skin.
I spent about 135k just to say sometimes it’s best just not to engage.

You’ve actively stated many times that you believe the Horde is purely evil and should be destroyed.
Oh they should.
But not on a gameplay level.
Character motivation and aspirations are different than actually achieving them.
Jaina reacting with nothing but hate and contempt for Baine? MORE PLEASE!

You’ve stated many times that you find everything wrong with the writing of this game being “Horde Expansions” and “Horde Writing” and cannot wait till we return to being permanently irrelevant like in Legion again.
Oh absolutely because Blizzard sucks so instead of being handicapped to pander to the Horde for the 18th time how about we move on from the Horde and explore other characters and storylines.

Hell, I’ve even seen you make the implication that Horde players should just be satisfied with the Mechanical Elements of the game (and be satisfied taking a constant backseat on the story from now on).
See above.

You deliberately twist every single thing having to do with the Horde into something negative;
I don’t need to twist it. It just is.
I have never seen anything positive from the Horde.

and even go to extent of absolving anything that might be questionable from the Alliance (or even the Lightbound).
Are you going to sit there and justify the Iron Horde or the first Horde? I though you didn’t like faction conflict stuff.

So … something tells me I’m not far off the mark with my assumption. The Horde EXISTING seems to REALLY get under your skin.
Horde existing in its current state is nothing but a borefest and a never ending trope of ‘finding itself’. But the Horde playable faction is here to stay.
I just object to this ridiculous idea that they are these misfit heroes.